Title: Chapter 19: Thermodynamics: Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium
1Chapter 19 Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy,
and Equilibrium
2Chapter 19 Outline
- Spontaneous Processes
- Entropy
- Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Molecular Interpretation
- Chemical Reactions
- Gibbs Free Energy
- Temperature
- Equilibrium Constant
- First Law of Thermodynamics energy is
4Spontaneous Processes
- Some classes of spontaneous processes
- Phase transitions (melting, freezing)
- Mixing
- Expansion
- Heat transfer
- Movement towards chemical equilibrium
5Spontaneous Processes
Can be Temperature Dependent!
6Spontaneous Processes
- Reversible and Irreversible
- A reversible process is one that can go back and
forth between states along the same path - Chemical systems in equilibrium are reversible
- In any spontaneous process, the path between
reactants and products is irreversible. - Thermodynamics gives us the direction of a
process. It cannot predict the speed at which
the process will occur. - Why can endothermic reactions be spontaneous?
7Spontaneous Processes
- Some reactions are spontaneous, others never
occur. Why? - A system tries to minimize its ENERGY
- A system tries to maximize its ENTROPY
- How can we predict whether a reaction will occur
over time? - Thermodynamics!
8Kinetics and Thermodynamics
9Exothermic Spontaneous Processes
- In general, product-favored reactions are
exothermic and - spontaneous
- E.g. thermite reaction
- Fe2O3(s) 2 Al(s)
- ? 2 Fe(s) Al2O3(s)
- ?H - 848 kJ
10Non-Exothermic Spontaneous Processes
- But many spontaneous reactions or processes are
endothermic . . .
NH4NO3(s) heat ? NH4 (aq) NO3-
(aq) ?Hsol 25.7 kJ/mol Or have ? H 0 .
11Expansion of a gas
- When there are many molecules, it is much more
probable that the molecules will distribute among
to the two flasks than all remain in only one
Processes in which the disorder increases tend
to occur spontaneously
- Entropy, S, is a measure of the disorder of a
system. - Spontaneous reactions proceed to lower energy or
higher entropy. - In ice, the molecules are very well ordered
because of the H-bonds. - Therefore, ice has a low entropy.
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14Entropy Dissolution of salts
15The Second Law of Thermodynamics
- The second law of thermodynamics explains why
spontaneous processes have a direction. - In any spontaneous process, the entropy of the
universe increases. - ?Suniv ?Ssys ?Ssurr
- Entropy is not conserved ?Suniv is increasing.
16The Second Law of Thermodynamics
- For a reversible process
- ?Suniv 0
- For a spontaneous process (irreversible)
- ?Suniv gt 0
- Note the second law states that the entropy of
the universe must increase in a spontaneous
process. It is possible for the entropy of a
system to decrease as long as the entropy of the
surroundings increases.
17The Molecular Interpretation of Entropy
- There are three atomic modes of motion
- translation (the moving of a molecule from one
point in space to another), - vibration (the shortening and lengthening of
bonds, including the change in bond angles), - rotation (the spinning of a molecule about some
18The Molecular Interpretation of Entropy
19The Molecular Interpretation of Entropy
- Third Law of Thermodynamics the entropy of a
perfect crystal at 0 K is zero. - Entropy changes dramatically at a phase change.
- As we heat a substance from absolute zero, the
entropy must increase.
20Conceptual Question
- Which of the following processes produces a
decrease in the entropy of the system? - A. Boiling water to form steam
- B. Dissolution of solid KCl in water
- C. Mixing of two gases into one container
- D. Freezing water to form ice
- E. Melting ice to form water
21Conceptual Question
- Consider a pure crystalline solid that is heated
from absolute zero to a temperature above the
boiling point of the liquid. Which of the
following processes produces the greatest
increase in the entropy of the substance? - A. melting the solid
- B. heating the liquid
- C. heating the gas
- D. heating the solid
- E. vaporizing the liquid
- Do you agree with the following statements?
- A. Spontaneous reactions are always fast.
- B. In any spontaneous process, the entropy of the
system always increases. - C. An endothermic reaction is always
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24Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions
- Standard molar entropies of elements are not
zero. - S? greater for gases than liquids and solids
- S? generally increases with increasing molar mass
- S? generally increases with increasing number of
atoms in a molecule
25Conceptual Question
- Which substances in each of the following pairs
would you expect to have the higher standard
molar entropy? Why? - C2H2 (g) or C2H6 (g)
- b. CO2 (g) or CO (g)
- c. I2 (s) or I2 (g)
- d. CH3OH (g) or CH3OH (l)
26Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions
- Can Calculate ?S for chemical reactions
- Calculate ?S? for the dissolution of ammonium
nitrate, given the following entropy values - NH4NO3 (s) NH4 (aq) NO3- (aq)
- 151.04 J/molK 112.8 146.4
27Gibbs Free Energy
- For a spontaneous reaction the entropy of the
universe must increase. - Reactions with large negative ?H values are
spontaneous. - How do we balance ?S and ?H to predict whether a
reaction is spontaneous? - Gibbs free energy, G, of a state is
- For a process occurring at constant temperature
28Gibbs Free Energy
29Gibbs Free Energy a closer lookIs the melting
of ice spontaneous above 0ÂșC?
30Gibbs Free Energy
31Gibbs Free Energy
- Consider the formation of ammonia from nitrogen
and hydrogen - Initially ammonia will be produced spontaneously
(Q lt Keq). - After some time, the ammonia will spontaneously
react to form N2 and H2 (Q gt Keq). - At equilibrium, ?G 0 and Q Keq.
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33Gibbs Free Energy
- Standard Free-Energy Changes
- We can tabulate standard free-energies of
formation, ?G?f - ?G? 0 for elements
- ?G? for a process is given by
- The quantity ?G? for a reaction tells us whether
a mixture of substances will spontaneously react
to produce more reactants (?G? gt 0) or products
(?G? lt 0).
34Gibbs Free Energy and the Equilibrium Constant
- Recall that ?G? and K (equilibrium constant)
apply to standard conditions - Recall that ?G and Q (equilibrium quotient) apply
to any conditions. - It is useful to determine whether substances
under any conditions will react
35Gibbs Free Energy and the Equilibrium Constant
- At equilibrium, Q K and ?G 0, so
- From the above we can conclude
- If ?G? lt 0, then K gt 1.
- If ?G? 0, then K 1.
- If ?G? gt 0, then K lt 1.
36Relationship Summary
37Temperature Dependence of K
DG? -RT ln(K) DH ? - TDS?
- y mx b
- (?H? and S? ? independent of temperature over a
small temperature range)