Title: Business and marketing in Baltic region II
1Business and marketing in Baltic regionII
- Tiit Elenurm
- Estonian Business School
- tiit.elenurm_at_ebs.ee
- Background of living under the command of foreign
rulers (700 dark years of serfdom). Only
Lithuanians have had their kings. - Protestant religious tradition in Estonia and
Latvia versus Catholic religion in Lithuania. - Open to cultural and business influences from
different larger cultural areas (Scandinavian,
Russian, German - Small nations know other nations and are able to
understand their differences. - Diaspora.
3The Hanseatic League free trade of Middle Ages?
- The Hanseatic League (The late Middle Ages)
consisted of a network of about 70 cities in the
countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, which
associated themselves for protection and
enlarging of their commerce. - The Hanseatic merchants had a strong influence
also on cultural, political and judicial
development of the BSR, and gave rise to close
political links in the region. - Still there is a lot of intra-regional trade in
the region, and the Baltic countries have their
neighbors as their main trading partners.
4Fons Trompenaars how culture influences
management practices
Matrix by Fons Trompenaars
Guided missile
Eiffel tower
5Baltic customers are they different from the
old Europe?
- Importance of money money is the measure of
many (if not all) things and money provides
security. Individual success and not being a
loser is high priority. - Openness to new situations, readiness to test new
products and technologies - Fancy car and a new home as a tool of social
recognition - People are only getting used to loan-based
consumption style but consumption loans have
increased rapidly during recent 2-3 year. - Rapid construction of super- and hypermarkets
during recent years. Consumers switching from
food markets to modern hypermarkets
6Values of Baltic people
- Asta Kaal, Emor (based on RISC survey)
- Estonians are more similar to Spaniards than to
Finns as flexible adaptators to changes and as
self-centered experience-based self-developers.
Everyone is maker of its on destiny. Although
temperament is different. - Latvian inhabitants pay attention to their looks
as the opportunity to express their personality
and are ready to give up other conveniences in
the name of that and the feeling of security. - Lithuanian inhabitants consider the feeling of
togetherness on the level of the society and
family important.
7Baltic consumers are they different from each
- Values research (RISC survey) conducted by TNS
companies in three Baltic countries - Among younger Lithuanian and Estonian people
there is significantly more than in Latvia such
consumers who first and foremost look to find
pleasures in everyday life, who put their
feelings before rationale. - Products and services can better be sold on
emotional arguments in Estonia and Lithuania, but
in Latvia the success of pleasure-offering
campaigns will probabaly be considerably lower.
8Differences between Baltic consumers II
- Environmental and socially responsible marketing
arguments are more attractive in Latvia than in
Estonia and Lithuania. Latvian people are more
interested in social agendas and more willing to
put common goals before ones own. Therefore
sponsorship has more influence and
environmentally clean/ natural stamps
influence purchasing decisions. - Lithuanians are most optimistic towards all kinds
of marketing and take for instance shopping as a
lot of fun. Estonians are most sceptical. These
attitudes are opposite to the advertising
expenditure, which per capita is highest in
Estonia and lowest in Lithuania. This means that
Estonian market demands more effort from the
marketers, while in Lithuania more ordinary
campaigns and messages might work.
94P view on marketing in the Baltic region (1)
- Products as markets are more saturated than 5
years ago and cost advantage in subcontracting is
diminishing, innovative new product development
is gradually becoming more important. Many
enterprises are however trapped in subcontracting
for 1-3 foreign importers or producers in the
same field of business. - A positive example Baltika Group re-defined its
mission from production to international fashion
retailer http//www.baltikagroup.com/index.php?pag
10Products continue
- Selling system services instead of separate
touchable products mobile parking (EMT),
e-banking (main commercial banks), Skype (now
owned by eBay but created by an Estonian team) . - ..but also special office furniture and designed
furniture for hotels AS Standard
- Booming construction of super- and hypermarkets
. now when economic growth is high, parking
slots are not empty as on this picture -
- See also my home store http//www.jarvekeskus.ee
/. Good mix of different stores and services for
busy customers. - Virtual place essential for computer hardware
but also for real estate business and even for
second-hand cars. Lithuanian www.autoplius.lt - lt rated as the most customer-friendly by
Estonian business newspaper Äripäev.
12Price (1)
- Limited market scale has to be taken into
consideration. - Although middle class is growing, pricing methods
that enable differentiated pricing for rich and
poor might be part of smart marketing campaigns.
13Price (2)
- Real estate and housing boom
- In Tallinn 10 year ago a standard flat ca 60 sq.
m. was 150 000 crowns, now the same flat is 1,5
million crowns. - Price of a square meter in a new house often
around 30 000 crowns (1917 EUR) - Global property guide http//www.globalpropertygui
de.com/country.php?id64 - in Tallinn good flats are11 more expensive than
in Brussels. In central Tallinn prices of flats
skyrocketed 55 during a year. The most expensive
real estate in Blatic countries is however in the
centre of Vilnius.
- Client loyality programmes not always tailored
to priorities and time use of different client
groups. From where to get a good wallet for all
client cards ? - Active promotion campaigns by telecommunication
operators after introducing phone number mobility
but more attention could be devoted to retaining
old clients. - Promoting political parties a rapidly
developing field of marketing. Can you market a
political party in the same way as a toothpaste
or as a mobile phone? In Estonia outdoor
political advertising banned during pre-election
15K-Kohuke case
K-kohuke (curd covered with chchocolate) was
introduced before municipal elections in October
2005 by K-kohuke. Quite similar to the logo of
the Centrum Party
AD-Idea author of the campaign
Story and intrigue as promotion stools
16Share of different media types in Estonian media
market in 2006
The source - TNS Emor advertising expenditure
survey Adex
17Estonian media advertising market volumes in
Total market 86,6 million euro
Source TNS Emor advertising expenditure survey
18Additional P-s as Baltic countries are moving
towards service economies
- PEOPLE shortage of service- minded highly
qualified sales staff - PROCESSES reliable logistics often a problem
for smaller producers - POWER big retailers dominate the value chain
- PROVISION OF SERVICES smart hardware (mobile
phones, cameras etc.) turns selling to consulting - PUBLIC RELATIONS people start speaking about
ethical approach to customers and nature - PHYSICAL EVIDENCE fancy building or CRM
supported by extranet and web-based client
communities? - POLITICS in small countries there is lack of
policies but enough politics. Also between
representatives of marketing and other functions.
19How to motivate customer service staff a
challenge of low unemployment
- Survey by Emor
- In 2006 the Estonian Customer Service Index was
3,32 points (on the scale of 4). According to the
data from the Estonian Customer Service Index
survey the customer service skills, or the
"softer skills", somewhat exceed the sales and
professional skills and the level of telephone
customer service exceeds the level of face to
face service. - The public sector institutions and companies in
the fields of telecommunication, tourism and
banking achieved the best customer service
results in direct customer service in commerce,
clothing stores stood out.
20Business to business marketing
- In the field of B2B marketing personal networks
are important in a small country although Baltic
countries together with Slovenia have better
position in corruption index than other East
European countries Estonia 24th Slovenia
28th, Lithuania 46th (Czech republic also
46th), Latvia 47th. -
- In the World bank easiness of doing business
ranking http//www.doingbusiness.org/EconomyRankin
gs/ - Baltic countries also have quite good global
position Lithuania 16th, Estonia 17th, Latvia
24th. No other new EU member states with so
good ranking.
21Corruption and marketing
- If corruption is everywhere, there is no place
for real marketing in business transactions
between private companies and public
institutions. - Marketing in the private sector is also biased,
especially about one of 4Ps place.
22E-readiness by 100 quantitative and qualitative
criteria Source Economist Intelligence Unit
23A Baltic view how it can be possible that London
is a big financial center?
- In Estonia and in other Baltic countries you need
to go to the bank office quite seldom. You can
use e-banking for usual bank transactions but
also for opening time deposits, trading stock and
buying investment fund units. Large
organizations, including public utilties and
telecommunication companies use e-invoices. - You can make mobile payment from your bank
account alternative to using a bank card. - In 2006 82,9 (in 2001 21,8) annual income
statements in Estonia were presented to the
Taxation office via the e-taxation website. - Mobile parking by sending SMS messages
24Exports and imports of the Baltic States by
commodity groups, 2005 () I part
25Exports and imports of the Baltic States by
commodity groups 2005, II part
26Exports of the Baltic States by countries, 2005,
EUR mln,
27Imports of the Baltic States by countries, 2005,
EUR mln,
28Baltic countries have rich or dynamic neighboring
markets around the Baltic Sea
Broader area of the Baltic Sea - 80 million
Source Enterprise Estonia
29Useful websites for monitoring business
environment in Baltic countries
- http//www.imf.org/external/country/index.htm -
International Monetary Fund - http//www.balticnet.com/FrameE.html - many
links by an internet solution provider - http//www.baltictimes.com/ - a virtual
newspaper - http//www.worldbank.org - the World Bank
- http//www.ebrd.org - European Bank of
Reconstruction and Development - http//www.tukkk.fi/pei/bre/ - Pan-European
Institute (Turku School of Economics and Business
Administration) - http//www.balticdata.info - Advisory Network for
the Northern Dimension -
30Useful websites - continued
- http//www.trigoncapital.com/ - a leading
investment bank -
- http//www.balticfund.com/ - an investment fund
- http//www.investor.ee - financial data, good
search engine -
- http//www.elta.lt/ http//eta.ee/eng/ -
news agencies - http//www.eas.ee Enterprise Estonia
- http//www.liaa.gov.lv Latvian Investment and
Development Agency - http//www.svv.lt/ Lituanian Development Agency
31Useful websites - continued
- http//www.ettk.ee/eng/ - Estonian Confederation
of Employers - http//www.hurmaster.ee - general information
about Baltic countries by sectors and message
board for commercial offers -
- http//www.binet.lv/english/database/select.htm
- Riga based, commercial offers -
- http//www.interbaltic.com/ - by
Interdevelopment Oy, finding business partners -
- http//www.zzz.ee/tbr/ - journal Baltic
Review, full text of some articles -
- http//www.balticsworldwide.com/ - by City
Paper, more for tourists