Title: NATA Safety 1st Management System Emergency Management Webcast 7
1NATA Safety 1st Management System Emergency
ManagementWebcast 7
2Previous Assignment
- Review Module 7 (Ground) or Module 8, Section 5
(Air) Emergency Response Preparedness. - Do you have an Emergency Preparedness Plan?
- When was the last time you performed or
participated in a drill? - On the last audit performed on your organization,
were there any findings? - Was a corrective action plan (CAP) developed?
Webcast 6 Assignment Review
3Emergency PreparednessEmergency Response Plan
Emergency Management
4ERP Guidance Policy Responsibility
Emergency Management is founded on the concept
of Not ifbut When.
- Your company should have a comprehensive,
organization-wide ERP to effectively manage
accidents/incidents or other events that could
impact your companys ability to conduct
business, with the purpose of mitigating any
impact on operations. - Your company should appoint a manager, who is
appropriately qualified, to be responsible for
the implementation and maintenance of the ERP.
5ERP Guidance Multiple Locations
- Your company should have individual local
emergency response action plans for all
operational locations of the organization,
including those outside the main base, and a
comprehensive means of coordinating the
individual plans and procedures with the
corporate ERP manager.
6ERP Guidance
The ERP should
- Assign responsibilities to specific individuals
- Provide emergency procedures
- Control the notification of outside agencies
- Nominate channels and a center for communication
- Provide in-house emergency response and effective
liaison with accident investigators and outside
emergency services - Coordinate humanitarian assistance to affected
passengers, crew, personnel and their families.
7ERP Guidance Training and Practice
- Once a plan has been developed, with company
support and approval from appropriate regulatory
authority, ensure that necessary personnel who
will be employed in the event of an accident or
serious incident are adequately trained. - Drills with your airport or fire department.
- Standard fire or significant weather drills or
exercises. - Fuel spill response.
- Internal accident communications with your
insurance company. - The ERP should include a process for
communicating with the media and public in the
event of a major accident or serious incident.
8ERP Guidance Drills Rehearsals
- Ensure the plan is rehearsed regularly, both to
familiarize personnel and to reveal any
deficiencies. - Ensure a periodic test of emergency systems and
responses. - Internal contact lists (cell, home, fax).
- Systems (generators, back-up battery pack,
alternate IT systems, etc.). - External sources (police, fire, insurance broker,
FAA, TSA, NTSB, FBI, DHS, etc.). - Include IT and Your Website Managers to
Coordinate IT Response.
Your goal is to be proactive with the media. Use
your website as an information source.
9ERP Guidance Debriefings and Resources
- Every time the plan is activated, whether for an
actual event, training or rehearsing the plan, a
full de-brief should follow that includes
assignment and implementation of corrective
action for findings noted during execution of the
plan. - Ensure an appropriate physical infrastructure to
support the ERP - Corporate emergency command center equipped with
appropriate communication equipment - Telephone system or process capable of handling
the volume of calls expected in an emergency or
crisis including an accident or serious incident - Coordination with your airports local emergency
command center at each company location - A support team that includes humanitarian
assistance specialists, which can be dispatched
to the location of an accident or serious
incident on short notice.
Emergency Management
11Threat Process All Types and Sizes
- Bomb Threats
- Hoax Calls and Pranks
- Surface Transport, e.g., Hijacking
- Terrorism
- Environmental, e.g., Severe Weather
- Loss of Critical Infrastructure
- Loss of Utilities
12Threat Process Multiple Means to Communicate
- Via any means to communicate.
- Instructions Listen, do not interrupt the
caller except to ask - 1. When will it go off?
2. Where is it planted?
3. What
does it look like?
4. What floor is it on?
5. Why are you
doing this?
6. Who are you?
13What To Do In Case of Bomb Threat Any Time, Any
14Bomb Threat Checklist
Have This Available at Every Telephone
15(No Transcript)
16Communication Coordination
- Identify the trained assessor at your airport
- Identify who to contact about any threat
- Law Enforcement Officer
- Airport Authority
- Fire Authority
- Review Module 8
- We will merge accident investigation, JHAs,
auditing and root cause. - We will discuss internal and external audits and
how they can benefit your company. - Talk about your specific SMS Program.
Webcast 7 Assignment
18End of Webcast 7
This Concludes Webcast 7