Title: Bearings Problems
1Bearings Problems
2Bearings Problems
- Dundee is 84 km due south of Aberdeen.
- A ship at sea is on a bearing of 078 from
Aberdeen and 048 from Dundee. - How far is the ship from Dundee and from
Aberdeen ?
- An aeroplane is 240 km from an airport on a
bearing of 100 while a helicopter is - 165 km from the airport on a bearing of 212.
How far apart are the aircraft ?
3Bearings Problems
- A ship sails 80 km on a bearing of 060 from its
home port. - It then sails 93 km on a bearing of 134.
- How far is it now from its home port ?
- Glasgow airport is 73 km from Edinburgh airport
and lies - to the west of Edinburgh airport.
- The bearing of an aeroplane from Glasgow
airport is 040 while - its bearing from Edinburgh airport is 300.
- How far is the aeroplane from each airport ?
4Bearings Problems
- A ship sails 74 km south from its port to a
lighthouse. - It then sails 85 km on a bearing of 160.
- How far is the ship from the port ?
- From a port P, ship A is 144 km distant on a
bearing of 036 and - ship B is 97 km distant on a bearing of
114. - What is the distance between the two ships ?
5Bearings Problems
- A ship sails 93 km on a bearing 054 and then
- another 108 km on a bearing of 110.
- How far is it now from its starting point ?
8. Two radar stations Alpha and Beta pick up
signals from an incoming aircraft. Alpha is
40 km east of Beta and picks up the signals on a
bearing of 300. Beta picks up the signals
on a bearing of 070. How far is the
aircraft from Alpha and from Beta ?
6Bearings Problems
9. Aeroplane P is 200 km from an airport on a
bearing of 208 while aeroplane Q is 170 km
from the same airport on a bearing of 094.
How far apart are the two aeroplanes ?
10. The bearings and distances from Aberdeen of
three oil platforms are a) 028 116 km b)
081 104 km c) 138 97 km A supply boat
leaves Aberdeen, visits each platform and then
returns to Aberdeen. Find the total length
of the journey.