Title: education in sociology, political science, Ph'D' in educational sciences
1Dr. Rüdiger PreisserReport on activities
concerning informal learning and portfolio
building in Germany
- education in sociology, political science, Ph.D.
in educational sciences - belongs to department Planning and Development
- Conducted research and development projects both
nationally and on European level - Current Projects
- Further Education Passes in Germany
(Strategies and Methods of Portfolio Building) - Construction of Competence, Orientation
Strategies and Training for Women of Low
Qualification (Socrates)
2- Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE)
- German Institute for Adult Education
- Acts as a link between academic theory and
practical work in adult education - Provides the basis for research based on
practice and develops innovative approaches
3DIE Areas of research in adult education
- Environmental education, sustainability
- Gender mainstreaming
- New media
- Political education
- Work related further education
- Language
- Education for elderly
4Qualification Passport / Portfolio
- Relevance of portfolio building in Germany
- Structural change
- Lifelong learning
- Discontinuous occupational careers
- Vocational training system
- High degree of formalisation (system of
certification) - Lack of flexibility
- Lack of acknowledging informal competences
5Modes of governing the system of lifelong learning
training system
employment system
Concept of occupation
central control
decentral control
6Experience in Germany Heterogeneity
48 qualification passports since 1995
Diverse denominations
occupational- educational- competence- qualificati
-book -certificate -pass -portfolio
qualification passports have heterogeneous
objectives in diverse functional fields of society
transition school-employment
volunteer area
Occupation company related
Occupation professional associations
Main purpose (re-)integration into employment
8Heterogeneity in identification,documentation,
There are various approaches in
- documentation
- more or less systematic gathering, verifying
biographic pieces of data and facts
There is a lack of
- counselling for individuals (no concepts)
- supporting balancing and reflection
- systematic and regular thinking about personal
learning steps and experiences - valid, reliable measuring and assessment methods
/ standards - supporting planning and decision making
- drawing conclusions, creating and deciding upon
biographic plans
9Questions to answer from German viewpoint
functional areas of the society comprehensive or
partial ?
matter learning process or competences ?
disposal individual or system?
institutionalisation complementary or alternative
ly ?
evaluation individual or institution?
public or private?
standardisation or counselling?
10Call for actions as regards to qualification
passports in Germany
- counselling of individuals
- validation of competences
- verifying of competences
- assessment plan
- performance criteria
- unit progress record
- criteria of quality assurance
- Portfolios
- pieces of evidence
11Conclusion qualification passports stand on
their head
There is a tendency to change the framework
conditions in the society as regards to
recognition of informal competences by
introducing a qualification passport
12Problems to solve
- No attention and knowledge of informal
competences in the practice (companies, training
institutions) - No culture of recognition of informal competences
in Germany - No institutional framework conditions
(modularisation) for portfolio building
activities - No concepts, no experience in careers guidance
13Introduction of Kom-Pass (Kompetenz-Pass)
- link to and further development of existing
activities - link to European approaches and procedures
- documentation of learning process / competences
- balancing and reflecting educational /
occupational biography - supporting individual educational / occupational
14Implementation strategy of Kom-Pass
- designing the Kom-Pass
- developing a concept for counselling
- developing a concept for evaluation
- network building
- training of trainers