Title: Volume interactions in polymers
1Volume interactions in polymers
- Single polymer chain
- Perturbation theory
- Flory method
- RG treatment
- Ensemble of polymers
- Mean Field Theory
- Polymer melts
2Perturbation theory for volume interactions
For a polymer In a good solvent, volume
interactions are characterized by a single
parameter (except near ?-point)
3Perturbation theory for volume interactions (I)
The perturbative series is an expansion in the
Physically, it is the average number of two-body
collisions taking place in the entire polymer
Perturbation theory is justified when none of the
polymer segments is likely to collide with the
other segments. This situation is very different
from that for an imperfect gas.
4Perturbation theory for volume interactions (II)
Greens function for a (Gaussian) chain
For a noninteracting chain
For a noninteracting chain in an external
5Perturbation theory for volume interactions (III)
Adding interactions
We will model short-range repulsion with
- Using the above constructions we need to
calculate - Perturbative end-to-end distance
- Interaction between two chains
6Perturbation theory for volume interactions (IV)
Perturbative end-to-end distance
7Perturbation theory for volume interaction (V)
Second virial coefficient for a polymer solution
8Florys approach
When z is large, perturbation theory breaks down,
and Florys argument is a naïve way to calculate,
say, mean end-to-end distance for zgtgt1.
One treats a polymer as a sphere with a radius R,
and links as an interacting gas
But that is about all you can get reasonably
accurately from FA
9Renormalization group and e-expansion
The Idea(s) 1. (Kadanoff) Look at blocks of
links, and seek for large scale behavior
only 2. (Wilson and Fisher) In d4 a polymer
is ideal, so formally perturb around d4
to get results for lower dimensions
Decimation procedure for g3, taken from
Gaussian pieces
10Renormalization group and e-expansion (I)
RG equations
11Renormalization group and e-expansion (II)
Equation for the dimensionless interaction
This equation has a fixed point
The polymer forgets about bare parameters
12Renormalization group and e-expansion (III)
RG equations in a continuous form
(taken from GrosbergKhokhlov)
13Renormalization group and e-expansion (IV)
Critical exponents (end-to-end CE)
(taken from GrosbergKhokhlov)