Title: Evaluating the Common Agricultural Policy
1Evaluating the Common Agricultural Policy
Christiane Canenbley AGRI G.4 - Evaluation
of Measures applicable to Agriculture Studies
2What is Evaluation?
3Scope of Evaluation
4Main Evaluation Criteria
- Effectiveness
- The extent to which objectives pursued by an
intervention are achieved - Efficiency
- Best relationship between resources employed and
results achieved in pursuing a given objective
through an intervention - Relevance
- The extent to which an interventions objectives
are pertinent to needs, problems and issues
5What are the formal requirements?
6General Legal Obligations for Evaluation
- Financial Regulation (EC) 1605/2002, Article 27.4
- In order to improve decision-making,
institutions shall undertake both ex ante and ex
post evaluations in line with guidance provided
by the Commission. Such evaluations shall be
applied to all programmes and activities which
entail significant spending and evaluations
results disseminated to spending, legislative and
budgetary authorities - Implementing Rules, Commission Regulation
2342/2002, Article 21(2)b - Activities financed on an annual basis shall have
their results evaluated at least every six years
7Evaluation Standards andGood PracticesSEC(2002)
- Profile, role, tasks and resources of the
evaluation function - Establishment of evaluation functions to support
policy formulation - Appropriate resources
- Management of evaluation activities
- Multiannual evaluation programme and an annual
evaluation plan - Appropriate internal feedback mechanisms,
reporting and publication - Evaluation Process
- Specification of scope, key questions,
information sources and timing - Independency of evaluators
- Quality of reports
- Good practice of evaluation
- Conclusions and recommendations based on findings
8Legal Obligation for Evaluating Rural Development
- Rural Development Regulation (EC) 1698/2005
- Art. 84.1 Rural development programmes shall
be subject to ex ante, mid-term and ex-post
evaluation - Art. 86.1 Member States shall establish a
system of ongoing evaluation for each rural
development programme - Art. 86.4 A summary of mid-term evaluation
reports shall be undertaken on the initiative of
the Commission - Art. 87.1 A summary of ex-post evaluations
shall be made, under the responsibility of the
Commission, in cooperation with Member States and
the Managing Authority
9Steps of Evaluation
Period 1
Policy Application
Mid-term Evaluation
Ex-ante Evaluation
Ex-post Evaluation
Programming Period 2
Policy Application
Mid-term Evaluation
Ex-ante Evaluation
10How do we do Evaluation?
11Evaluation Tasks
- Structuring
- Establish intervention logic
- Describe measures and create typology
- Define key terms of evaluation questions and
indicators - Observing
- Identify information sources and scope of case
studies - Create information tools (questionnaires, data
bases etc.) - Collect information
- Analysing
- Carry out quantitative and qualitative assessment
- Answer all evaluation questions
- Judging
- Draft conclusions and recommendations
12The Intervention Logic
Hierarchy of Effects
Hierarchy of Objectives
Overall objectives
Specific objectives
Operational objectives
13Standard-Model of an Intervention Logic
14Indicators reflecting the Intervention Logic an
15Evaluating impact on the environment
16Environmental Integration Requirement of the
- Treaty of Amsterdam
- Article 3c
- Environmental protection requirements must be
integrated into the definition and implementation
of the Community policies and activities referred
to in Article 3, in particular with a view to
promoting sustainable development. -
17Evaluating impacts on the environment
- Applicable for all CAP measures not only the ones
with an environmental objective - Distinguish between effects and impacts of the
sector and the policy - Evaluate the impact of a certain policy on
behaviour and management practices of farmers - Identify the impact on the environment based on
the changed farming practices
18Methodological Challenges
- Difficulty to establish a clear intervention
logic for environmental impacts - Difficulties regarding the data as
- Impacts are often depending on site-specific
circumstances (soil, temperature, rainfall etc.) - Impacts might take long time to emerge
- Impacts might be depending on other intervening
factors (national/ regional policies,
implementation mechanism etc.) - Data collection is complex and time consuming
19Evaluations undertaken or ongoing
- Related to the environment
- Agri-environment measures
- Cross Compliance
- Environmental impact of the CMOs for arable crops
- Environmental impact of the CMOs for beef and
milk - Environmental impact of the milk quota system
- Environmental impact of the CMO for cotton
20Achievements of Evaluation
- Assessment of quality, efficiency, and
effectiveness of measures - Identification and appraisal of needs for change
- Assessment of strategic orientation for policies
and programmes - Better focus of programming on needs
- Compliance with legal requirements to evaluate
- Accountancy of public money