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NSF Registration Audit: SHSD Industrial Hygiene procedure was not tracking Noise ... Industrial Hygiene Personnel Exposure Monitoring. Safety Engineering and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Institutional-Level
  • OSH Management Review
  • OHSAS 18001
  • Safety and Health Management System
  • December 19, 2006

Purpose of Meeting
  • Top management shall evaluate OSH Program for
  • Suitability- Does it fit BNL operations
  • Adequacy-
  • Does it meet requirements?
  • Is it implemented appropriately?
  • Effectiveness- Is it achieving the OSH Policy and
  • Identify possible need for changes to the Policy,
    Objectives, and/or other program elements, based
    on a review of key system components including
  • Audits and assessments
  • Changing Circumstances
  • Commitment to Continual Improvement
  • Output Minutes of this meeting, record of
    managements decisions

Program Inter-Relationships
DOE Mandated Voluntary improvement
1. Discuss Suitability of the current OHS policy
  • Feedback from line organizations Management
    Reviews in 2005 indicated a change was needed
  • Team revised the Policy
  • Line Organizations reviewed the changes
  • BNL adopted the Policy
  • Distributed to line organizations

See Policy and Handout pages 6 - 7
  • Issues
  • 1a. Communication of the new Policy may be less
    than adequate across the site
  • Phase 3 workers did very well in their knowledge
    on their registration audit.
  • 1b. Replacement of postings of the old Policy
    with the new revision has not been verified

1. Discuss Suitability of the current OHS policy
1c. Does the new revised POLICY meet or improve
on these OHSAS 18001 requirements ?
  • OHSAS 18001 Element 4.2 requires that the Policy
  • Be appropriate to the nature and scale of the
    organizations OSH risks
  • Include a commitment to continual improvement
  • Include a commitment to at least comply with
    current applicable OSH legislation and with other
    requirements to which the organization
  • Be documented, implemented, and maintained
  • Be communicated to all employees with the intent
    that employees are made aware of their individual
    OSH obligations
  • Be available to interested parties and
  • Be reviewed periodically to ensure that it
    remains relevant and appropriate to the

2. Discuss The adequacy of current hazard
identification, risk assessment, and risk control
  • Risk Assessment
  • Job Risk Assessments
  • Facility Risk Assessments
  • ISM Initiatives

See Handout pages 8 - 13
  • ISSUE (from line organization Management Reviews)
  • 2a. Some organizations want the site level JRAs
    to be maintained only at the site level (i.e.
    consolidate line organization versions)
  • 2b. Create a sitewide Natural Hazards FRA
  • 2c. Fire System Inspection Test and Maintenance
    Life safety (egress) features of older facilities

3. Discuss Recorded instances of procedures not
being effective
  • Requirements Management
  • NSF Registration Audit SHSD Industrial Hygiene
    procedure was not tracking Noise Hearing
    Conservation legal requirements.
  • Internal audit- Safety Engineering- legal
    requirement management process not being
    conducted or documented.
  • Arc Flash incident

See Handout pages 14 - 15
Issues 3a. Record of Decisions are not uniformly
documented for all OSH disciplines. (Legacy,
resource limited) 3b. Safety Engineering and
Industrial Hygiene requirements management
procedures in-place but lack resources for timely
review of regulations consensus standards (160
) for impact on OSH program.
4. Discuss Adequacy of resources (financial,
personnel, material)
  • Issues that require continued focus/emphasis
  • Industrial Hygiene Personnel Exposure Monitoring
  • Safety Engineering and Industrial Hygiene Program
  • ESH support in small organizations, CFN, NSLS II
  • Nationally Recognized Testing Lab Authority
    Having Jurisdiction
  • Fire Protection
  • Emergency Management
  • Emergency Response

See Handout pages 16 - 23
  • Issue
  • 4a. Support for Safety Engineering and Industrial
    Hygiene areas is under weighted compared to other
    ESHQ programs
  • 75 Programs covered by 11.5 SME (6/1 ratio)

4. Discuss Adequacy of resources (financial,
personnel, material)
  • Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory Approval
    (NRTL) of Electrical Equipment
  • Applies to equipment built, acquired, or brought
    onto the BNL site and connected to a source of
    electrical power.
  • Electrical equipment is inspected to ensure it is
    free from reasonably foreseeable risks due to
    electrical hazards.
  • Electrical Equipment Inspections (EEI) determines
    that equipment has/is
  • Enclosed energized parts,
  • Bonded and grounded,
  • Afforded adequate over-current protection.
  • Can not cause a shock, burn or fire if used

See Handout pages 22- 23
Issue 4b. 40,000 pieces of equipment need
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) approval
5. Discuss The effectiveness of the hazard
reporting process
  • BNL mechanisms for hazard reporting
  • Tier I Process
  • Events/Issues Management
  • New process developed, implemented and assessed
    in 2006
  • Safety reporting hotline
  • S2 program
  • OMC Clinic
  • DOE Hotline
  • RAR

See Handout pages 24 - 30
No Issues
6. Discuss The effectiveness of the OHS
inspection process (i.e. Tier 1, Safety
Observations, etc.)
See Handout pages 31- 32
  • Issues
  • 6a. BNL needs more OSH SME field deployed
    (Feedback from ESH Coordinators).
  • 6b. ESH Coordinators need additional OSH training
    (Feedback from ESH Coordinators).
  • 6c. Fire Hazard Assessments 56 facilities 3
    complete 15 in-progress need Funding commitment
    to complete.
  • 6d. Long periods of Open items submitted to the
    Traffic Safety Committee.

7. Discuss Data relating to accidents and
incidents that have occurred and the output of
  • Radiological Awareness Reports
  • IH monitoring for noise, silica, chemicals,
    non-ionizing radiation, etc.
  • ORPS
  • Accident/ Injury/ Incident Data

See Handout pages 33 - 50
Issue 7a. Industrial Hygiene employee exposure
surveys not completed for all operations.
Sampling in FY06 indicates BNL may still have
some un-discovered exposure operations. The
probable areas are not in laboratories, but in
maintenance, construction, and non-lab research
7. Discuss Data relating to accidents and
incidents that have occurred and the output of
See Handout page 47
  • Issue
  • 7b. FY07 DART and TRCR goals are very
  • DART Goal equals 6 cases,
  • TRCR goals equals 16 cases in a year.
  • YTD performance is
  • DART 1 case
  • TRCR 5 cases

Internal OSH Assessment
8. Discuss Results of internal and external OHS
management system audits
  • OHSAS 18001 Internal Audits were conducted for
    Phase 1, 2 and 3 organizations at the
    organization level.
  • Issues were reported in organizations Management
  • No Lab-wide issues are currently open from
    Internal Audits.
  • Improvement Phase 1 and 2 reports were combined
    this year into a site report. Next year all
    Phases will be combined into one Audit report.

See Handout pages 51 - 56
No issues. All site issues addressed in
Corrective Action Plans and FY07 OSH objectives.
8. Discuss Results of internal and external OHS
management system audits
  • OSH External Audit
  • June 2006 Combined ISO 14001-OHSAS 18001
    Surveillance Audit
  • 0 Major nonconformances
  • 0 Minor nonconformances
  • 1 Opportunity for Improvement DOCUMENT CONTROL
  • Nov 2006 Phase 3 ORR
  • 0 Major nonconformances
  • 0 Minor nonconformances
  • 3 Opportunities for Improvement
  • Nov 2006 Phase 3 Registration Audit
  • 0 Major nonconformances
  • 3 Minor nonconformances
  • 3 Opportunities for Improvement Document
    Controls, Risk Assessments procedures

Site Level Issues are addressed in Corrective
Action Plans
9. Discuss The state of preparedness for
Emergency Management/ Planning
See Handout pages 57 - 59
  • Issues
  • 9a. Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is
    comparably understaffed to complete the
    requirements and meet compliance
  • 9b. Organizational drills (not conducted by OEM)
    are either not occurring or are not being
  • 9c. CMS does not have all elements needed for
    Emergency Management purposes

9. Discuss The state of preparedness for
Fire Department
See Handout pages 57 - 59
  • Issues
  • 9d. Fire Department staffing for fire response,
    hazardous materials, technical rescue, confined
    space rescue mutual aid does not meet NFPA 1710
  • 9e. Emergency Medical Services DOE requires EMS
    to be on par with community.
  • 9f. Fire Department equipment replacement.
  • 9g. Site Fire Protection Needs Water supply
    system Fire alarm panels Heat Detectors
    Sprinkler head recall replacement Site Fire
    Alarm System

- CAD has expanded JRAs with more worker input-
Safety Observation Program- Safety Recognition
Program (S3)
10. Discuss Improvements to the OHS management
system (e.g. new initiatives to be introduced or
expansions of existing initiatives)
See Handout pages 60 - 64
OSH program Issues brought up from line
organizations OSH management reviews
10. Discuss Improvements to the OHS management
system (e.g. new initiatives to be introduced or
expansions of existing initiatives)
See Handout pages 60 - 64
11. Discuss Effects of foreseeable changes to
legislation or technology
  • 10 CFR 851 brings in new enforcement action to
    legal requirements in 2007
  • Nanomaterials
  • Employee Exposure Monitoring
  • Engineering Controls

See Handout pages 65 - 71
Issues 11a. 10CFR851 Policy Council may need to
authorize funding for gaps in the Institutional
Corrective Action Plan 11b. 10CFR851 Dept.
Chair/Div. managers need to assure that a robust
line organizations Corrective Action Plan is
implemented to address gaps in their
department/division programs.
12. Setting or updating of OHS objectives for
continual improvement in the forthcoming period
Status on FY06 Objectives, See Handout Pages 72-
  • Continually improve the OSH management system.
    Expand registration to Phase 2 3 organizations
    and maintain OHSAS 18001 registration in Phase 1
  • Close OSHA Inspection Findings and expand
    corrective action to un-cited deficiencies on
    OSHA Inspection Findings (Extent of Conditions)
  • Improve Accident/Injury rate performance
  • Design Mechanisms to encourage Zero Traffic
  • Expand participation in the BNL Safety Solutions
    (S2) Program. Complete projects, Seek
    alternative funding to support and implement the

12. Setting or updating of OHS objectives for
continual improvement in the forthcoming period
Status on FY06 Objectives, See Handout Pages 72-
  • Improve the implementation of in the Mechanical
    Material Handling site program
  • Compliance- 10CFR850 and 10CFR851
  • Conduct Gap Analysis and Self Assessments
  • Implement the Corrective Action Plan to eliminate
    gaps identified in the BHSO Assessment of
    Industrial Hygiene Monitoring
  • Schedule and conduct regulatory OSH compliance
    assessments to evaluate compliance to applicable
    regulations on a three-year cycle

12. Setting or updating of OHS objectives for
continual improvement in the forthcoming period
Status on FY06 Objectives, See Handout Pages 72-
  • Develop and implement an Authority Having
    Jurisdiction (AHJ) program to approve equipment
    that does not have Nationally Recognized Testing
    Laboratory certification (NRTL)
  • Develop and implement a program to conduct Arc
    Flash Calculations to conform to NFPA 70E
  • Open the Laboratory to the public for safety
    related special emphasis programs such as Summer
    Sunday exhibits
  • Develop a Safe Employee Recognition and Award
    program (S3)

12. Setting or updating of OHS objectives for
continual improvement in the forthcoming period
Setting FY07 Objectives, See Handout Pages 77- 79
  • Issue
  • 12a. Line organizations need to re-focus
    attention on the content of FY07 objectives.
  • Better defined measurable targets
  • (Assigning owner and date was not an issue)
  • (Based on NSF Phase 3 Registration Audit)

12. Setting or updating of OHS objectives for
continual improvement in the forthcoming period
  • Integrate multiple BNL Management Systems related
    to OSH into more streamlined management systems)
    that are based on the principles and core
    functions of DOEs ISM and OHSAS.
  • Complete the site level OHSAS 18001 registration
    and continually improve the OSH management system
    in registered organizations.
  • Expand corrective action to un-cited deficiencies
    similar (i.e. like-instances) to the cited OSHA
    Inspection Findings (i.e. conduct an
    extent-of-condition review).
  • Improve ladder and industrial stair safety by
    communicating key requirements for fixed stairs
    and ladders to Building Managers and key staff
    involved in Tier 1 inspections.
  • Improve Accident/Injury injury rate performance
    DART 0.25 TRCR 0.65
  • Design mechanisms to encourage Zero Traffic
  • Expand participation in the BNL Safety Solutions
    (S2) Program. Institutionalize the Laboratory
    funding of this accident/injury prevention
  • Implement Corrective Actions on deficiencies in
    the site mechanical material handling program
  • Develop/revise new training material as needed
    for the mechanical material handling program,
    exploring outside vendor with equipment specific
  • Develop lab-wide manual-lifting guidelines to
    reduce overexertion injuries.
  • Improve facility level training by systematically
    evaluating the effectiveness of training through
    Field Observation and ensuring that required
    procedures and equipment are understood and
    utilized on the job. Provide tools (observation
    checklists) to facility experts to aid in field

12. Setting or updating of OHS objectives for
continual improvement in the forthcoming period
  • COMPLIANCE - Achieve full compliance with
    applicable occupational safety health
  • Actively participate in implementation of new
    initiates to achieve compliance with 10CFR850 and
  • Improve implementation of SBMS OSH Subject Area
  • Improve implement of BHSO IH Monitoring
    Assessment Corrective Action Plan to eliminate
    gaps in the Industrial Hygiene monitoring
  • Conduct regulatory OSH compliance assessments
    that are integrated into a comprehensive audit
    schedule covering OSH, Fire Protection,
    Radiological Protection, Emergency Planning, etc.
  • Implement the Authority Having Jurisdiction
    (AHJ) program (to approve electrical equipment
    that does not have Nationally Recognized Testing
    Laboratory (NRTL) certification) and 5-year Plan
    developed in FY05.
  • Develop and implement a program to conduct Arc
    Flash Calculations to conform to NFPA 70E.
  • Increase OSH awareness and requirement
    implementation by line organizations with OSH
    Subject Area training.
  • COMMUNICATIONS - Improve communications, trust,
    and relationship with stakeholders on
    occupational safety health programs.
  • Open the Laboratory to the public for safety
    related special emphasis programs such as Summer
    Sunday exhibits and Safety Week events.
  • Seek a research oriented motivational speaker on
    safety awareness.
  • Improve consultation and communication with
    employees on OSH issues.
  • Enhance participation in the Safe Employee
    Recognition Award (S3) program.

12. Setting or updating of OHS objectives for
continual improvement in the forthcoming period
  • 7. STUDENT SAFETY Improve awareness and
    training of short term researchers and students
    in occupational safety health hazard control
  • Incorporate health and safety hazards with an
    emphasis on short term researchers and students
    (who have minimal work experience and familiarity
    with BNL OSH programs) into existing general
    employee training.
  • Develop organization level training for short
    term researchers and students who are exposed to
    unique equipment and operations with health and
    safety hazards.
  • 8. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Improve awareness and
    training of staff in emergency preparedness and
    response actions.
  • Develop and deliver Laboratory level incident
    drills to measure the effectiveness of response
    organizations and line organizations to emergency
  • Enhance organization level staff knowledge and
    skills in emergency preparedness.
  • 9. TRAVEL Improve awareness and staff in
    occupational safety health hazards of domestic
    and foreign travel.
  • Develop Laboratory level training on health and
    safety hazards associated with domestic and
    foreign travel.
  • Develop organization level awareness of health
    and safety hazards if line organization personnel
    encounter unique situations during domestic and
    foreign travel

12. Setting or updating of OHS objectives for
continual improvement in the forthcoming period
  • Senior Management feedback and direction
  • Senior Management commitment to Continual
  • Suitability- Adequacy- Effectiveness-
  • Do the Objectives target Continual Improvement ?
  • Do the Objectives address the current level of
    risk ?
  • Is there adequate resources (financial,
    personnel, material) to meet the objectives ?
  • Do the Objectives address foreseeable changes to
    legislation or technology ?
  • Are the Objectives achieving the desired results
  • Is there a need for changes?

Setting FY07 Objectives, See Handout Pages 77- 79
  • Questions/ Comments ?
  • Feedback on the format of this presentation
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