Title: The Pied Pipers
1The Pied Pipers
- Joanne Flores
- Ken Shum
- Alyssa Visitacion
2Project Overview
- To create an autonomous robotic mouse that will
navigate a maze.
- Have each circuit correctly interact with each
other. - Make mouse move forward
- Have mouse make turns
- Complete a wallhugging mouse
- Find center of maze
4System Diagram
Program Module
Mechanical Module
5Program Module
- Tracking Algorithm
- Sense walls
- If offset sensors turn on, you are no longer
centered. Increase speed on side of offset
sensors until centered. - Wall Hugger Algorithm
- Move forward as long as there is a wall on the
left. - If there is a wall in the front, turn right.
- If there is no wall on the left, turn left.
6Excerpt from Tracking and Wallhugger Code
int delaysignal(void) unsigned
moveforward(void) unsigned turnright(void) unsig
ned turnleft(void) main() RdPortI WrPortI(SP
CR,SPCRShadow,0X84) // declares all A ports
as output ports while (1) // basic
wallhugger if (SENF1 SENF2) turnright()
// this function moves mouse
right delaysignal() else if (!SENL1
!SENL2 !SENL3) turnleft() // this
function moves mouse left delaysignal el
se moveforward // this function moves the
thing forward delaysignal
7Mechanical Module
- Chassis
- Battery Packs
- Tires
- Motors
- Standoffs
- Electrical Circuitry
- Sensors Circuit
- Motor Drivers Circuit
- Rabbit
8Design Decisions
- To make it as compact and light as possible
- To keep the wiring neat
- To minimize the amount of sensors used
- To organize circuits by placing each part on
three different layers.
9Design Structure
- Consists of three layers of circuitry
- Chassis contains standoffs, which holds up the
three layers - Sensors Circuit Bottom Layer
- Motor Drivers Circuit Middle Layer
- Rabbit and Switch Top Layer
10Overall Design
11Overall Design
12Overall Design
13Overall Design
14Sensors Layer
- Two sensors in front of mouse
- Three sensors each on left/right side of mouse
- Has a hole in the middle to lead motor wires to
middle layer
15Motor Drivers Layer
- Contains motor drivers circuit
- Also holds the voltage inverters that connect to
each sensor panel.
16Top Layer
- Contains rabbit and switch.
- Neatly covers the motor drivers layer
17Final Status
- Sensors Circuit and Motor Drivers Circuit works
- Used Circuitwriter to make connections in circuit
- Sensors are attached to body using velcro
18Problems That Occurred
- Altering Design
- Scheduling conflicts
- Too much time spent on debugging
- Bad Connections
- Broken Parts
- Switch incorrectly connected
19Outstanding Problems
- Unable to move due to a broken rabbit
20Future Improvements
- Time management
- Etching
- More visually appealing
- Coding