Title: High pressure gas infrastructure
1High pressure gas infrastructure in Bulgaria
Angel Semerdjiev, Executive Officer Bulgartransga
10th CEI Summit Economic Forum, 20 November 2007,
2Bulgartransgaz is a subsidiary of Bulgargaz
3Bulgartransgaz EAD is
- A sole owner joint stock company, registered
January 2007 - Established by unbundling from Bulgargaz Holding
EAD (former name Bulgargaz EAD) with reference
to the accession of Bulgaria to the EU and the
requirement to apply Directive 2003/55/?? - Granted the following licenses by the State
Energy and Water Regulation Commission - The only License on natural gas transmission in
the country - License on transit transmission of natural gas
- License on natural gas storage.
4Bulgartransgaz EAD is owner and operator of the
- Gas transmission network in Bulgariafor
transmission within the territory of the country
- 1700 km of gas pipelines- 4 compressor
stations with total installed capacity 60 MW - Transit network in Bulgariafor transmission to
countries from the Balkan region - 945 km of gas
pipelines (40-48- 750 km 20-28 - 195 km)- 6
compressor station with total installed capacity
240 MW - Underground gas storage (UGS)
- the only one on the territory of Bulgaria
- Created on the basis of the depleted gas
condense field of the same name. - Data for 2006 injected 355 Mcm, withdrawn 226
5Gas Transmission Infrastructure on the territory
of Bulgaria and UGS Chiren
6The business activity of Bulgartransgaz EAD
- Transmission, transit transmission and storage of
natural gas - Maintenance, management and development of the
gas transmission network and the UGS - Arrangement of natural gas market balancing,
engineering, investment, production and service
activities - Elaboration of programs in compliance with the EU
requirements - Since 2007 Bulgartransgaz EAD is a member of Gas
Infrastructure Europe (GIE)
7Natural gas transmission -Historical and
expected development
- Year Transmission in
Bulgaria Transit - 2003 2.79 bcm
13.55 bcm - 2004 3.06 bcm
13.51 bcm - 2005 3.21 bcm
15.49 bcm - 2006 3.37 bcm
15.19 bcm - 2007 (forecast) 3.32 bcm
17.10 bcm - 2008 (forecast) 3.50 bcm
17.50 bcm
8New infrastructure projectGas pipeline branch
to Silistra
- Construction of 80 km gas transmission pipeline
Dobrich - Silistra - The new gas pipeline will be constructed as a
branch of the present gas transmission
network, owned and operated by
Bulgartransgaz EAD - The project started 2007 will be accomplished
by the middle of 2010 - Bulgartransgaz EAD will fulfill the project
with financing from Kozloduy International
Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF) and own
9New infrastructure projectGas pipeline branch
to Silistra (2)
- Improvement of population social status
- The new gas pipeline will support nearly 70Â 000
people - in the remote North-Eastern region of the
country. - Assistance of the regional and national economy
- The gasification of the region would increase
its attractiveness in view of investments,
which presently can not be made due to the
lack of the required gas infrastructure. - Environmental effect
- Switching from conventional fuels to natural
gas will decrease the level of greenhouse
gases emissions.
10Bulgartransgaz EAD strategic plans include
- Development of the company gas transmission
network, based on analyses of consumption
potential in new areas in Bulgaria - Research of opportunities and future
participation in construction of cross border
gas pipelines - Utilizing the productivity of rock layers where
natural gas is stored as efficiently as
possible - Participation in projects developed by
Bulgargaz Holding EAD - Active participation in GIE activities
- Development of existing transit infrastructure
and construction of new transit pipelines
11Projects for new transit routes in the region
Nabucco and South Stream Pipelines
Nabucco Natural Gas from the Caspian
region and the Middle East to Central and
Western Europe Planned capacity 25-31 bcm/year
South Stream Natural gas from Russia across
the Black Sea and Bulgaria to Europe Planned
capacity 30 bcm/year
12Nabucco route through Bulgaria
13Since 1st January 2007 Bulgaria is a member of
the European Union and the Bulgarian gas
transmission system became part of the European
Internal Gas Market.
Thank you for your attention!