Degree of Polymerization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Degree of Polymerization


Molecular Weights (M) ... Free Volume and Temperature ... The free volume of the polymer (vf) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Degree of Polymerization

Degree of Polymerization
  • Generally described as the number of repeating
    units in an average polymer chain

Degree of Polymerization (DP) Total MW of
Polymer / MW of repeat unit
Assume Homopolymer
Adapted from H.R. Allcock and F.W. Lampe.
Contemporary Polymer Chemistry. 2nd Ed.
Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1990.
What is the Degree of Polymerization of 6,6-
The molecular weight of the repeat unit is
the sum of the molecular weights of the monomers,
minus that of the two water molecules that are
M repeat unit 116 146 2(18) 226 g/mol
The degree of polymerization refers to the total
number of repeat units in the chain. The chain
contains 531 hexamethylene diamine and 531 adipic
acid molecules.

Freely Jointed Chain Length (or x) (DP)
(length of repeat unit)
AMP2 Polymers Lecture 4
Molecular Weight Distributions
Thermal Response of Polymers
Correction to HW 13B Using a SPECIFIC volume
vs Temeperature diagram . . .
Molecular Weight Hierarchy
Bulk Polymer
Molecular Weight
Molecular Weight
Number Average
Weight Average
Degree of Polymerization
Polydispersity Index
Molecular Weights (M)
W total sample weight
N number of moles in the sample
  • Can be defined for polymers with a distribution
    of chain lengths (i.e. varying DP)
  • MWs often depend on the synthesis mechanism
  • Molecular weights can be related to various
  • Determination methods
  • direct estimates of MW (osmostic-pressure,
    ultra-centrifugation, end-group analysis)
  • Indirect , calibrated by references (light
    scattering, viscometry, GPC)

Mn Number Average Molecular Weight
Suppose that you have a mixture of polymer
molecules with different molecular weights in
which the number of molecules having a particular
molecular weight, Mi, is given by Ni.
wi total sample weight x polymer Ni number of
moles of x polymer Mi molecular weight fraction
of x polymer
  • The number average is the simple arithmetic mean,
    representing the total weight of the molecules
    present divided by the total number of molecules.
  • Data from analytical technique yielding the
    number of moles present in the sample of known
    weight osmotic pressure, end group analysis,

Mw Weight Average Molecular Weight
Rather than count the size of each polymer in a
mixture, it is possible to just define an average
in terms of weights of molecules present at each
size level.
wi total sample weight x polymer Ni number of
moles of x polymer Mi molecular weight fraction
of x polymer
  • Data from analytical technique yielding the
    weight of molecules at a given size level result
    in the weight average molecular weight light
    scattering, gpc, ultra-centrifuge, etc.

Degree Polymerization and Molecular Mass
  • Depending on the situation, it may be more
    convenient to represent the size of polymer
    molecules in terms of the degree of
    polymerization (DP) (or chain length), rather
    than M.

Mn M(xn)
Mw M(xw)
m molecular mass of repeat unit
m molecular mass of repeat unit
xw weight average degree of polymerization or
chain length
xn number average degree of polymerization or
chain length
Polydispersity Index (PDI)
  • A measure of the breadth of of the molecular
    weight distribution.

PDI Mw/Mn xw/xn
Typically MwgtMn
Monodispersed Sample PDI 1, e.g. biopolymers
Typical breadth PDI 1.02 - (over)50
Classification of Polymers
Temperature Based Classifications
Definitions based on Thermal Response
As temperature is raised, a point will be reached
where the secondary bonds holding the chains
together (neglecting physical entanglements)
become insignificant and the chains are free
slide past one another
As the temperature is raised above the
dissociation energy of the primary covalent
bonds, both main-chain and cross-link bonds fail
randomly, and the polymer degrades.
Response corresponds to thermoplastics
Depending on the extent of cross-links, flow can
be achieved, but an increase in temperature will
still result in polymer degradation
Thermal Response Polymers in a Solution
  • When we are trying to dissolve solid polymers in
    a solvent, why do we often raise the temperature?
  • Typical polymer-solvent system
  • Low temperature Upper Critical Solution
    Temperature (UCST) 2 phase system
  • solvent rich (dilute solution)
  • polymer rich (swollen-polymer or gel)
  • Above UCST and below LCST, homogenous solution
    can be formed.
  • At high temperatures Lower Critical Solution
    Temperature (LCST) is difficult to observe.

General Rules of Solubility
  • Like dissolves like.
  • At a particular temperature, solubility will
    decrease with increasing molecular weight.
  • A. Crosslinking eliminates solubility
  • B. Crystallinity, can generally act like
    cross-linking. In some cases it is possible to
    find solvents to overcome the bond strength.
    Heating close to Tm allows solubility.
  • 4. The rate of polymer solubility decreases with
    increasing molecular weight.

Thermodynamics of Polymer Solubility
  • ?G is negative mixing is thermodynamically
  • T must be positive and ?S is generally positive
    molecules in solution are usually in a random
  • -T?S favors solubility
  • ?H can be both positive or negative
  • Positive does note prefer mixing, since the
    polymer in a lower energy state
  • Negative prefers mixing, since only solvent is
    the lower energy state
  • SOLUBILITY specific interactions, i.e. H-bonds
    are formed between solvent and polymer molecules
  • Assume mixture of pure polymer and pure
    solvent at constant pressure and temperature to
    form a solution

The Solubility Parameter
  • Assume Regular Solutions

?H?E ??????????)2 cal/cm3 soln
  • ?E the change in internal energy per unit
    volume of solution
  • ? volume fractions
  • ?isolubility parameters
  • Limitations of Solubility Parameter
  • Shortcomings in practice
  • Polymer solubility is too complex to be
    described as a single parameter

  • CEDcohesive energy density (measure of
    intramolecular strength)
  • ?????molar change in internal energy on
  • ?? molar volume of liquid

Like dissolves like Rough Rule of Thumb for
Free Volume and Temperature
Specific V vs T for Linear PP
  • Tg-Glass Transition Molecular motions in the
    amorphous polymer mass
  • Motions based on activitation energy kT
  • Dependent on the rate of cooling or heating.
  • Extrapolation of the linear regions in specific V
    vs T curves, can also use refractive index and
  • Second-order thermodynamic transition
  • Tm- Melting Point Typified by flow
  • Only present in polymers with some crystallinity
  • Not present in cross-linked polymers
  • First-order thermodynamic transition

Tm 170ºC
Tg -10ºC
Influences on Tg
  • The free volume of the polymer (vf). The higher
    the vf, the more room the molecules will have to
    move around, and the lower the Tg.
  • The attractive forces between the molecules. The
    more strongly they are bound together, the more
    thermal energy will be required to produce
  • E.g. linear PAN - Tg is higher than degradation
    temperature, although it is linear
  • Internal mobility of chains to rotate about
  • Functional groups-steric hinderance
  • Stiffness of the chains.
  • Chain length directly proportional to Tg.
  • e.g. Use of plasticizers can soften polymer,
    thereby reducing its Tg

1/Tg w1/Tg1 w2/Tg2
Copolymerization and Tg
Mechanical Properties and Temperature
Glassy Region
Transition / Leathery Region
Rubbery Plateau
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