Title: Canine Fitness and Fun Center
1Canine Fitness and Fun Center
2Niki on the Agility Course
3Doggie Dash
4Dig on the Agility Course
5Doggie Dash
6Luigi waiting for Doggie Dash
7Susan and Watson
8Bo waiting patiently
9Betty and Dig
10Joan and Burtonand Barb and Niki
11Boller ready for his ball
12Stanley and Willoughby take time out for an ice
cream break!
13Kona cant wait for the Dogs!
14Sabi licking her chops for hot dogs!
15Buck ready for dogs!
16Kona, find the hot dog!
17Cooper, yummy hot dogs!
18Stanley drooling for hot dogs!
19My ears are in the way!
20Koas got a mouth full of hot dogs!
21Debra and Luke
22Miss Maddy
23Gus watching the events!
24Barb and Niki taking a well earned break in the
25Bo, getting the last drop of peanut butter!
26Tina stop laughing, Rajah is trying to get the
peanut butter!
27Lower Joan, Rocky is little!
28Carolyn and Malcolm
29Henry, keep licking!
30Maddy are you laughing at mom?
31Chinook, mom is supposed to hold that in her
32Jake, you are almost there!
33Dig in Luke!
34Hurry Ty, you are beating your brother!!
35Vegas, you are so close!
36Cooling off!
37Taking a dip!
38Godivas got her ball and back to the finish!
39Malcolm, get it!
40Lori, Peter and Kona
41Getting ready for the Award Ceremony!
42Watson, getting every drop off his nose!
44Malcolm and Carolyn
45A little water please!!
46Jilly Bean, keep my ears out of the way please!
47I have to find just the right one!
48Boller Wescott
49Come on Godiva, 1, 2, 3, go!
50Daisy.Are you crazy, I am not jumping over that!
51Rajah waiting for his award!
52Waiting patiently for their awards!
53Everyone loves peanut butter!
54What a fun day with all our friends!
55Cooper is so proud of his medals!
56Malcolm showing off his medal!
57Buck a Roo sporting his medal!
58Waylon, watching intently at the awards!
59Gus on the medal stand!
60Congrats to Debra Gigout and Luke for winning a
daycare package!
- Thanks to all our participants in the second
annual Canine Fitness and Fun Center Doggie
Olympics! - We hope you had as much fun as we did and look
forward to seeing you again next year better
start practicing now!!