Title: 2002 and onwards'''
12002 and onwards...
2My experience..
- 30 years plus in people industry
- Professional clinical nursing, gerontic
specialist - Nurse educator
- Human resource management
- OHS W management
- Residential care administration, management
- Ongoing training and development in communication
and leadership
3A Quote from PAUL FIREMAN- Chairman and CEO of
Reebok International Ltd
- Running a business is a complex matter and the
heart of any business is people.. - and their ability to relate, communicate and
4In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- five vital components of organisational
wellness were going awry
5In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- five vital components of organisational
wellness were going awry - communication - staffs ability to relate to each
6In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- five vital components of organisational
wellness were going awry - communication - staffs ability to relate to each
other - team cohesiveness
7In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- five vital components of organisational
wellness were going awry - communication - staffs ability to relate to each
other - team cohesiveness
- work performance
8In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- five vital components of organisational
wellness were going awry - communication - staffs ability to relate to each
other - team cohesiveness
- work performance
- workplace safety (staff wellness)
9In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- five vital components of organisational
wellness were going awry - communication - staffs ability to relate to each
other - team cohesiveness
- work performance
- workplace safety (staff wellness)
- quality of life of Residents (clients) was at
10In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- Issues arose from these problems
11In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- Issues arose from these problems
- disruptive work environment
12In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- Issues arose from these problems
- disruptive work environment
- Resident (client) dissatisfaction with service
13In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- Issues arose from these problems
- disruptive work environment
- Resident (client) dissatisfaction with service
- notable staff absenteeism
14In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- Issues arose from these problems
- disruptive work environment
- Resident (client) dissatisfaction with service
- notable staff absenteeism
- harassment
15In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- Issues arose from these problems
- disruptive work environment
- Resident (client) dissatisfaction with service
- notable staff absenteeism
- harassment
- bullying
16In October of 2002, it was evident in my field
- Issues arose from these problems
- disruptive work environment
- Resident (client) dissatisfaction with service
- notable staff absenteeism
- harassment
- bullying
- disharmony
17This disharmony put the quality of life of
Residents (clients) at risk
18This disharmony put the quality of life of
Residents (clients) at risk
- effects of the evolving negativity was felt by
all stake-holders
19This disharmony put the quality of life of
Residents (clients) at risk
- effects of the evolving negativity was felt by
all stake-holders - disgruntled Residents (clients)
20This disharmony put the quality of life of
Residents (clients) at risk
- effects of the evolving negativity was felt by
all stake-holders - disgruntled Residents (clients)
- unhappy staff
21This disharmony put the quality of life of
Residents (clients) at risk
- effects of the evolving negativity was felt by
all stake-holders - disgruntled Residents (clients)
- unhappy staff
- the emergence of an unsettling worksite cultural
22Action was required to change the emerging
situation and restore workplace harmony
- Defined as
- peaceful agreement and co-operation
- accord
- co-operation
- friendship
- like-mindedness
- peace
- rapport
- sympathy
- unity
Ref Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus 1999
24 Harmonious
- Defined as
- Concordant, forming a consistent or agreeable
whole - Free from dissent
- peaceful agreement and co-operation
Ref Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus 1999
25Why promote workplace harmony?
- To enhance the quality of life for all
stake-holders - OHS W research has identified that prevention
is the most effective means of eliminating
occupational injury and illness - the employer is legally responsible to ensure
that the workplace is, as far as practical, free
from harassment - Aged Care Act 1997 operational requirements for
facilities to maintain the management and staff
of Residential Care
27Why promote workplace harmony?
- Criminal Law
- Contract Law
- Anti-discrimination law
- Australian Nursing Federation
- all workers have the right to work in an
environment based on trust and respect, free from
the effects of harassment and victimisation.
28AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To optimise a harmonious home for Residents
29AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To optimise a harmonious home for Residents
- To promote employee satisfaction in their job
30AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To create our world with our word
- To promote employee satisfaction in their job
31AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To create our world with our word
- To bring the ability to relate, communicate and
perform back into existence
32AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To maintain a safe work environment
- To bring the ability to relate, communicate and
perform back into existence
33AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To maintain a safe work environment
- To heighten employee awareness of what is
harassment and workplace bullying
34AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To provide ongoing, regular forums for open
- To heighten employee awareness of what is
harassment and workplace bullying
35AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To provide ongoing, regular forums for open
- To have employees develop their own Code of
Conduct that is site specific and accepted by all
36AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To have that Code of Conduct work as a dynamic
- To have employees develop their own Code of
Conduct that is site specific and accepted by all
37AIMS. of Workplace Harmony project
- To have that Code of Conduct work as a dynamic
- To provide pathways to deal with harassment and
workplace bullying
38Workplace Harmony Project
- Work Site Officers and Director of Care developed
workplace harmony workshops that were
- open forums re site / communication issues for
participation by all stakeholders
39Workplace Harmony Project
- Work Site Officers and Director of Care developed
workplace harmony workshops that were
- open forums re site / communication issues for
participation by all stakeholders
- discussions on past and ongoing issues
40Workplace Harmony Project
- Work Site Officers and Director of Care developed
workplace harmony workshops that were
- education for all stakeholders re communication
- discussions on past and ongoing issues
41Workplace Harmony Project
- Work Site Officers and Director of Care developed
workplace harmony workshops that were
- education for all stakeholders re communication
- a source of positive re-enforcement
42Workplace Harmony Project
- Work Site Officers and Director of Care developed
workplace harmony workshops that were
- role modeling / situation plays
- a source of positive re-enforcement
43Workplace Harmony Project
- Work Site Officers and Director of Care developed
workplace harmony workshops that were
- role modeling / situation plays
44Workplace Harmony Project
- Work Site Officers and Director of Care developed
workplace harmony workshops that were
- cornerstones of listening
45Workplace Harmony Project
- Work Site Officers and Director of Care developed
workplace harmony workshops that were
- cornerstones of listening
- staff ownership of building site harmony
46How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Promote, advertise and conduct open forums for
all stakeholders
- Stakeholders create a site specific Code of
47How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Incorporating this new Code of Ethics into human
resource policies and procedures
- Stakeholders create a site specific Code of
48How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Incorporating this new Code of Ethics into human
resource policies and procedures
- Create Guide to Preventing Bullying booklet and
49How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Conduct stakeholder harmony surveys and
pro-active follow-up
- Create Guide to Preventing Bullying booklet and
50How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Conduct stakeholder harmony surveys and
pro-active follow-up
- Staff elect Workplace Support Officers
51How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Staff elect Workplace Support Officers
- Worksite Support Officers provide feedback to
Quality Assurance / Management Committees
52How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Worksite Support Officers provide feedback to
Quality Assurance / Management Committees
- Ongoing, dynamic 6 - 8 weekly workshops / open
forums conducted by Workplace Support Officers
53How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Provide opportunity for Relatives/Residents
(clients) to participate
- Ongoing, dynamic 6 - 8 weekly workshops / open
forums conducted by Workplace Support Officers
54How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Provide opportunity for Relatives/Residents
(clients) to participate
- Develop open door policy and supportive human
resource management processes
55How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Ongoing acknowledgment of staff
- Develop open door policy and supportive human
resource management processes
56How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Ongoing acknowledgment of staff
- employee of the month awards
- wellness program
- written, visible praises forwarded to all staff
- flexible rostering systems Develop open door
policy and supportive human resource management
57How do we create harmony?
Where to go from now?
- Ongoing acknowledgment of staff
- employee of the month awards
- wellness program
- written, visible praises forwarded to all staff
- flexible rostering systems Develop open door
policy and supportive human resource management
- Develop communication skills
- Statistics taken before program commenced
- 50 of staff felt the facility was harmonious
- Statistics taken after the program commenced
- 92.5 of staff felt the facility was harmonious
- an improvement of over 42 in staff perception of
workplace harmony.
- The limits of my language
- are the limits of my world.
- Running a business is a complex matter and the
heart of any business is people.. - and their ability to relate, communicate and
perform - Paul Fireman, Chairman and CEO, Reebok
International Limited.
- Equal Opportunity Commission, South Australia
- Department for Administrative and Information
Services (Workplace Services) S.A. - Australian Nursing Federation
- Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency
Limited - Community Employers Association Inc
- The WorkCover Corporation
- Landmark Education Corporation