Title: A Boy Named Ian
1A Boy Named Ian
2Catch the ball!
Youre it, Ian!
Go Erin!
Ill get you!
3Aw, not again! AlrightIll get you!
Tag! Ian your it!
4IAN! Stop playing tag!
Im sorry Jordan.
5Miss Julie, Jordan yelled at me today for playing
tag. I tried not to but the other campers always
bug me to play and get me in trouble.
I know, Ian. I am sorry they do that to you. I
will try and pay closer attention from now on.
It is not your fault, dont worry about Jordan
yelling at you.
6Yay! I love swimming! Here I go!
7Ian, lets play tag! Your it!
No, thanks! Im having fun swimming!
8Youre it! Haha!
No! Stop, I dont want to play tag!
Tag Boy!
Ha Ha! Ians It!
9Just leave me alone! I dont always want to play
tag. Stop making fun of me!
10Why are they always teasing me? All I want to do
is have fun at camp but everyone always tries to
get me to play tag.
I know, Ian. Its okay. They dont understand.
Im going to talk to them. I understand why your
upset, its going to be okay.
11 The End!