Concurrency III - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Concurrency III


... in several languages, including Concurrent Pascal, Modula-3, and Java. ... Java's Synchronization. Java methods can be declared using the synchronized key word: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Concurrency III

Concurrency III
  • Monitors
  • Message Passing
  • Readers and Writers

  • Categories of Solutions to CS Problem
  • Monitors A High-Level Language Solution to the
    CS Problem
  • Interprocess Communication - Message Passing
  • Another Classic Synchronization Problem The
    Readers and Writers Problem

Solutions to the Critical Section Problem
  • Software requires no assistance from OS,
    compiler, hardware. Petersons algorithm
  • Hardware Based on indivisible instructions such
    as Test_and_Set
  • OS Synchronization services provided by the OS.
    Example semaphore
  • Language Solutions provided by a high-level
    language. Example the monitor

Monitors A High-Level Language Solution to CS
  • Historically, one of the most important language
    synchronization tools.
  • High-level language constructs that encapsulate
    code and data.
  • Have been implemented in several languages,
    including Concurrent Pascal, Modula-3, and Java.

Monitor Definition
  • A monitor is a software module containing
  • an initialization sequence, which runs once
  • one or more procedures
  • local data
  • Only one process at a time can be in the
    monitor i.e., executing a monitor procedure
  • Monitors provide ME by encapsulating code and

Similarity of Monitors Objects
  • Processes enter the monitor by calling one of
    the procedures.
  • Local data is accessible only to the procedures
    that are in the monitor.

Condition Variables
  • Monitors provide mutual exclusion they must also
    provide other synchronization.
  • It must be possible to block a process (e.g.,
    block producer if no empty slots) and release the
    monitor so another process can enter it.
  • Solution condition variables

Condition Variables
  • Contained in the monitor
  • Operated on by two functions
  • cwait(c) suspends process executing it makes
    monitor available to other processes
  • csignal(c) resume a process that blocked on this

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Monitors versus Semaphores
  • Semaphores are sufficient to solve any mutual
    exclusion or synchronization problem, but there
    are drawbacks.
  • For example, its hard to ensure that all
    cooperating processes use semaphores correctly
    (See next slide)
  • Monitors (and other high-level language
    solutions) are potentially easier to use.

Incorrect Use of Semaphores(semaphores s and k
are initialized to 1)
  • Process 0
  • 01 wait(s)
  • 02 wait(k)
  • CS
  • 03 signal(k)
  • 04 signal(s)
  • Some execution orders
  • Process 1
  • 11 wait(k)
  • 12 wait(s)
  • CS
  • 13 signal(s)
  • 14 signal(k)
  • will lead to deadlock.

Semaphores and Monitors
  • Monitors are also subject to error for example,
    the programmer could forget the cwait(notfull)
  • Advantage all synchronization operations are
    centralized in the monitor

Javas Synchronization
  • Java methods can be declared using the
    synchronized key wordpublic synchronized void
    append(int value)
  • Only one thread at a time can execute the method
  • Java also provides wait( ) and notify( ) methods
    that resemble the wait and signal statements in a
    traditional monitor

Interprocess Communication (IPC) Message
  • Semaphores and monitors provide a way for
    processes to communicate by passing simple
  • IPC based on these techniques require shared
    memory all processes need to be able to access
    the semaphore variable, the buffers, etc.

Message Passing
  • Message passing is a more general method for IPC.
  • Used in distributed systemsno shared memory
  • Can also be used in a shared memory computer
  • Message passing can be used for synchronization
    and mutual exclusion, as well as for more general
    forms of information exchange.

Message Passing Primitives
  • Message passing is based on two primitives
  • send(destination, message)
  • receive(destination, message)
  • The message is composed in the senders address
    space and transferred (by the kernel) to the
    receivers address space.
  • The kernel may buffer the message in kernel space.

Design Issues for Messaging
  • How sender and receiver will synchronize
  • How sender and receiver will address each other
  • How the message will be formatted.
  • Queuing discipline for multiple messages (FIFO
    versus priority)

Synchronizationblocking or non-blocking
  • For sends
  • non-blocking send message, continue to run
  • blocking send message, wait till its delivered
  • For receives
  • non-blocking if message isnt available,
    continue to run
  • blocking if message isnt available, wait.
  • In either case, if message is available, receive
    and continue to run.

Message Passing Synchronization
  • Blocking sends may have variations
  • block the sender just until the message has been
    sent (in network communication) or
  • block until the message has been received.
  • Receives (blocking or not) never require the
    receiver to wait if a message has already arrived.

Message Passing Synchronization
  • Common combinations
  • Blocking send, blocking receiveOtherwise known
    as a rendezvous. Processes are synchronized at
    the message-exchange.
  • Non-blocking send, blocking receiveSender can
    continue to run, perhaps sending messages to
    several servers. Receiver (e.g. a server) may
    have nothing to do unless a message is present,
    so just waits.

  • Addressing specifies how the receiver or sender
    of a message will be named.
  • Direct addressing
  • send/receive explicitly name destination/source
    process. In network message passing, this means
    knowing IP number and process id.
  • Flexibility is limited. You cant, for example,
    switch to a back-up server without changing
    client code.

  • Indirect addressing is more versatile
  • Messages are sent to a message queue, often given
    the generic name mailbox.
  • In network communication, the most common devices
    are ports and sockets.
  • Ports are mailboxes that are bound to one
    receiver process, although many processes may
    send to the port.

Mailboxes and Ports
  • A mailbox can be private, or shared among several
    senders and receivers
  • A port is associated with one receiver, multiple
  • used for client/server applications the receiver
    is the server
  • UNIX added sockets on top of ports

Ports and Sockets
  • The socket abstraction is used in the TCP/IP
    protocols of the Internet.
  • Internet IPC transmits a message from a socket in
    the sender to a socket in the receiver.
  • Each socket must be bound to a port (and an IP
  • Writing to a socket is based on the abstraction
    of writing to a file.

Message Format
  • Depends at least partly on whether the message
    passing system is used on a single computer, or
    in a distributed system.
  • Messages generally consist of a header, which
    identifies the recipient and may contain
    information for routing, decoding, etc. and then
    the message itself.
  • In a network the message is usually broken up
    into packets that are sent individually.

Mutual Exclusion
  • Processes can enforce mutual exclusion with
    message passing.
  • The set of processes will share a mailbox (mutex)
    to which all can send and receive.
  • Initially the mailbox has a single message.
  • Assume non-blocking send, blocking receive
    primitives are used.

Mutual Exclusion
  • The first Pi to execute receive() gets the
    initial message and enters CS.
  • Other processes will be blocked until Pi resends
    the message.
  • This assumes a message is only delivered to one
    process, and that all other receivers block.

Process Pi var msg message repeat
receive(mutex, msg) CS send(mutex, msg)
RS forever
  • Microkernel OSs are typically based on the
    client-server model. Servers communicate by
    sending messages through the kernel.
  • Client-server protocols in a distributed system
    are also based on message passing.

Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
  • RPC provides a high level interface to message
  • The message send primitive resembles a procedure
    (function) call.
  • The procedure name identifies the recipient
    parameters contain message content.
  • RPC is usually synchronous blocking send,
    blocking receive.

Readers and Writers A Classic Synchronization
  • Another classic problem in synchronization and
    concurrency (like producer/consumer).
  • Characteristics
  • concurrent processes access shared data area
    (files, block of memory, set of registers)
  • some processes only read information, others
    write (modify and add) information

Readers and Writers
  • Conditions that must be satisfied
  • Any number of readers may simultaneously read the
    data area (reads are non-destructive)
  • Only one writer at a time may access the data
  • Readers may not access the data while writers are
    writing (to prevent the reader from retrieving
    inconsistent data)

Readers and Writers
  • Differences between Readers/Writers (R/W) and
    Producer/Consumer (P/C)
  • Data in P/C is ordered - placed into buffer and
    retrieved according to FIFO discipline.
  • In R/W, same data may be read many times by many
    readers, or data may be written by writer and
    changed before any reader reads.
  • Differences between R/W and simple M/E
  • R/W requires M/E and synchronization

Readers and Writers
  • Some solutions to R/W problem give readers
    priority as long as there are readers wanting to
    read, no writer can write.
  • Problem writer starvation. If writers arent
    allowed to update, readers will get stale data.
  • Other solutions give priority to writers
  • Problem reader starvation. If readers arent
    allowed to read, the data is useless.

Solution to R/W
  • The following solution uses a variable, shared by
    readers, and two semaphores
  • readcount (shared variable) counts the number of
    readers who are currently active.
  • x (semaphore) ensures mutual exclusion when
    readers modify the shared variable readcount.
  • wsem (semaphore) ensures mutual exclusion for the
    shared data used by readers and writers.

procedure writer begin repeat wait
(wsem) WRITEUNIT signal (wsem)
forever end Fig. 5.22, page 243
integer readcount 0 /initialize semaphore x,
wsem 1 /initialize procedure reader begin
repeat wait (x) readcount
readcount 1 if readcount 1 then
wait (wsem) signal (x) READUNIT()
wait (x) readcount readcount -
1 if readcount 0 then signal (wsem)
signal (x) forever end
R/W Solution
  • All writers wait on wsem to be sure the data can
    be read with mutual exclusion.
  • Only the first reader waits on wsem. Subsequent
    readers (readcount gt1) proceed to read operation
  • When the last reader finishes, it signals wsem.
    If there are waiting writers, one will be
    returned to the Ready state.

  • The central themes of modern operating systems
    are multiprogramming, multi- processing, and
    distributed processing. Fundamental to these
    themes, and fundamental to the technology of
    operating system design, is concurrency. When
    mul-tiple processes are executing concurrently,
    either actually or virtually , issues of
    conflict resolution and cooperation arise.
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