Title: Types of Indices
1Types of Indices
- Ian Pegg, Technical Director
Types of Indices
- Price or Quantity
- Laspeyres or Paasche
- Monthly, Quarterly or Annual
- Cost or Price (Input or Output)
Types of Indices
- A price index is a statistic designed to measure
how prices vary from one period to another (or
one location to another).
An index series is a set of indices at
successive periods.
4Types of Indices
- An index has no units but it does have a base
- Base number and Base period eg
- 31st July 1978 100
- 1985 mean 100
- UK mean 1.00
- Most BCIS Indices have a base of 1985 mean 100
- Indices are rebased from time to time
- Numbers are comparable
- Avoid illusion of accuracy
5Types of Indices
Calculating a Percentage
- Percentage change between I1 and I2 100 (I2
I1) / I1 - So if
- I1 120
- I2 150
- 100 (150 120) / 120 25
6Types of Indices
7Types of Indices
- Specific day or Average for the period
- Calendar year or Financial year
8Types of Indices
BCIS General Building Cost Index
- Annual index is mean of quarterly indices
- Quarterly index is mean of monthly indices
- Monthly index is weighting of Price Adjustment
Formula Indices - Price Adjustment Formula Indices comprise labour,
materials and plant - Labour 15th day of month
- Materials average for previous month
- Plant average for the month
9Types of Indices
How can the period affect the answer?
- Months have 28-31 days (10 difference)
- RPI month may be 4 or 5 weeks
- Annual comparisons not affected
- More of a problem for quantity indices
10Types of Indices
- Life cycle (typical)
- Forecast
- Provisional
- Firm
- Revised
- RPI never changed
- BCIS All-in TPI
- Forecast (several)
- Forecast supported by early results
- Calculated based on increasing sample size
- No further projects added
11Types of Indices
Updating a price
- Updating price P from period 1 to period 2
- P2 P1 I2 / I1
- So if
- P1 3,000
- I1 120
- I2 150
- P2 3,000 150 / 120 3,750
12Types of Indices
Revisiting a calculation
- BCIS All-in TPI
- June 2008
- 3Q2008 258 (forecast)
- June 2009
- 3Q2008 247 (sample 48)
- 3Q2009 229 (forecast)
- Calculation based on latest figures
- 4,000,000 229 / 247 3,708,502 (say
3,700,000) - Calculation based on original TPI
- 4,000,000 229 / 258 3,550,388 (say
13Types of Indices
14Types of Indices
Lag in Publication
- one week
- BCIS All-in TPI
- Forecast
- Forecast supported by early results 6 weeks
- Calculated based on increasing sample size 4
weeks - No further projects added - 1 year
15Types of Indices
Calculating an Index
- Base weighted (Laspeyres)
Pt 100 SUMPRODUCT( CurrentPrice, BaseQuantity
) / SUMPRODUCT( BasePrice, BaseQuantity )
16Types of Indices
Calculating an Index
- Base weighted (Laspeyres)
- Current weighted (Paasche)
Pt 100 SUMPRODUCT( CurrentPrice,
CurrentQuantity ) / SUMPRODUCT( BasePrice,
CurrentQuantity )
17Types of Indices
Calculating an Index
- Base weighted (Laspeyres)
- Current weighted (Paasche)
- Fishers Ideal
- Chain weighted
18Types of Indices
Other Issues
- Product discontinued
- Specification changes
- Specific problems in construction
- Every project unique
- Each project can span many periods
- Market economy
19Types of Indices
Cost or Price Indices
- Cost (Input)
- Tender Price (Output?)
- Output Price (Output)
20Types of Indices
Cost Indices
- Materials
- List price, merchant or manufacturer
- Labour
- National wage awards or site rates
- Plant
- Owned or rented
21Types of Indices
BCIS General Building Cost Indices
- Based on Price Adjustment Formula Indices
- Weights calculated from a sample of priced bills
- Percentage calculated for each building sampled
- Percentages averaged
22Types of Indices
Building Housing Cost Index
- Based on a model for an estate of 16 houses
23Types of Indices
Tender Price Indices
- Building and Element Price Indices
- Based on cost index with allowance for inflation
and market - BCIS All-in Tender Price Index
- Based on priced bills of quantities
- Competition or negotiated
24Types of Indices
BCIS All-in Tender Price Index
- Project Indices
- Value of a trade
- Match largest item by value against base schedule
- Repeat until 25 matched
- Estimated value of trade at base date
- Combine trades and add Prelims etc
- Quarterly Indices
- Adjust for region, value, procurement
- Geometric mean of all projects in quarter
25Types of Indices
BCIS All-in Tender Price Index
- Best method available
- Limitations
- Not all items can be matched
- Mechanical and electrical
- Curtain walling
- Carpets
- Laminated beams
- Relies on BQs
- Based on a sample
- Current weighted index
26Types of Indices
Tender Price Index for Social Housing(TPISH)
- Cost model for social housing
- Match project cost to modelled cost
27Types of Indices
Other Approaches to Project Indices
- Index for schools did not work
- /m2 index
28Types of Indices
Output Price Indices
- Work carried out in a period
29Types of Indices
Repair and Maintenance Price Indices
- Non-housing and Public Housing based on Term
Contracts - Private Housing based on panel of contractors
30Types of Indices
Comparing two Tender Price IndicesBCIS All-in
- Intended use
- Original or accepted tender
- UK or England Scotland and Wales
- All sectors or Public non-housing
- Base date or tender date
- Weight by project
- Adjust or not adjusted
- Geometric mean or median
- Single quarters index or smoothed index
- Revised fortnightly or revised twice before
31Types of indices