Title: Industrial Energy Consumers Forum IEF Hungary
1Industrial Energy Consumers Forum (IEF) Hungary
- Electricity Market Liberalization
- in Hungary
- 10 September 2003, Prague
2IEF Industrial Energy Consumers Forum
- IEF a not-for-profit NGO
- Date of establishment March 2000
- Legal form association (of public interest)
- Scope of authority network energy (natural
gas, heat electricity) - Target group non-household sector
3Leading Members
4The Approach
- The Market Background
- The Electricity Act No. CX of 2001
- New Market Structure Mechanism
51-1 Electricity flows (GWh in 2002)
61-2 Physical Flows (GWh in 2002)
71-3 Ownership Structure
81-4 Consumers Expectations
- IEF Accenture market survey conducted in early
2001 - 51 large electricity and/or natural gas consumer
- Sectors metallurgy, metall processing,
chemical/pharma industry, food industry,
transportation, packaging, building material,
power plants, utilities, etc. - (charts electricity on the left, NG on the right)
91-4 Survey (1) Starting date
Consumers would like to see the earliest
possible date, which allows a well-based market
opening up.
- 1 January 2002 for electricity (with no
reservation) - the earliest date to achieve price advanteges
and quality improvement
- 1 January 2002 for natural gas too (but
following accelerated preparation) - the earliest date to achieve improved quality
and eventual price advanteges
- year beginning date, anyway
101-4 Survey (2) Short-term electricity prices
Majority prognosticates price decrease between
0-15 on short-term.
- in real terms, incl. inflation, price rises for
primary energy sources, and network fees - more pessimistic, than the preliminary modelling
suggested (15-40)
111-4 Survey (3) Long-term energy prices
Uncertainty regarding the long-term prices.
- primary energy source prices and inflation in
the background of increased price prognoses - competitive market forces in the background of
price decrease prognoses
- world market price trends in the background of
increased price prognoses - competitive market forces in the background of
price decrease prognoses
121-5 Industrial Electricity Prices (USD/MWh)
132-1 Hungarian prelude to liberalization
142-2 Act No. CX of 2001 on Electricity
- A framework law
- RTPA, ISO, HEO, dual market, balance groups,
import limits - Detailed rules in
- Eligible consumers
- Importing rules
- Stranded (transitional) costs
- Commercial Code ISO Code
Govt ministry orders
152-3 Double Market Structure
Power Plants
Binded for Public Purposes
MVM as Public Wholesaler
Regional Public Electricity Suppliers
Protected/captive consumers
Eligible consumers
163-1 Traders Their Backgrounds/Clients
Magyar Áramszolgáltató (RWE)
Mátra Power Plant
Áramkereskedelmi Kft (E.on Hungária)
Debrecen CCGT imports
D-Energia (EdF)
Budapesti Power Plant imports
MVM Partner (MVM)
Paks NP, Vértes Plant PPAs imports
GE Lighting
Entrade (ATEL)
Csepel Power Plant imports
System Consulting
Ukrainian Contracts
173-2 Import ATC (Q1-Q2 2003)
150 MW
150 MW
450 MW
183-3 Domestic Capacities
- Limits to market opening
- Regulated generation prices till 2004
- Gridlocked PPA portfolio
- Import limitation (50) till EU-accession
- Potential import refusal ATC issues
- Fair competition rules and network access,
without real supply choice ? - Actually available 300 MW (from which
competitive 200 MW)
193-4 (Future) Capacities
- Import ATC auctions (by MAVIR ISO)
- Domestic capacities
- already marketable (partially competitive)
- renegotiated PPAs (hardly)
- MVM auction sales of unnecessary (for public
purposes) power - Capacities should catch-up with demand
203-5 Demand Side
- Eligible consumers
- gt 6,5 GWh/year cca. 300 companies (33)
- gt 100 GWh/year 20 companies (20)
- gt 10 GWh/year 140 companies (10)
213-6 Contracts
- Power (commodity) contracts
- non-scheduled full supply
- non-scheduled partial supplies
- schedule based
- Balance Group contract
- Network access usage contracts
- Switching 30 days termination notice until 1
July 2003, then 6 months co-operative former
223-7 Hungarian Co. considerations (1)
1/ Price Sensitivity 2/ Damage/risk
Sensitivity Maintaining Environmental issues
competitiveness Own plants Equipments
Supply/sales to customers
Price level Quality
3/ Client Service
233-7 Hungarian Co. considerations (2)
Trading freedom
direct market access OTC, PX
portfolio management structured purchase of
partial quantities partial supply
contract full supply contract
Price uncertainties
Flexibility Risk Management
Dependence Rigid Prices
243-8 Current Power Contracts (1)
- BorsodChem (700 GWh)
- IPP (40 MW) partial supply contracts with
Entrade in February - Hungarian Aluminium (750 GWh)
- two plants two contracts with E.on from March
- GE Lighting (180 GWh)
- full supply for 6 plants with MVM Partner from
April - Ózd Metallurgy (300 GWh) imports on its own
- 51 consumers, representing 5,7 TWh (18) on the
253-8 Current Power Contracts (2)
- Free market prices are 5-15 below the monopol
prices (HUF 11-12)
263-8 Summary
- Electricity Market in September 2003
- After the market opening up, but before the real
competition yet
27Thanks for your kind attention !
Please send your comments office_at_ief.hu
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