Title: What do I have to give
1What do I have to give?
2What do I have to give?
What do I have to give?
Do I have to?.....What must I give. What am
I required to give?
What do I have to give?
What do I have that I am able to give? What
must I give?
What do I have to give?
What is it that I have, to give away?
3outline of Acts - God_at_work.com
Acts 18 -
But you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit
comes on you And you will be my witnesses
in Jerusalem,
and all of Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
4outline of Acts God_at_work.com
Witnesses in Jerusalem
(Acts 1 to 7) Judea Samaria (Acts 8
to 12) ends of the earth -
Galatia (1st journey) (Acts13 to14) -
Macedonia (2nd j) (Acts15 to18) -
Ephesus (3rd j) (Acts19 to 21) -
Jerusalem to Rome (Acts22 to 28)
5Acts 3 the healing of a crippled man
Jews have 3 stated prayer times
9am, 3pm, sunset
1st recorded miraculous healing
At the gate called Beautiful favourite
entrance to temple court
6Acts 3 the healing of a crippled man2 main
- Peter
- denied Jesus 3 times
- restored by Jesus
- filled with the Holy Spirit
- preached during Pentecost
- leader of the church
- Crippled man
- crippled from birth over 40years
- carried to temple daily
- begged
- people recognized him when he was healed
7Peter a man God used
Some characteristics
willing to be interrupted (34)
always doing the right thing at
the right time (31)
inspiring hope in others (34)
bringing focus (34)
8Peter a man God used
Some characteristics
- knows the source of his resources (36)
- Silver and gold I do not have,
- But what I have I give to you
does his part
even as
he depends on God
9What do I have to give?
Today many Christians cannot say
Silver or gold, I do not have..
In the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Neither can many say
10What do I have to give?
- We are not called
to meet the material
needs of the world -
It is not wrong to give money, time, resources to
help others (parable of the good samaritan) But
it is not the primary purpose of the church
11What do I have to give?
- We are not called
to meet the material
needs of the world -
- Our basic call is
- - to release the life of God
- - to declare the power of God
- - to make available to men what God
only can do
in the name of Jesus -
12The crippled man
received what was given him
Walking and jumping, and praising God
Instantly received full healing
Asked for pennies
- A picture of the world lying down, unable to
help itself, begging for alms - What do you have to give?
13all the people - saw him.they were filled
with wonder and amazement at what happened to him
Pattern for witness 1st God does something,
changes a life 2nd Man
explains what God had done 3rd People filled
with wonder and amazement
14- Conclusion
- Its more than a miraculous healing
- Its about the people who are filled with the
Holy Spirit, at the right place and the right
time - Its about being available
- Its about acting in response to Gods leading
- Its about helpless and hopeless lives being
transformed by Gods power