Title: Board Meeting Data Presentation
1Board MeetingData Presentation
2Presentation Outline
- CST Patterns and Trends
- Results of the Satisfaction Surveys
3CST English Language Arts5-Year Trend for
Proficient and Above(Grade 2 to 11)
4CST Mathematics5-Year Trend for Proficient and
Above(Grade 2 to 7)
5CST English Language Arts1-Year Gain for
Proficient and Above(Grade 2 to 11)
6CST Mathematics1-Year Gain for Proficient and
Above(Grade 2 to 7)
7CST English Language ArtsSFUSD vs STATE (Grade
2 to 11)
8CST MathematicsSFUSD vs STATE (Grade 2 to 7)
9CST English Language ArtsSubgroup SFUSD vs
STATE (Grade 2 to 11)
10CST MathematicsSubgroup SFUSD vs STATE (Grade
2 to 7)
11CST English Language ArtsSFUSD Compared to the
State and Other Urban Districts (Grade 2 to 11)
12CST MathematicsSFUSD Compared to the State and
Other Urban Districts (Grade 2 to 7)
13Achievement Change Districtwide
14Achievement Change Districtwide
152009 CSTSFUSD 8th Graders Taking Algebra I
162009 CST Algebra I
17Summary CST Patterns Trends
- Upward trend in CST ELA Math
- The achievement gap decreases
- District is higher than State at every grade but
lower for AA L in both areas - The District will probably not meet AYP targets
and is headed towards being PI 4 - In ELA Math the movement of students from Basic
to Proficient remains low
18SFUSDSatisfaction Surveys
- Collect data for the BSC
- Needs analysis about our learning environment
- Continually improve and focus on our challenges
while maintaining our successes
21Survey Design
- A survey of 20 to 30 items was designed along the
3 goals of the BSC - Access and Equity
- Academic Achievement
- Accountability
- Responses recorded on a 4-point scale Strongly
Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree and
Dont Know. - All results, except the Administrator
Satisfaction Survey, are disaggregated and
reported by school.
222009 Survey Responses by BSC GoalGOAL 1 Access
and Equity
232009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 1 Access
and Equity
242009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 1 Access
and Equity
252009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 1 Access
and Equity
262009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 1 Access
and Equity
272009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 1 Access
and Equity
282009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 2
Academic Achievement
292009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 2
Academic Achievement
302009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 2
Academic Achievement
312009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 2
Academic Achievement
322009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 2
Academic Achievement
332009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 3
342009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 3
352009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 3
362009 Survey Responses by BSC Goal GOAL 3
37Student Survey Grade 5 2009 Highlights
38Student Survey Grade 8 2009 Highlights
39Student Survey Grade 11 2009 Highlights
40Family Survey 2009 Highlights
41Survey Results
- Results are posted on
- our website.
- Search for
- Satisfaction Surveys.