Title: Human Research Protections: A Regulatory Perspective
1Human Research Protections A Regulatory
- Yvonne K. Higgins, CIP
- Acting Director, Division of Assurances and
Quality Improvement - Office for Human Research Protections
2- Office of the Director
- - International Activities
- - Division of Education and Development
- Division of Policy Planning and Special
Projects - - Division of Compliance Oversight
- - Division of Assurances and Quality Improvement
3General Requirements
- HHS regulatory requirements for human research.
- Assurance
- Board Review
- Consent
4Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part
46 Protection of Human Subjects
- A systematic investigation, including research
development, testing and evaluation, designed to
develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.
45 CFR 46.102(d)
6Human Subject
- A living individual about whom an investigator
conducting research obtains - (1) Data through intervention or interaction
with the individual or - (2) Identifiable private information.
- 45 CFR 46.102(f)
7 Who needs a Federalwide Assurance?
Not funded or supported by DHHS
Exempt Research
Institutions engaged in human research funded or
supported by DHHS
Institutions not engaged
8Engaged in Research
- An institution becomes "engaged" in human
research when its employees or agents - (i) intervene or interact with living individuals
for research purposes or - (ii)Â obtain individually identifiable private
information for research purposes
9Engaged in Research
- An institution is automatically considered
"engaged" in human subjects research whenever it
receives a direct HHS award to support such
10Is the Institution Engaged?
- Conducting research interview?
- Obtaining informed consent?
- Informing prospective subjects about the
availability of research? - Providing prospective subjects with information
about contacting investigators for information or
11Is the Institution Engaged?
- Obtaining private information from medical
records in an individually identifiable form? - Releasing patient names to investigators for
solicitation as research subjects?
12Old System Negotiated Assurances
Multiple Project Assurance (MPA) Cooperative
Project Assurance (CPA) Single Project Assurance
(SPA) International Project Assurance IIAs AIIs NI
13New System Federalwide Assurance
- 1 Institution 1 Assurance
- Institution may rely on own institutional IRB,
- another institutions IRB, and/or
- commercial review board
14Terms of Assurance
- Research is guided by ethical principles
- Research complies with Common Rule
- Written procedures
- Institutional support for IRB
15Terms of Assurance
- Informed consent
- Collaborating institutions file FWA
- Non-affiliated investigators sign agreement
- Education and training
16Contact OHRP
http//ohrp.osophs.dhhs.gov OHRP_at_osophs.dhhs.gov 3