Title: Latvia University of Agriculture
1Latvia University of Agriculture
- Ina Alsina
- Head of Science Division
- LLU is situated in Jelgava about 40 km south-west
of Riga - LLU is the largest institution in Jelgava
- LLU is located in approximately 30 buildings and
4 of them are national architectural monuments-
palaces - The central building is in the Jelgava Palace
designed and built in 1738 by the world famous
Italian architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli.
- 1863 - Agriculture Department of Riga
Polytechnic - 1920 - Faculty of Agriculture of Latvia
University - 1939 - Jelgava Academy of Agriculture
- 1944 - Latvia Academy of Agriculture
- 1991 - Latvia University of Agriculture
4- LLU provides
- education
- research
- extension
- continuing education in
- agriculture,
- food and forestry
5- LLU - third largest HEI in Latvia after LU and
RTU - National - 69 students from countryside
- Regional - 57 students from Zemgale and
neighbor regions - Riga - 11 students
6Dynamics of LLU students
7- LLU has 9 faculties
8Students by Faculties - 2005
9Dynamic of Doctor degree students
10The number of Doctor dissertations at LLU
11NUMBER OF PERSONNEL (June 1, 2005)
- Total
- Professors 43
- Associate professors 51
- Profesors emeritus 9
- Docents 89
- Lecturers 152
- Researchers 27
- Library personnel 37
- Administration 105
- Supply personnel 383
- Assistants of teaching staff 70
- Total
12LLU agencies
- Research Institute of Agriculture
- Research Institute of Biotechnology and
Veterinary Medicine Sigra - Research Institute of Agricultural Machinery
- Research Institute of Water and Land Management
13Training and research farm Vecauce
- Vecauce was established in 1921. It operates
as a property of LLU since 1999, it is an
integrated farm - offering complex training possibilities in all
agricultural fields agriculture, animal
production, horticulture, processing of
agricultural products - offering conditions for carrying out research
work to the students of Master Ph.D. studies and
university teaching personnel - carrying out research and practical experiments
in animal production and veterinary medicine - since 1995 LLU organizes the annual agricultural
exhibition Vecauce
14Research projects, LVL
15Research projects types
- National program and open call projects
- Multinational projects
- Bilateral projects
16Implementation of national program projects
- ESF Support for doctoral studies and
postdoctoral research in engineering,
agricultural engineering and forest sciences - The total amount for implementation is 930 000
LVL. - Duration 10.12.2004. 20.08.2008.
17Implementation of national program projects
- ERDF Modernization of study places for engineers
in LUA - The total amount for implementation is 459 000
LVL. - Duration 23.11.2004. 31.12.2006.
18National program project starting in 2006ERDF
Improvement of LUA research base in agriculture
and forest sciences
19Successful projects EU 6th Framework Program
- Chemical Food Safety Network for the enlarging
Europe SAFEFOODNET Prof. D. Karklina - SSA FP-2004-INNOV-04 Innovation through research
opportunities INTRO - Prof. B.Riva, prof. P.Riva, I.Stokmane
- Total number of submited projects 19
20Research priorities in Latvia
- Information technologies
- Material sciences
- Forest and wood technologies
- Organic synthesis and biomedicine
- Letonics
- Agrobiotechnology
- Energetics.
21Thank you for attention!
Latvia University of Agriculture