Title: Journalism under the Perspective of Gender Studies
1Journalism under the Perspective of Gender Studies
2Main Parts
- Gender Studies and Journalism
- Women in a Male Profession Horizontal and
Vertical Segregation - Is there a Female Journalism?
3Main Parts
- Gender Studies and Journalism
- Women in a Male Profession Horizontal and
Vertical Segregation - Is there a Female Journalism?
4Gender as
- Sign of Social Subjects
- Social Structural Category
- Cultural Sign
5Levels of Gender Studies
- Subject - Orientation
- Structure - Orientation
- Culture - Orientation
6Main Parts
- Gender Studies and Journalism
- Women in a Male Profession Horizontal and
Vertical Segregation - Is there a Female Journalism?
7Students and Educators in Communication on the
Universities of Vienna and Salzburg in the
Academic Year 1997/98
Source Dorer, Johanna (1999) Entwicklung und
Status Quo der beruflichen Situation
österreichischer Journalistinnen. In Romy
Fröhlich/Sue A. Lafky (Eds.) (im Druck) Gender,
Culture and Journalism A Study of Industrialized
Nations, Mellen Press.
8Income / Month of Male and Female Journalists in
1986 and 1994 in ATS (in )
Source Dorer, Johanna (1999) Entwicklung und
Status Quo der beruflichen Situation
österreichischer Journalistinnen. In Romy
Fröhlich/Sue A. Lafky (Eds.) (im Druck) Gender,
Culture and Journalism A Study of Industrialized
Nations, Mellen Press.
- Stable career, little risk of loosing the job
and high income - SECONDARY JOB MARKET
- Lower income, worse chances for career and
economic instability
- Women are mostly on lower positions in the
hierarchy. They have - worse promotion prospects and a lower
- There are male restricted areas and activity
domains of women.
11Main Parts
- Gender Studies and Journalism
- Women in a Male Profession Horizontal and
Vertical Segregation - Is there a Female Journalism?
- Differences in the journalistic work of men and
women do not exist in general, but they can be
seen in certain situations and in relation with
specific assignments. - Certain areas where differences might be
possible - Journalistic Self Image
- Choice and Valuation of Topics / Issues
- Ways of Investigation
- Women are on lower income-levels
- Women are not in positions that offer high
respect - Men get more money for the same work than women
- Gender studies play an important role in
improving the situation of women
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