Title: Relationships in Triangles
1Chapter 5
- Relationships in Triangles
2- 5.1 Bisectors, Medians, and Altitudes
3Special Segments in ?s
1. perpendicular bisector line, seg, or ray
that passes thru midpt of side is perpendicular
to it
4Thm 5.1 any pt on perpendicular bisector of a
seg is equidist from endpts of seg
5Thm 5.2 any pt equidist from endpts of seg lies
on perpendicular bis of seg (conv of Thm 5.1)
6Concurrent Lines when 3 or more lines n _at_ a
common pt
- Circumcenter more specialized name of pt of
concurrency formed by perpendicular biss
7Circumcenter Thm circumcenter of ? is equidist
from vertices of ?
82. lt bisector line, seg, or ray ing an lt into
2 congruent lts
- Thm 5.4 any pt on lt bis is equidist from the
sides of lt
9- Thm 5.5 any pt equidist from sides of lt lies on
lt bis of the lt
10Incenter specialized name for pt of concurrency
formed by lt biss
113. Median seg whose endpts are vertex midpt
of opp side
12- Centroid specialized name for pt of concurrency
formed by medians - Centroid Thm centroid of ? is 2/3 of dist from
a vertex to midpt of side opp
13Ex Points U, V, and W are the midpoints of
respectively. Find a, b, and c.
144. Altitude (alt) seg from vertex perpendicular
to side opp
Orthocenter - specialized name for pt of
concurrency formed by alts
15Ex MS is alt, lt13x11, lt27x9. Find x lt2
- Special seg
- Perpendicular bis
- lt bis
- Median
- Alt
- Pt of concurrency
- Circumcenter
- Incenter
- Centroid
- Orthocenter