Title: Science Investigation
1Science Investigation
- Life in the Atacama 2004Science Technology
Workshop - Nathalie A. CabrolNASA Ames
2Outline of Presentation
- Science Objectives and Investigation Plan
- Science Activities since 12/03
- Overall Science Goals
- Review of Science Questions and Objectives
- Summary of Year 01 Campaign Results
- Introduction to Year 02 Field Campaign
3Science Activities since 12/03
4Overall Science Mission A real science question
on Earth with critical applications to Mars
- Understand the Atacama as an habitat for life
(large NASA and ASTEP effort) - Document the limits of life on Earth
- Test the capacity of a science payload to detect
and characterize life in one of the most desertic
terrestrial environments for application to Mars
exploration - Document the current detection limit of life on
Earth (robotic vs. human) and collect metrics and
data for Mars exploration (new vision)
5Overall Science Mission A real science question
on Earth with critical applications to Mars
- Remote ScienceTest astrobiological exploration
strategies and train planetary scientists to
benefit future Mars mission operations - Telepresence Test astrobiological exploration
strategies for the robotic exploration of extreme
terrestrial environments - Make genuine discoveries and contribute to the
body of knowledge about the Atacama and life in
terrestrial extreme environments - Generate a scientific archive that will
summarize the results of this campaign (e.g.,
sample library)
6Science Question Can we unambiguously identify
the signatures of life remotely?
- Goal 1 Establish the presence of life in situ
- Goal 2 Establish the gradient of life in the
Atacama Desert as an Analog to Mars - No speculation
- Converging evidence from Science Payload
Instruments - Is unambiguous realistic? If not,
- How to increase the probability of detecting
life signature?
7Objective 1
- Map habitats and understand past and/or present
environmental conditions associated to life - Morphology
- Geology
- Environment
- Texture, Physical, and Elemental Properties of
Rocks and Soils - Properties and structure of the subsurface
(e.g., H2O)
8Objective 2
- Document how life modifies its environment
- Identify extant/extinct biosignatures, such as
patterns, symmetries, colors associated with life
activity - Identify the geosignatures of life (e.g.,
constructs, biomineralization) - Characterize the survival strategies derived from
the interaction between life and environment
9Objective 3.1
- Analyze Samples
- During the mission (science field team, see
ground-truth, E. A. Grin) - Post-mission (Lab analysis)
- searching for life full array
- Comparison with Remote Science Team (RST)
results - Identify limitations, missed habitats and life
(or lack thereof) and try to establish possible
10Objective 3.2
- Generate a Science Database
- Establish a rigorous and consistent sampling
method to create a lasting database archives of
the Atacama bioactivity. - Identify database structure and content outline
prior to the mission (see ground-truth, E. A.
Grin) - Organize and maintain a web-based archive that
will become a scientific archive for post-mission
to be used by the science community abroad - Exchange information with other groups working
in the Atacama (e.g., McKay) and update the
database - Turn it over to NASA after the end of the
11Objective 4
- Develop New Remote Operations Tools That Improve
Science Data Collection, Access, and Facilitate
Interpretation and Sharing Between Science Theme
Groups -STGs- (see Coppin, Wagner, et al.,) - Test science tools during training sessions
- Demonstrate tool use during the Atacama mission
- Promote tools to NASA for use in future planetary
12Objective 5
- Understand the Rover Science Mission Process to
Improve the Operational Efficiency and
Productivity of Future Missions (see Thomas et
al., ) - (How Mission Scientists Use the Data to Generate
Observations and Hypotheses? How Observations
Lead to New Sequences ? Science Conclusions) - Monitor the RSTs activity during the Atacama
mission - Establish ties between interpretation challenges
to specific data types and interface tools - Understand better the process that turns raw
data into scientific conclusions - Group Theme Level
- RST Level
13Objective 6
- Publish the Science Results
- 02 Campaign High-Priority
- Submit papers within 6 months of end of mission
and agree on publication policies with
satellite projects - Science or Nature, one or a series of papers on
the theme of searching life with automated
vehicles (transition between MER and MSL).
Contact editors - Astrobiology or Journal of Geophysical Research.
Contact the editor for a possible Special Issue
to be published in a year or so. Could include - Our project results
- Other Atacama scientists papers. McKay has agreed
on the principle and is highly favorable to the
14Objective 7
- Education and Public Outreach
- Develop a project that conveys the excitement of
exploration and discovery to the general public,
and classroom. (see P. Coppin) - Project is related to Mars Exploration and Zoe
Rover field campaign
15Summary of Year 01 Campaign Results Geology /
- How did the RST perceive the Atacama through
Very-High RST Interpretation Accuracy Level
Compared to Ground-Truth
SPI MER Equivalent Camera
16Year 01 Habitats
- 3 out of 4 hypothesized habitats were observed by
the RST - Habitat Type 1 Saline Environment -- hydrated
sulfate, possibly gypsum (confirmed for sample
16) - Habitat Type 2 Desert Pavement/Alluvial fan
material - Habitat Type 3 Soil
- Year 01 Campaign could not confirm unambiguously
the presence of chlorophyll-based life.
Instrument suffered from stray reflecting light
entering the camera creating artifacts. - Necessity of more than one sensor to confirm a
17Year 01 Environment
Sol 3 pan 115-R
Sol 3 pan 163-R
Sol 3 pan 176-R
Sol 3 pan 210-R
T, P, RH, UVA-UVB RST Identified possible
weather patterns and moisture sources
18Year 01 Mineralogy Vis/NIR
Mineralogical Environment
19Year 01 Biology Fluorescence
- 24 samples acquired, 12 indicated a weak
chlorophyll feature from spectral analysis. Only
1 strong (sample 3) - No fluorescence data was sufficient to confirm
the unambiguous presence of chlorophyll-based
life. - Instrument capable of detecting very low light
level - Dyes necessary to confirm life? (see Waggoner et
20Year 02 Science Campaign Introduction
- Building on Year 01 Methods and Results both for
science and technology. Ongoing exploration - Two exploration sites, which will allow the RST
to continue mapping the gradient of life and
habitats in the Atacama - More payload instruments integrated onboard the
rover - Some new instruments
- Mars and Earth exploration strategies