Title: Multiuser Virtual Gaming with Assisted Feedback Mechanisms
1Multi-user Virtual Gaming with Assisted Feedback
CAD/Graphics2001, August 22-24, Kunming
Hanqiu Sun1, K.M. Leung1, W.C. Wang2 and K.Y.
Sit1 1Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong 2Institute of Software, Academia Sinica,
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Multi-user Virtual Ping-Pong System
- Client-Server framework
- Networked programming environment
- Multi-user virtual ping-pong server
- Multi-user virtual ping-pong client
- Assisted performance with feedback mechanisms
- 3.Conclusion
- 3D multiplayer games are popular
- No game developer use VRML
- Few systems evaluate feedback mechanisms on VRML
- This paper
- multiplayer virtual gaming on VRML and Java
- evaluate feedback mechanisms
- Have to utilize VRML control and Java language
- VRML does not have network capability
- Java enables network access
- Multi-user virtual ping-pong system
- coordinating user interactions
- dynamic gaming behavior
- real-time scene display
- multi-user gaming on Internet
- evaluating multi-sensory feedback mechanisms
52.1 Client-Server framework
62.1 Client-Server framework
- Ping-pong server
- creation and deletion of players
- send all events to all related clients
- manage game logic
- ensure game status consistency
- Ping-pong clients
- GUI for players to interact
- game scene managed by VRML
- control panel by Java - communicate through
messages, create and join game
72.1 Client-Server framework
82.2 Networked Environment
- Build serve and client by Java 2 SDK
- most web browsers support Java version 1.1 only
- Java 2 new features RMI callback, Swing cannot
be used - Ping-Pong client
- Forte in constructing user interface
- access objects in VRML scene through External
Authoring Interface (EAI)
92.2 Networked Environment
- Ping-Pong server
- due to the universality of Java, further
development is independent of OS - Current system developed on
- broadband internet
- 100Mbit Ethernet
102.3 Virtual Ping-Pong server
- Basic functions performed similar to typical
network applications - continuously listens to server socket
- when connection request received, create socket
and a thread to handle incoming network
connections - The rest of server composed of
- ping-pong players manager
- ping-pong table manager
- ping-pong ball manager
112.3 Virtual Ping-Pong server
- Ping-Pong players manager
- name, connection ID, table, bat ID
- holds all online players information
- as a critical section since multiple players may
update at the same time - connection ID indicates its role in game player
or spectator - handles 2 kinds of player remote and computer
122.3 Virtual Ping-Pong server
- For remote players,
- receive bat status (position, orientation) from
them - store and replicate the packets, then send to
other players and spectators - redirect messages between players
- For computer players,
- continuously traces the ball according to its
bats position, the balls position and its speed
132.3 Virtual Ping-Pong server
- Ping-Pong table manager
- keep track of the number and current status of
opened Ping-pong games - e.g. which players are on a table
- can support at most 20 games simultaneously
142.3 Virtual Ping-Pong server
- Ping-Pong ball manager
- calculate the balls new position
- check if player hits the ball
- change ball direction after a hit
- evaluate game result
- stop the ball if it is out of table or it hits
table more than once on the same side - dispatch its position and game score to all
152.4 Virtual Ping-Pong client
- Bat rotation
- controlled by joystick
- After the ball is hit by a bat (collision),
- its speed is proportional to bat angle and the
coming speed of the ball - its direction depends on the rotated angle of the
162.4 Virtual Ping-Pong client
172.4 Virtual Ping-Pong client
- Update scoreboard
- interface to VRML browser for scene display
- communicate with server
- capture joystick information
182.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Most previous investigation targets static scenes
- Little work done on dynamic environment like this
- 3 major feedback mechanisms can be adopted
- visual feedback
- audio feedback
- force/tactile feedback
192.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Within the context of Ping-pong system
- Visual and audio feedback are tested for gaming
performance - they are directly supported by VRML standard
202.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Visual Feedback
- includes following factors
- field of view
- graphics refresh rate
- convergence angle
- image spatial resolution
- depth perception
- color discrimination
- lighting level
212.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Visual Feedback (contd)
- 3 factors are considered
- Color discrimination
- ball is green in color
- a cold color to make the ball size appear smaller
- make the game more difficult to play
222.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Visual Feedback (contd)
- Lighting Level
- light up the environment by directional light
- shows less specular effect
- Depth perception
- project ball shadow on the table
- a red cross centered at the ball as a 3D cue
- can be switched on/off
232.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Audio Feedback
- Passive audio feedback
- reinforce the realism of simulation
- arise user awareness of a change in scene
- sound of winning and losing point in game
- clapping hand and exclamation sound when the
player wins or loses a point
They are passive because the boards have present
enough game informatione
242.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Audio Feedback (contd)
- Active audio feedback
- sound generated by some equipment
- a ping sound when a player strikes the ball by
a bat (equipment) - another ping sound when the ball hits the table
252.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Audio Feedback (contd)
- Enhanced audio feedback
- sound that is dynamically changed according to
the virtual world context - an interval beep sound produced virtually from
the ball - player can distinguish how far and position
(left/right) of the ball - useful in depth perception
Also can be switched on/off
262.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Experiments
- to investigate the usefulness of visual and audio
feedbacks in players performance in the game - 20 undergraduate students invited
- each one plays the simplified version of the game
in a particular setting
272.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Experiments (contd)
- participants are randomly divided into 4 group,
corresponds to 4 game settings - Neutral test no additional visual or audio
feedback provided - Visual test only visual feedback
- Audio test only audio feedback
- Integrated test both feedbacks are provided
282.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Experiments (contd)
- Evaluation index participants hit rate
- the number of times a user successfully hits the
ball over the number of times a user has a chance
to hit the ball
292.5 Feedback Mechanisms
302.5 Feedback Mechanisms
312.5 Feedback Mechanisms
322.5 Feedback Mechanisms
332.5 Feedback Mechanisms
342.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Facts observed from results
- users perform better with the aid of audio
feedback - active and enhanced feedback determine and
predict ball position, concentrate more on the
game - passive feedback make users more willing to win
the game
352.5 Feedback Mechanisms
- Additional visual feedback introduces negative
feedback on performance - give more information on ball position but
increase scene complexity at the same time - users have to process a more complex scene in a
short time - fail to predict the moving ball position before
it arrives
- Developed a multi-player virtual gaming system
using standard VRML and Java - supports the virtual construction of multi-user
Ping-pong game - dynamic behavior of gaming
- incorporation of feedback mechanism in assisting
task performance
- Conducted sets of experiments
- measure the effectiveness of visual and auditory
feedback mechanisms in interactive task
performance - additional audio feedback introduces improvement
in game playing - additional visual feedback incurs negative effect
- important guidance for designing effective
web-based VR gaming systems