Reduce interest penalties and increase discounts taken for timely payments ... goods or services have been accepted as property of the military agency/service. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
1 Major Mike Abbott Budget Officer WAWF 2 Introduction
What is WAWF
Purpose of WAWF
User Roles
WAWF Documents
Information Flow
Production Database Examples
Helpful Websites
3 What is WAWF
WAWF is an electronic web based invoicing and receiving report system
WAWF is a paperless contracting application designed to eliminate paper from the DOD contracting lifecycle
Creates an electronic commerce environment using existing tools
4 Purpose of WAWF
The purpose of WAWF is to enable vendors and government officials to electronically access and process the documentation needed to generate payment for goods and services.
The documentation includes
Receiving Reports
NOTE Details of the process will vary depending on the type of contract and government agency involved.
5 WAWF Benefits
DOD Benefits
Reduce interest penalties and increase discounts taken for timely payments
Virtually eliminate lost documents
Improve data accuracy
Ability to electronically record the inspection and acceptance of goods and services
View documents and their status at any time
Real-time processing
Reduced re-keying and improved accuracy of data
Maximize vendor-offered discounts
Secure transactions with audit capability
6 WAWF Benefits
Vendor Benefits
Reduced mailing expenses and internal mail handling costs
Virtually eliminates lost documents
Faster payments when discounts are offered and taken
Downloadable software from the web at no cost
Online access to EDA, payment status and history
Ability to correct rejected documents online and resubmit
Ability to submit documents electronically
Faster processing time faster payment time
View documents and their status at any time
Immediate feedback when the government rejects a document
Secure transactions with audit capability
7 Capabilities
WAWF can be used to electronically create, submit, and process the following documents - Receiving Report - Invoice - Invoice as 2-in-1 (Services Only) - Invoice and Receiving Report (Combo) - Construction Payment Invoice - Commercial Item Financing - Performance Based Payment - Progress Payment - Cost Voucher Summary Cost Voucher
8 User Roles
WAWF includes the following user roles
"Vendor" role used by contractors or supplier.
"Inspector" and "Acceptor" roles used by the requiring activity.
"Payment Official" role (referred to as "Payer") used by DFAS.
9 Vendor Role
A vendor (also known as a contractor or supplier) delivers goods or services according to the terms of a contract.
When the goods or services are delivered, the vendor does two things
Submits an invoice
Creates a receiving report
The vendor begins the process by submitting receiving reports and invoices electronically to WAWF.
10 Inspector Role
The inspector performs the second step in the process. The inspector electronically processes the receiving report to indicate the goods or services have been inspected.
The inspector may also create a receiving report (if not already submitted by the vendor) using Web-based interactive forms.
In some cases, the inspector may also serve as the acceptor and indicate the goods or services have been accepted.
For contracts managed by DCMA, the inspector is a DCMA Source Quality Assurance Representative (QAR). For Cost Vouchers and Summary Cost Vouchers the inspector is a Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) auditor.
11 Acceptor Role
The acceptor performs the third step in the process. The acceptor electronically indicates that the goods or services have been accepted as property of the military agency/service.
The acceptor may also create a receiving report (if not already submitted by the vendor or an inspector) using Web-based interactive forms.
In some cases, the acceptor may also serve as the inspector and indicate the goods or services have been inspected. For Cost Vouchers and Summary Cost Vouchers the acceptor is the Contracting Officer Representative/Contracting Officer.
12 Payer Role
DFAS performs the last step in the process. The payer reviews the electronic versions of the contract, invoice and receiving report.
DFAS then electronically processes the documents to authorize payment through an electronic payment system.
13 WAWF Documents
WAWF can be used to create, submit, inspect, accept, certify, and process payment on the following document types
Receiving Report
Invoice as 2-in-1 (Services Only)
Invoice and Receiving Report (Combo)
Construction Payment Invoice
Commercial Item Financing
Performance Based Payment
Progress Payments (MOCAS)
Cost Voucher Summary Cost Voucher
14 Information Flow
In addition to storing all documents electronically, WAWF also sends an e-mail automatically to the involved parties whenever an action is taken.
WAWF sends an e-mail to an organizational e-mail address, not a personal e-mail address.
This organizational e-mail address is established when your organization first registers to use WAWF.
Its the responsibility of your organization to forward the e-mails to the individuals who must take action. (Most e-mail systems have a function that routes e-mails automatically by the subject line of the e-mail.)
15 Information Flow
Heres an example of how e-mail flows through the system.
When a vendor submits a Receiving Report, an e-mail is sent to
The vendor, to confirm that the Receiving Report was submitted
The inspector, so the inspector knows theres a document to be processed.
When the inspector inspects the Receiving Report, an e-mail is sent to
The vendor, so the vendor knows what action has been taken
The acceptor, so the acceptor knows there's a document to be accepted.
E-mail notification occurs every time an action is taken.