Title: E-Services in PolyU
1E-Services in PolyU
- Kent Leung, ITS
- e-mail itkent_at_polyu.edu.hk
- 25 February 1999
- http//www.polyu.edu.hk/its/Ecommerce.html
2Trend of Electronic Commerce
- e-ticket
- International conference registration
- Tourist services
- Internet banking
- Cybermall and Internet shopping
3Importance of Electronic Commerce
- By 2002, the Internet will be prime vehicle for
70 percent of inter-enterprise data and logic
access and 60 percent of intraenterprise logic
and data access. - - Gartner Group
4Growth of Internet Business
- While 8 billion worth of business was
transacted on the Internet in 1997, that figure
will grow to 333 billion by 2002. - - International Data Corp.s eCommerce Forum
5Status in Hong Kong
- Policy Address in 1997
- Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau
(ITBB) was established in April 1998 - Information Technology for Learning in a New Era,
Five-Year Strategy 1998/99 to 2002/03 - Nov 1998, Education and Manpower Bureau
- Digital 21 HKSAR Information Technology
Strategy - Nov 1998, Information Technology and Broadcasting
6Digital 21
- Major Initiatives
- High Capacity Communications Systems
- Electronic Service Delivery Infrastructure
- Common Software Interface for Secure Electronic
Transactions - Public Key Infrastructure
- People Who Know How To Use IT
- IT in Education
- A Cultural Environment that Stimulates Creativity
and Welcomes Advances in Use of IT
- 1995 CWIS on Web
- 1997 Intranet - grouping by LDAP
- 1998 Intranet - distribute personal data -
link with database - 1999 Web with SET for payment Authenticate
by Digital Certificate
8E-Services Classification
- Open information for internal and public
- World Wide Web (WWW)
- e.g. Information on entry requirement, The
University - Restricted information for specific group with
authentication - Intranet on Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- Encrypted during transmission
- e.g. leave balance, examination result enquiry,
regular reports and minutes
9E-Services Classification (2)
- Secure information
- Digital Certificate
- Strong authentication
- e.g. secure e-mail, change of personal
information - Secure Information with Monetary transaction
- Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
- Real monetary transaction via bank
- e.g. receive purchase order and money, seminar
registration with credit card payment
10Digital Certificates
- Bind a public key to an identity
- Certificate contents
- Name of Subscriber
- Subscribers public key
- Digital signature of issuing CA
- Issuing CAs public key
- Stored in an on-line repository
11Benefits of Digital Certificate
- High level of security
- Authenticity of Sender
- Message Integrity
12Root CA in Hong Kong
- The infrastructure will begin with the setting
up a root Certification Authority which will be
the defining source of all other Certification
Authorities in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Post has
agreed in principle to set up such a root
Certification Authority and is planning for its
establishment in 1999. - Digital 21, Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region Information Technology Strategy
13PolyU Digital Certificate
- Use for Authentication
- An electronic PolyU ID
- Technically implemented by ITS
- PO will be the issuer for staff
- Major Components
- Certificate Authority (CA)
- Public and Private Key
- Issuer and the issue process
14Restriction of PolyU Digital Certificate
- Security level limited by export license
- No other CA recognize PolyUs digital certificate
15Application of Digital Certificate
- Benefit Claims using by FO
16Future Development of Digital Certificate
- Access to personal data more secure
- Change of personal data
- Link up with Post Office after 2000-2001
- Secure e-mail
- Issue to students
- Student subject selection
17Secure Message
18Apply for a Digital Certificate
- 1. Apply through PolyU Intranet
- 2. Sign the form and submit to Head of
Department for verification - 3. PO issues Digital Certificate
- 4. User install Digital Certificate
19 Apply Digital Certificate
20Install Digital Certificate
21Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
- Special design for Internet by VISA
- PolyU works as a merchant of BOCI
- A digital certificate from VISA via BOCI
- Online transactions with real money
- AS will use it to receive application fee on the
22Potential Applications in PolyU
- Purchase on Internet
- Souvenir, material, notes
- Distance Learning
- Course/Seminar payment
- Others
- Purchase order directly to supplier
- Direct enquiry into bank account
- Share information with other research partners or
industrial - Access to Government database and information
- Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) Reference
Page - http//www.polyu.edu.hk/its/SET.htm
- Digital Certificate User Guide
- https//www2.polyu.edu.hk/PolyU/uss/certificate/gu
ide.htm - Digital Certificate Quick Reference Card
- https//www2.polyu.edu.hk/PolyU/uss/certificate/qk
25Thank You