Title: Lecture 14 Practice theory: Agency
1Lecture 14 Practice theory Agency
2Fredrik Barth the problem with culture
- Internally homogenous and externally bounded
abstraction - No room for agency
- What a person employs when they interpret and act
upon the world. - Facts and information, but also feelings and
attitudes, embodied skills, and concepts. - People experience events directly and
immediately, but they interpret them in terms of
their stock of knowledge.
4Traditions of knowledge
- A corpus of substantive assertions and ideas
about aspects of the world - Communicated in the form of words, concrete
symbols, and actions - Distributed, communicated, employed and
transmitted within a series of instituted social
5Knowledge and agency
- People hold, learn, produce and apply knowledge
in the course of day-to-day living - Knowledge is continually being interactively
interpreted, applied and modified - Emphasises practice and experience, not
institutions and collective representations
6The anthropology of any particular tradition of
knowledge should thus above all be asked to
account for how certain compositions and
distributions of knowledge are (re)produced and
modified, how the processes of codification,
transmission and creativity generate the
pattern of variation which the ethnographies
record, not how the first bit of knowledge might
be created. (Cosmologies in the Making p. 83)
7Baktaman initiation economy of knowledge
- Validity depended on knowledge having been
received from ancestors under constraints of
secrecy - Time lag between initiations and memory
- Performative effect more important than an exact
reproduction of the details - Changes in the knowledge focused on the richness
of harmonisation of idioms, the consistency and
coherence of secret knowledge, and the shock and
surprise value of new revelations to the novice.
8Traditions of Knowledge in Bali
- People are not bounded by one tradition of
knowledge - They make decisions and act under conditions of
uncertainty. Multiple causes for any particular
event - Events are interpreted and reinterpreted in
interaction with others - People look for practical answers, not a
perfectly coherent system - Every performed and interpreted act will slightly
change the meanings that are ascribed to any
following choice, act or expression
9Michael Lambek practical knowledge and moral
- Bourdieu reduces practice to unconscious habit
and strategy and ignores the ethical dimension. - Praxis involves judgement and deliberation
- Phronesis a practical intervention in
particular events and circumstances by means of
universal values which transcend them.
10Moral reasoning
- The social system is not just a force imposed
from above (power), which is adhered or rejected
from below (desire). - Morality is not simply an acceptance of an
obligation but includes the reasoning behind
choosing to do so. - The practical judgements people make about how to
live their lives wisely and well.