Title: template guidelines
1 2 EFET RECIT Model Introduction 1
- The political decision makers decided in the
Lisbon Strategy to make also the European energy
market an efficient and competitive one and hence
the goal is to create a single European energy
market for gas and electricity - To achieve that the EC has produced a series of
legislative text which have to be complied with
on a European level - However, several problems are in the detail and
thus ERGEG created the regional initiatives to
support the Madrid process and EFET has proposed
as a pragmatic and intermediate step forward a
paper on how to overcome potentially these
challenges via a regional approach - Also for EFET the goal is to achieve a single
European energy market in due time
3 EFET RECIT Model Introduction 2
- EFET presented a vision on a Regional
Independent System Operator model at the IG SSE
GRI meeting in Maribor. In order to avoid
misunderstanding EFET considers to change the
name of the model to a Regional Cooperation of
Independent TSOs model RECIT - EFET believes that the RECIT model will
effectively provide market integration in a swift
manner - The proposed model is not a new proposal for
design of the European gas market, it is simply a
possible and more detailed interpretation of the
draft 3rd package published by the EC in
September 2007 - The model as such would be fully neutral and
compatible with all suggested types of unbundling
of TSOs (OU, national ISO or OUISO) ---gt the
political decision on structure of the TSOs
would not have a particular influence on the
processes and interactions determined in the
4 EFET RECIT Model Introduction 3
- RECIT and aspects of security of supply
- physical capacity available from source to
final customers? - Transport cost clearly calculable at point of
suppliers decision on where tosource gas from? - Historically, many major investments happened
because of international (cross-border)
consortia/cooperation (e.g. Megal, TAG, BOG,) - Aim must be that at least some different supply
sources must potentially physically arrive in
each area no security of supply without
physical interconnection (long term and short
5 EFET RECIT Model Introduction 4
- RECIT and aspects of competition
- final customer
- Pooling of consumption withinone balancing area
increase of negotiating power - Larger netting of imbalance positions reduces
opportunity costs for suppliers - More potential suppliers, reductionof market
concentration - for shippers/suppliers
- More similar customers in one market area
- Reduced opportunity cost nomination,
balancing,registration, etc.. reduced risk to
deliver - Macro-economic/political
- Potential of economies of scale for system
operation - Eg potential for higher capacity provision
through larger flow optimisation - Reduced national influence
Grid 2007
6 EFET RECIT Model - Objectives
- Objectives of the model
- to reduce the existing market areas through
establishment of Regional Independent System
Operators - to enable all stakeholders of gas industry to
take part in the drafting of binding documents on
topics that affect parts of the industry (market
rules for future European gas market) at equal
- The first aspect derives from market knowledge
and the finding of the Sector Inquiry where it
was stated that a decent market size is a
prerequisite for increase of liquidity (through
diversity of source, routes, storages, players)
and small balancing areas hinder competition - Additionally a bigger market area with flow
optimisation based on regional ((intra))/inter-nat
ional) coordination will improve security of
supply in the relevant region and increases
potentially supply diversity - A R_ISO might be able to better compete against
third party take over bids if designed in such a
way - The merging of the market zones with now
different operational, technical and commercial
(balancing) rules, will implicitly optimise
cross-border trade and enhances market entry
opportunities (bigger customer potential) and
reduces market concentration - Establishment of clear regional governance for
the R_ISO backed by a consistent and stable
regulatory framework with a strong European
approach will overcome pure national interests
and also increase investment incentives.
8Potential regional market development with
determining of the short term index prices
Border price
(Spot) price index
R_ISO xy
Border price
Atlantic bassin LNG Spot price
Border price
Border price
9 Decision making process concerning EU Grid Code
Policy and legislation
EC,European Council, EU Parliament
ERGEG/ Agency
Draft EU-Grid Code
Secondary Legislation If empowered
Eure lectric
Regional regulatory Board
Consultation process on the EU-Grid Code
Execution Monitoring Controling
10 EFET RECIT Model role of market players
- The model propose clear definition and separation
if the task and responsibilities of particular
market players - R_ISO
- Management of capacities in the Regional Gas
Grid - Balancing services implementation of market
place for them - Long-term planning
- Drafting of the grid standard transportation
contracts following the framework agreed within
EASEE-gas - Facilitation of a secondary market platform for
trading and secondary markets for capacity - Dispatching centre
- Collection of E/E fees and redistribution to the
relevant TO - TO
- Maintenance of transmission pipelines in
accordance with the R_ISOs standards - Compute and announce the available capacity to
the R_ISO - Enter into contract on exchange data with others
TO and R_ISO - Contribute to long-term adequacy
11 EFET RECIT Model role of actors on the
regional/European market
- Regulatory level EU/regional monitor, approve,
enforce - To ensure convergence between the regulatory
principles and practices - To approve the long term plans, methodology for
calculation of tariffs - To approve Regional Grid Code based on European
Grid Code chapters(regional appendix) - Easee-Gas
- Procedures for a coherent and common grid access
to the EU - Drafting of the grid standard transportation
contracts - Harmonisation of Invoicing and payments
- Harmonisation of Balancing rules / charges
- Defining of data format of communication
- Defining codification method
- Defining and agreeing on quality specification
- Harmonisation of trading arrangements
- Setting up of the Inter-TO compensation model
- Preparing of the ten Year Statements on system
enhancement - Ensuring closer communication and coordination
among TOs best dispatch - Agreeing of the minimum safety and maintenance
requirements - Agreeing standardized methodology for capacity
12GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Comments received
- Stakeholder consultation on the paper on RECIT
model was taken, the deadline was 10 January 2007 - Comments from following parties has been received
so far - CEER supportive, asks for more details
- OGP rather supportive, wants to avoid
inefficient structures and more detail on the
economies - Eurelectric supportive
- Eurogas rather supportive
- GTE rather negative, does not want to make
effort before 3rd package ready - OMV Gas rather negative, asks for impact
13GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Evaluation of
- OGP position
- OGP Europe supports the principle of establishing
regional ISOs as an interim measure leading to
single European market, the measures leading to
free market for importing gas into and through
Europe via investments in LNG interconnectors
etc. establishment of independent NRAs with
similar power and aim to achieve a single grid
code via regional grid codes. -
- However the costs for usage of network (economics
between R_ISO and TOs) should be more explained - EFET ok, point taken, think on sort of impact
14GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Evaluation of
- OGP position
- Statements regarding control of flows in
supplying pipelines see 2.2. should be more
explained and suggest to insert proposal for
prior to future grid investments decisions. - EFET positive consideration, after WS clear
15GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Evaluation of
- OGP position
- Criteria set out for independence of the R_ISO in
2.3. could prevent the R_ISO for being a
commercially viable operation without significant
additional cost to network users. - EFET believes that the independence (effective
unbundling) of R_ISO is a key issue in the whole
model as only company/entity with no possible
influence by particular interested parties will
be able to fulfill its responsibilities like
efficient management of capacities and gas flows
in the regional grid, balancing market based
regime coordinated on regional level etc. - We believe that a really functioning regional
(European) market based on the clear
determination of role for particular market
players will bring significant benefits (less
capacity congestion, harmonised market and
technical rules etc.) to the network users - ? Could be part of a potential impact assessment
16GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Evaluation of
- OGP position
- Increasing number of interfaces (from this
proposal and proposal for 3rd package ACER,
ENTSOG, R-ISOs) could result in increased
bureaucracy. - In comparison to 3rd package the model does not
propose any new interfaces, it only elaborates
on possible way for regional integration and
actually significantly reduces the number of
interfaces (not each TSO is an interface to the
market parts of the one-stop shop principle) - It only determines roles of particular market
players more precisely and gives a clear form for
the proposed public consultation process in the
3rd package - It has to be taken into account that the R_ISOs
should be established only in the regional/areas
where it is reasonable in accordance with the
physical and technical conditions/limitations
17GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Evaluation of
- GTE position
- Welcomes the EFET paper as a contribution how the
European market might develop, nevertheless its
first priority is the development and
implementation of the 3rd package establishment
of ENTSOG and its role in consultation processes - EFET does not want to wait for 3-5 years and
already tackles now the elements included in the
3rd package. - Current ENTSOG tasks are not operational at all
- Like other stakeholders (OGP, CEER), EFET would
prefer to define a system for a public
consultation procedure which ensure for all
parties same power, access to information etc.
We believe that it can be more easily guaranteed
by an organisation where all parties are
represented than by a body where only TSOs have
the control
18GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Evaluation of
- OMV position
- Assessment of the impact which benefits will
competition increase how the proposal fit with
existing contracts between Gazprom and its
customers - As mentioned in the beginning the model does not
try to find a new way to the proposal in 3rd
package, it only provides a practical proposal
how it can be interpreted - EFET accepts the proposal for the impact
assessment, nevertheless in its opinion it should
be done by and in the cooperation with ERGEG SSE
members (E-Control, AEEG) as chairs of the
regional initiative - EFET believes that the proposal of setting up a
regional independent body which is responsible
only for the issues relating to network
(management of capacities, balancing services,
dispatching etc.) should fit with the essentials
of existing contracts between the importing
company (Gazexport) and its customers (shippers)
as their position will not change without legal
19GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Evaluation of
- OMV position
- Short-term transportation contracts versus
long-term - EFET describes in the paper in its opinion
necessary types of markets which will support
development of a competitive and integrated
market facilitated at the wholesale level through
trading which can be possible even beyond the
national borders - The EFET RECIT paper does not at all propose to
cancel all long-term contracts, it even requires
that the forward market should cover also
long-term periods at least up to 10 years. What
EFET is stressing is the importance to increase
traders confidence in short-term markets which
can be ensured through its long term stable
development ---gtshort term markets (price
transparency) facilitate new market entry and
increases competition
20GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Evaluation of
- OMV position
- Potential new legal entity has to face barriers
given by different legal and market framework
---gt long phase of implementation therefore TSO
cooperation is more suitable - EFET is aware about the possible legal obstacles
by creating of a regional legal entity
nevertheless we believe that the discussion about
the obstacles is constructive when a process of
setting up such an entity starts (so far it will
be only very theoretical discussion) - What is necessary in this case is the commitment
of the decision making parties (state
representatives, EC, regulators) to support
regional integration with all its modalities like
a regional independent system operator
21GRI SSE EFET RECIT Model Evaluation of
- OMV position
- ENTSOGs responsibility for inter-TO compensation
is superfluous as well as responsibility for
operational issues - EFET believes that the proposed model cannot
work without any system of payment for the usage
of TO networks therefore we proposed an inter-TO
compensation system (such a system has been
already used in electricity) and as a most
suitable entity for proposing such a system seems
to be the ENTSOG - The model of R_ISO would bring benefits also to
the region SSE which faces obstacles like a lack
of supply routes, a lack of active players, a
lack of transparency and optimisation of the gas
flows however EFET believe that the model is
applicable in the whole EU as can be seen by many
examples already - - Ruhrgas-Eon and Bayerngas JV, several German
zones are merging already - GTS and BEB
22 EFET RECIT Model - Conclusion
- EFET is very much interested in the comments
which will be given today and will envisage
establishing an updated version with the ultimate
goal to tackle all concerns and get support from
all parties as reasonably possible - EFET believes that implementation of such a model
is key for further development of the liberalised
market starting now and taking already the
elements of the 3rd package on board - The creation of such a model will lead to the
development of regional markets and at the same
time reduce the market concentration, ensuring
better non-discriminatory and transparent market
access. - Regions must be established on a pragmatic basis,
e.g. Italy may well remain a region for the time
being, however it must introduce a fully fledged
balancing market as soon as possible etc.. - Regions obviously must be compatible with each
- According to information that EFET has just
received - The transit regime in CZ und in SK (also in H und
A) differs from national transport. - The situation for Poland and Slovenia is less
clear. Clarification will be sought at this point.