Title: Metadata Management Session: Formats
1Metadata ManagementSessionFormats
- Andy Powell Brian Kelly
- UKOLN, University of Bath
- a.powell_at_ukoln.ac.uk
- b.kelly_at_ukoln.ac.uk
- http//www.ukoln.ac.uk/
UKOLN is funded by the British Library Research
and Innovation Centre, the Joint Information
Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding
Councils, as well as by project funding from the
JISCs Electronic Libraries Programme and the
European Union. UKOLN also receives support
from the University of Bath where it is based.
2What is the Dublin Core?
- 15 element metadata set
- Resource discovery
- Web-based document-like objects
- Emphasis on semantics
- Widespread consensus
- Several syntaxes currently
- Set to become an early example of an RDF schema
3Dublin Core history...
- Workshop series - DC-1 to DC-5
- Email discussion list
- DC Policy Advisory Committee
- DC Technical Advisory Committee
- Series of 5 RFCs in preparation
- Submission to NISO (ISO)
4Dublin Core - elements
15 element core metadata set
- Title
- Subject
- Description
- Creator
- Publisher
- Contributor
- Date
- Type
- Format
- Identifier
- Source
- Language
- Relation
- Coverage
- Rights
5Qualified DC
- DC semantics are defined very broadly.
- Possible to
- refine the meaning of elements using type
- Relation TYPEIsPartOf
- associate value with externally defined scheme
- Date SCHEMEISO 8601
- indicate language of value
- Title LANGUAGEen
6How is DC currently used?
- Embedded into HTML Web pages
- ltMETAgt tag
- limited functionality
- no structure
- version 4.0 support for SCHEMEs
- syntax for qualified DC in ltMETAgt tags not well
- ltHTMLgtltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtUKOLN Home Pagelt/TITLEgt
for Library and Information Networking"gt - ltMETA NAME"DC.Subject" CONTENT"national centre,
network information support, library community,
awareness, research, information services, public
library networking, bibliographic management,
distributed library systems, metadata, resource
discovery, conferences, lectures, workshops"gt - ltMETA NAME"DC.Description" CONTENT"UKOLN is a
national centre for support in network
information management in the library and
information communities. It provides awareness,
research and information services"gt - ltMETA NAME"DC.Creator" CONTENTUKOLN
Information Services Group"gt - lt/HEADgt
- ...
8Admin Core
- Admin Core
- Administrative container metadata
- Defines a set of attributes for describing
metadata - May be useful for describing data?
- See ltURL http//metadata.net/admin/draft-iannell
a-admin-01.txt gt
9Admin Core elements
- CreatorPersonal
- CreatorCorporate
- CreatorEmail
- CreatorContact
- DateCreated
- DateModified
- DateValidTo
- Instructional Management Systems (IMS)
- Defines metadata for educational resources
- See UK Mirror at ltURL http//micros.hensa.ac.uk/
11What is RDF?
- Resource Description Framework
- Input from various communities
- Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS)
- Web Collections (Site maps, MCF)
- Libraries, museums, archives (DC)
- Privacy (P3P)
- W3C Metadata Activity
- Model and Syntax WG
- Schema WG
- Interoperability of metadata
- semantics, structure, syntax
12RDF - the model
- Based on mathematical model
- Arc-node diagrams
- Web resources represented by nodes with URI
- Collections of properties known as descriptions
13RDF - simple example
Andy Powell
- or, in plain English
- Andy Powell is the author of the resource
identified by http//www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/
14DC in RDF
The UKOLN Metadata Home Page
lt?xmlnamespace ns"http//www.w3.org/TR/WD-rdf/"
prefixRDF"?gt lt?xmlnamespace ns"http//purl.org
/dublin_core/schema/" prefixDC"?gt ltRDFRDFgt
ltRDFDescription RDFHREFhttp//www.ukoln.ac
.uk/metadata/gt ltDCTitlegtThe UKOLN Metadata
Home Pagelt/DCTitlegt lt/RDFDescriptiongt lt/RDFRD
15Dublin Core - RDF Example
- lt?xmlnamespace href"http//www.w3c.org/RDF/"
as"RDF"?gt - lt?xmlnamespace href"http//purl.oclc.org/RDF/DC/
" as"DC"?gt - ltRDFRDFgt
- ltRDFDescription RDFHREF"http//www.ukoln.ac.u
k/"gt - ltDCTitlegtUKOLN UK Office for Library and
Information Networkinglt/DCTitlegt - ltDCCreatorgtUKOLN Information Services
Grouplt/DCCreatorgt - ltDCSubjectgt
- national centre, network information
support, library - community, awareness, research, information
services, - public library networking, bibliographic
management, - distributed library systems, metadata,
resource discovery, - conferences, lectures, workshops
- lt/DCSubjectgt
- ltDCDescriptiongt
- UKOLN is a national centre for support in
network - information management in the library and
information - communities. It provides awareness,
research and - information services
- lt/DCDescriptiongt
16RDF - current status
- Some support for RDF in Mozilla (Netscape source
code release) - RDF toolkits under development
- Several RDF editors available, e.g.
- DC-dot, UKOLN
- Reggie, DSTC
- http//www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/dcdot/
- http//metadata.net/dstc/
- W3C Syntax and Schema drafts still undergoing
development - http//www.w3.org/RDF/