Title: Research%20in%20Hungarian%20Balneology%20%20Tam
1Research in Hungarian Balneology Tamás Bender
2The PastAvailable in Medline Szucs L, Ratko
I, Lesko T, Szoor I, Genti G, Balint G.
Double-blind trial on the effectiveness of the
Puspokladany thermal water on arthrosis of the
knee-joints. J R Soc Health. 19891097-9. Konra
d K, Tatrai T, Hunka A, Vereckei E, Korondi I.
Controlled trial of balneotherapy in treatment of
low back pain.
Ann Rheum Dis. 199251820-822. Balint G,
Bender T, Szabó E. Spa treatment in arthritis.
J Rheumatol. 1993
201623-1625. Konrad K. The way forward for
Br J Rheumatol. 1994 Mar33(3)301
3Balint G, Szebenyi B. Non-pharmacological
therapies in osteoarthritis. Baillieres Clin
Rheumatol. 1997 Nov11(4)795-815.Bender T,
Geher P, Balint G. Nonpharmacologic treatment of
musculoskeletal disease. Clin J Pain. 2001
Sep17(3)278.Bender T, Balint PV, Balint GP.
A brief history of spa therapy. Ann Rheum
Dis. 2002 61949. Kovacs I, Bender T. The
therapeutic effects of Cserkeszolo thermal water
in osteoarthritis of the knee a double blind,
controlled, follow-up study. Rheumatol Int. 2002
4Hollo P, Bender T, Marschalko M, Gonzalez R,
Barna I, Horvath A.No significant change of
plasma beta-endorphin levels of psoriasis
patients after synchronous balneophototherapy.
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2004
Aug20(4)205-9.T Bender, Z Karagülle, GP.
Bálint, C Gutenbrunner, PV Bálint,S Sukenik.
Hydrotherapy, balneotherapy and spa treatment in
pain management . (Rheumatological
International2004 Jul 15 Epub ahead of print
5II.The presenceUnder publicationZ Balogh, J
Ördögh, A Gász, L Német, T Bender. The
effectiveness of balneotherapy (Kehidakustány) in
chronic low back pain - a randomised,single
blind, follow-up study. (Forschende
Komplementermedizin) Under reviewing
Process T Rétfalvi, JB Hidvégi, M Köteles, I
Berhés, Gy Gyetvai,K Nagy, T Bender, J
Bereczki. Chromosoma aberrations in peripherial
lymphocytes during balneotherapy.
(Enviroment Radiation and Biophysics)
6Before publication G. Bálint, A. Ádám, I.
Ratkó, L. Poór, É. Somos, L. Poór, P. Bálint,I.
Teffner, T. Bender Double blind controlled
trial with Nagybaracska thermal waters on
osetheoarthrtis of knee. B. Horváth et al
The effect of Petoháza thermal water on
arthrosis of knee and hip. L. Halmy The
classification of thermal water and mineral
water used at drinking cure. Bender T, Papp L,
Kovács I, Göde Gy,Gomez R, Nagy K,Gyamati J,
Nagy Csaba, Kalozdi TThe penetration of
macroelements of mineral water (multicentric tap
water controlled trial).
7Works in process T. Kovács et al.The effect
of radon cave on the endocrin system
(comprehensive study of radon concentration in
winter and summer).Zámbo L, Dékány M. Bender
T.The effect of Parad salt contain thermal
water on chronic gynaecologycal
diseases. Bender et al.The effect of
different type of thermal waters on free acid
radical system.
8III.The near futureStarting works B. Gömör
The history of the Hungarian Balneolgical Society
(The first golden age-till 1937). N.
Kávásy New dates about the radon penetration
during bath therapy. I. Teffner Vasoregulative
changes during balneotherapy using ISAX
method.G. Nagy, G Mészáros, T. Bender, P.
GéherImmunological changes during mud therapy
in SPA patients. A. Dalmady et al Clinical and
Laboratorical examinations during Heviz lake
cure.E. Kadas et al Underwater gymnastic
therapy at patients suffering from
incontinensClinical examination with Anna bath
water.M. Oláh Underwater traction therapy in
neck and low back pain.
9Scientific Backround The Balneological
Foundation Financial Background Ministry of