Title: MRC and Clinical Research in Wales
1MRC and Clinical Research in Wales Sir Leszek
Borysiewicz Medical Research Council Foundation
for Science and Technology, 20 May 2009
2MRC mission
- Encourage and support high-quality research with
the aim of improving human health - Produce skilled researchers
- Advance and disseminate knowledge and technology
to improve the quality of life and economic
competitiveness in the UK and worldwide - Promote dialogue with the public about medical
3The MRC journey Basic science as the bedrock
- 28 Nobel prizes spread across the Nobel
categories of Physiology or Medicine and
Chemistry. - The MRCs core offering
- World-class basic biomedical research
- Interdisciplinary interface with the Research
Councils - Embracing translation
4MRC funding
- MRC operating expenditure - 625.4m in 07/08
- 300 new grants to researchers 236 million on
grants and training awards in universities and
medical schools - 343 million for over 500 programmes in our
research units and institutes over 2000
publications in peer-reviewed journals - Licensing income receipts of 85.4 million
through MRCT 384 million total cash generated
since 1998 - People
- Over 4000 people in our own units, institutes and
centres - 72.2 million on training and career development
- 107 new fellowships, 450 new post-graduate
5MRC funding in Wales
- MRC funding for research in Wales- 6.9m in 07/08
- 1.2 of total MRC spend
- Wales has 5 of UK population
- Comprising
- Grants 4.75 million
- Studentships 1.15 million
- Institutes / establishments 0 million
6MRC Grant Funding in Wales 2007/08 by UKCRC
Health category
Total grants approx 35million
7MRC Grant Funding in Wales 2007/08 by UKCRC
Research activity
8The MRC journey structural change
Strategy Board
- Large scale funding
- Strategic funding
- Allocation of resources
9The MRC journey Embracing translation
- What is it? - turning discoveries into clinical
benefits, while maintaining the basic research
that drives it - MRCs translational strategy
- builds on the MRCs existing role in pushing
forward basic knowledge to improve peoples
health and wealth - strengthens the support and oversight of the
translational processes
Prototype discovery and design
Basic medical research
Late clinical trials
Early clinical trials
Pre-clinical development
10MRC translational activities
Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme
Developmental Clinical Studies
Translational Research Support
Translational Stem Cell Research Programme
Basic research
Prototype discovery and design
Pre-clinical development
Early clinical trials
Late clinical trials
Targeted initiatives to alleviate bottlenecks
Continued commitment to basic lab, clinical and
population research
Capacity building
11Current foci of MRC activity
Discovery and Exploratory Research
Application and Delivery Research
MRC Translational
MRC lead NIHR lead
Genetics/genomics Structural biology Imaging Syste
ms medicine Global health Ageing lifecourse Stem
cells Infections Population science
Pharmacogenomics Animal/human models Regenerative
Programmes in Applied research Research for
Patient Benefit Invention for Innovation Service
Delivery and Organisation
Experimental medicine Methodology Global
health Stratified medicine
HTA Trials EME Trials(Late stage III)
Public health E-health
CSO (Scotland) WORD (Wales)
12The MRC journey Health Research Opportunities
- A Cooksey challenge
- 1 Health Departments review impact of disease
- 2 Meeting to identify scientific opportunities
at Mar Hall - Mar Hall group identified 10 key areas for
maximum impact in public health - Used to inform development of MRC strategic plan
- Stratification of phenotype
- Regeneration and replacement
- Tracking response to intervention
- Measure, understand and modify environmental and
inherited influences on health - Exploitation of world leading position in
hypothesis-generating science to deliver improved
health - Early detection of the opportunity for effective
intervention - Primary prevention
- Behaviour modification
- Understanding the burden of illness
- Development of new interventions
13A new Strategic Plan for the MRC
- Consultation with over 500 stakeholders
- A non-prescriptive agenda
- Leading and influencing
- Partnership agenda
14Research changes lives
- Strategic Aim 1
- Picking research that delivers Setting research
priorities which are most likely to deliver step
changes in the potential for improved health
outcomes - Strategic Aim 2
- Research to people Bringing the benefits from
excellent research to all sections of society - Strategic Aim 3
- Going global Securing progress in international
medical research - Strategic Aim 4
- Supporting our scientists Supporting and
sustaining a robust and flourishing environment
for world class medical research.
15MRC Strategic Plan 2009-2014
- Strategic aim 1Picking research that delivers
Setting research priorities which are most
likely to deliver step changes in the potential
for improved health outcomes
16Strategic aim 1
- Research priority theme 1
- Resilience, Repair and Replacement
- Natural protection
- To explore built-in resilience to disease and
degeneration, determining - how such mechanisms might be used to produce new
interventions for - ameliorating disease processes
- Tissue disease and degeneration
- To advance knowledge in the biology of ageing
and degeneration of human tissue - Repair and replacement
- To translate the burgeoning knowledge in stem
cell biology and other replacement and
regeneration mechanisms into new treatment
strategies - Mental health and wellbeing
- To explore the inter-relationship between mental
wellbeing and resilience to disease processes
17Strategic aim 1
- Research priority theme 2
- Living a long and healthy life
- Genetics and disease
- Using next generation genetics with more
sophistication and lower cost, imaging, and
biomarkers to - Understand genetic predispositions for disease,
in the setting of complex traits and in the
modulation of simple ones - Align the development and use of treatments with
specific subtypes of disease - Lifecourse
- To drive forward inter-disciplinary working in
life-course research - Lifestyles affecting health
- Determining the most effective strategies for
tackling lifestyles which are detrimental to
health - Environment and health
- Exploring the impacts of changes in our
environment on health and wellbeing
18MRC Strategic Plan 2009-2014
- Strategic aim 2Research to People Bringing
the benefits of excellent research to all
sections of society
19Strategic aim 2
- Research to people Bringing the benefits from
excellent research to all sections of society. - Translation of research
- Ensuring translation of the research effort into
health and commercial outcomes new products,
policies, procedures - Regulation, ethics, governance and working with
decision-makers - To uphold and guide ethical research practice
and the highest standards of research governance,
to enhance the regulatory process by providing
innovative approaches - Communication
- Enhancing communication between scientists,
policy makers, advocators and the public -
20MRC Strategic Plan 2009-2014
- Strategic aim 3Going global Securing
progress in international medical research
21Strategic aim 3
- Going global Securing progress in international
medical research - Partnerships and agenda shaping
- To provide international leaderships in
partnerships which enhance the competitiveness of
the UK knowledge and health base -
- Global health
- To support global health research that addresses
the inequalities in health which arise
particularly in developing countries -
22MRC Strategic Plan 2009-2014
- Strategic aim 4Supporting scientists
Sustaining a robust and flourishing environment
for world-class medical research
23Strategic aim 4
- Supporting our scientists Sustaining a robust
and flourishing environment for world-class
medical research - Capacity
- To strengthen research capacity through training
and development - Use of population-based data
- To fully exploit the complexity and benefits of
population data, to maximise sharing and linkage
of data and to develop data collection and
storage - Research environment
- Providing a world-class research environment
24Measuring success
- A new approach to capturing output
- We will deliver a minimum of four major strategic
evaluations a year - We will work in partnership with universities to
offer information needed to maximise the value of
the support they receive from the MRC.
25MRC and cancer research
26MRC spend - 2007
MRC spend 89.3 million
27Current MRC priorities in cancer research
- Research on the highest priority site specific
diseases (e.g. lung cancer early diagnosis,
screening and biomarkers prostate cancer) - Radiotherapy/radiobiology
- Imaging particularly Positron Emission
Tomography (PET) diagnosis, staging and wider
uses - Identification of potential markers/agents/therap
eutic targets to feed into experimental medicine - Supportive and palliative care
- Research to complement the aims of the NCRI
28NCRI Partnership working
- The National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) is
a partnership between the government, charity and
industry which promotes co-operation in cancer
research among the 21 member organisations. - NCRI - strategic oversight of cancer research in
the UK, identifies gaps and opportunities
co-ordinates the funding activities of the
partner organisations. - Recent priority areas identified by the NCRI
partners - National Prevention Research Initiative (NPRI)
- Supportive and Palliative Care
- Prostate Cancer Collaboratives
- Radiotherapy/Radiobiology
- Lung cancer
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanning
29MRC grant funding for cancer research in Wales
30UK Health Research Opportunities Neurological,
mental health and special senses
- UK Government spends 15 billion pa on
drug-related harms. - Young people in UK amongst heaviest drug users in
Europe. - Alcohol major and increasing problem and high
priority for Government. - Although recent advances include good animal
models and knowledge of the brain receptor
targets, there is still a need to increase
understanding of the mechanisms of the neural
basis of addiction. - Scientific competitiveness of the UK is good in
relation to Europe and Asia, but USA has huge
(1bn) budget for addiction research. - MRC has initiated a new initiative in addiction
building research clusters, need to attract
expertise from other fields
32Neurodegeneration and dementia research
- Genome analysis - identification of therapeutic
targets. - Mechanisms and pathogenesis.
- Role of cognitive dysfunction.
- Stratification
- Symptomatic management quality of life.
- Safety of new and extended therapies
- Markers, especially pre-symptomatic and early
disease. - Epidemiology linked to genomics etc to allow very
early, pre-symptomatic intervention. - Second generation therapies e.g. stem cells
complex interventions
33Stratified medicine
- MRC lead
- Academy of Medical Sciences report Optimising
stratified medicines RD - NOT personalised medicine
- The better targeting of interventions to
well-defined subgroups of patients
34How we will deliver
- Identify, align and prioritise research -
industry and academia. - Align investment (MRC, NIHR, TSB, Industry -
charities?) - Validate evidence for sub-type, mechanism etc
- Support development of stratification tools
- Markers of disease/severity etc
- Diagnostics
- Imaging
- Stratification methodologies
- Build infrastructure and shared resources
- Cohorts
- Clinical trial samples
- Tissue banks
- Develop methodology for regulation and economic
models - Funding provision 10-15m in 2010
35The MRC and Wales
- For universities a change in the nature of the
relationship with MRC - Response-mode funding
- Focussing on strength
- Strategic funding provides a new way of working
e.g SATRE, Centres and DPFS - Using Wales presence at OSCHR to influence
strategic direction - MRC partnerships with the Welsh Assembly
Government/WORD to influence priorities - Build on research excellence