Title: Next Generation 4-D Distributed Modeling and Visualization of Battlefield
1 Next Generation 4-D Distributed Modeling and
Visualization of Battlefield
Avideh Zakhor UC Berkeley September 2003
- Avideh Zakhor, (UC Berkeley)
- Bill Ribarsky, (Georgia Tech)
- Ulrich Neumann (USC)
- Pramod Varshney (Syracuse)
- Suresh Lodha (UC Santa Cruz)
3 Battlefield Visualization
- Detailed, timely and accurate picture of the
modern battlefield vital to military - Many sources of info to build picture
- Archival data, roadmaps, GIS and databases
static - Sensor information from mobile agents at
different times and location dynamic. - Multiple modalities fusion
- How to make sense of all these without
information overload?
4Major Challenges Data
- Disparate/conflicting sources
- Large volumes.
- Inherently uncertain resulting models also
uncertain. - Need to be visualized on mobiles with limited
capability. - Time varying, time dependent and dynamic.
Make decisions and take actions
5Mobile AR Visualization
Laser-------- Lidar-------- Radar------- Camera---
--- GPS--------- Maps-------- Gyroscope--
3D model construction with texture
Visualization Database
Model update
Decision Making
Mobiles with augmented reality sensors
6Research Agenda
- Modeling
- Construction, fusion, integration, dynamic
- Registration
- Image to model, model to model
- Texture
- Dynamic, completion
- Visualization and rendering of complex models
- Uncertainty processing and visualization
- Tracking, Bayesian networks, expert mobile
- Distributed decision-making and reasoning with
uncertain data
7Visualization Pentagon
4D Modeling/ Update
Visualization and rendering
Tracking/ Registration
Decision Making under Uncertainty
Uncertainty Processing/ Visualization
8 Modeling
- Construct
- Static and dynamic
- Model fitting, and mesh based
- Fuse
- Airborne/ground
- Multiple data bases
- Multiple modalities
9Fusing Aerial and Ground Based Models
Airborne Modeling
Ground Based Modeling
- Laser scans/images from plane
- Laser scans images from acquisition vehicle
3D Model of terrain and building tops
Highly detailed model of street scenery
building façades
Complete 3D City Model
10Airborne Model Generation
Re-sampling to regular grid
Scanning city from plane
unstructured point cloud
Digital Surface Map (DSM)
Jittery edges, bumpy roofs
11Airborne Model Generation
Airborne DSM
DSM Triangulation
DSM Post-processing
Multiple Aerial Images
Image Registration (manual or automated)
Image Selection
Texture Mapping
City Model
12Airborne Modeling Based on Parametric Fitting
USC campus area buildings
13Registration and Texture
- 3D model registration at multiple scales
- Image/model registration for texture mapping
- Multi-image texture mapping
- Texture completion
- Dynamic texture mapping
14Hierarchical Registration of 3D Models
Using image pairs of different resolutions
15Hierarchical Registration of 3D Models
High and Low Resolution Models and Images
Registered -- consistently registered mesh --
scale-sensitive computation -- low registration
errors -- high scale ratios
16Automatic image/model registration
Good Match
For comparison Bad Match
x 1533.3 m y 3968.1 m z 262.3 m focal length 18.2 mm yaw 35.57 deg pitch 54.71 deg roll 0.30 deg rating 1604
x 1533.3 m y 3968.1 m z 262.3 m focal length 18.2 mm yaw 35.57 deg pitch 53.71 deg roll 0.30 deg rating 767
17Texture-Mapping Airborne Models with Multiple
Images selected for individual areas
Different colors different images for texture
18Texture Completion
19Dynamic Texture Projection on LiDAR Data
- Enables Real Time Multi Source Data Fusion
- Requires accurate 3D model, sensor model,
- and texture/model registration
Image plane
View frustum
Aerial view of projected image texture (campus of
Purdue University)
20Dynamic Texture Projection on LiDAR Data
Dynamic texture mapping An AVE image showing
three video projections around a campus building
21Dynamic Tracking and Modeling
Dynamic Modeling Tracked dynamic objects
(vehicle people) and their pseudo-models
visualized in 3D AVE world
22Outdoor Video Tracking Using Multiple Cameras
- Goal To track moving objects using multiple
cameras under changing weather conditions. - Approach Automatic identification of informative
cameras and measurement fusion. - Key Steps
- Automatic camera selection based on appearance
ratio (AR). - Data assignment based on gating.
- Measurement fusion using a Kalman filter.
Trajectories based on fused measurements
System architecture
Images and blobs
23Automatic Event Recognition
- Goal Given a sequence of video images construct
a high-level event description - Approach Low-level processing, categorization
and interpretation of image sub-sequences - Key Steps
- Filtering, detection, tracking, noise and shadow
elimination, and feature extraction - High-level analysis using HMM and Bayesian
approaches - Detection of an activity via statistical methods
- Control chart
- Decision tree learning algorithms
24Rendering/Handling Complicated Models
View-Dependent LOD for large collections of
complicated models
Linked Global Quadtrees
N Levels
Bounding box
Selected LOD
25Mobile Situational Visualization
- An extension of situation awareness
- Mobile users with a variety of sensors and their
own 3D databases - Access to multiple servers
- Ability to mark and annotate positions of people
and vehicles - Placement of multiresolution models from MURI
team members into environment
26Expert mobile tracking probabilistic uncertainty
- Motion parameter estimates have probabilistic
distributions and start with Gaussian
distributions. - Experts predict the position and speed and start
with uniform weights. - Experts weights updated based on their
performance. - Sampling algorithm extends to non-Gaussian
distributions. - Learning rate and memory parameters control the
rate of learning
27Image Query for Location Determination
- Goal To find the location based on images of the
surrounding area - Approach Matching of received images with the
stored city model - Key Steps
- Segmentation Based on Hough Transform
- Multi-level Matching Based on Texture Information
- Berkeley Scene
- Query Images
- Results
28Transitions/Interactions with Government
- Nima
- Army Night Vision Lab
- Lawrence Livermore Lab
29Transitions/Interactions with Industry
- Lockheed Martin
- Hughes Research Lab
- Olympus
- Airborne1
- Hewlett Packard
- TRW Northrop/Grumman
- Raytheon
- Andro Computing Solutions
- Sensis
- Critical Technologies
- Digicomp
- Alphatech
- Scientific Systems Company
- Sarnoff
- Panasonic
30Dissemination of knowledge
- Special issue of CGA on 3D Reconstruction and
Visualization of Large Scale Environments,
Ribarsky Co-Editor - Suya You and Ulrich Neumann, "Approaches to
Large-Scale Urban Modeling - Christian Frueh and Avideh Zakhor, "Constructing
City Models by Merging Ground-Based and Airborne
Views - G. Foresti, C. Regazzoni and P.K. Varshney,
Editors, Multisensor Surveillance Systems The
Fusion Perspective, Kluwer Academic Press, 2003.
31Participation in Planning Defense Initiatives
- Ribarsky Co-chair, Information Technology and
Cyber-Security, Georgia Tech Homeland Security
Initiative, 2003. - Ribarsky Invited participant, Joint Advanced
Warfighting Program Technology Exploration
Workshop, Institute for Defense Analysis,
Washington, DC, September 4-6, 2002. Workshop and
working groups on future defense technology needs.
32Tech Transfer, Transitions and Interactions
- VGIS a key part of
- the Georgia Tech Homeland Defense Workshop
- Sarnoff Raptor system, which is deployed to the
Army and other military entities. - Raptor system at Scott Air Force Base.
- In discussion with the Department of the Interior
on use of mobile situational visualization
33Publications (1)
- C. Frueh and A. Zakhor, "Reconstructing 3D City
Models by Merging Ground-Based and Airborne
Views", to be presented at VLBV 20003, Madrid,
Spain - C. Frueh and A. Zakhor, "Automated Reconstruction
of Building Facades for Virtual Walk-thrus",
presented at SIGGRAPH Sketches and Applications,
San Diego, 2003 - C. Frueh and A. Zakhor, "Constructing 3D City
Models by Merging Ground-Based and Airborne
Views", to appear in IEEE Computer Graphics and
Applications, Special Issue Nov/Dec 2003. - C. Frueh and A. Zakhor, "Constructing 3D City
Models by Merging Ground-Based and Airborne
Views", in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition 2003, Madison, USA, June
2003, p. II-562 - 69. - C. Frueh, Automated Reconstruction of Urban
Environments, Ph.D. Thesis, University of
Karlsruhe, October 2002.
34Publications (2)
- C. Frueh and A. Zakhor, "Data Processing
Algorithms for Generating Textured 3D Building
Façade Meshes From Laser Scans and Camera
Images", in Proc. 3D Data Processing,
Visualization and Transmission 2002, Padua,
Italy, June 2002, p. 834 847 - J. Hu, S. You, U. Neumann, "Approaches to
Large-Scale Urban Modeling," (accepted for
publication) IEEE Computer Graphics
Applications - U. Neumann, S. You, J. Hu, I.O. Sebe, and B.
Jiang, "Visualizing Reality in an Augmented
Virtual Environment," (accepted for publication)
PRESENCE Teleoperators and Virtual Environments - D. Fidaleo and U. Neumann, "Analysis of
Co-Articulation Regions for Performance Driven
Facial Animation," (accepted for publication)
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation - T.Y. Kim and U. Neumann, "Interactive
Multiresolution Hair Modeling and Editing," ACM
Transactions on Graphics and Computer Graphics,
proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2002, Vol 21, No. 3,
pp. 620-629, San Antonio TX, July 2002.
35Publications (3)
- I.O. Sebe, J. Hu, S. You, U. Neumann, "3D Video
Surveillance with Augmented Virtual Environments"
(accepted for publication) ACM SIG Multimedia -
Workshop on Video Surveillance - F. Bertails, T-Y. Kim, M-P. Cani, U. Neumann,
"Adaptive Wisp Tree - A Multiresolution Control
Structure for Simulating Dynamic Clustering in
Hair Motion," Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Symposium on
Computer Animation 2003 San Diego, July 2003 - SZ. Deng, J.P. Lewis, U. Neumann, "Practical Eye
Movement using Texture Synthesis," ACM SIGGRAPH
'03, Sketches and Applications, San Diego, July
2003 - S. You, J. Hu, U. Neumann, and P. Fox, "Urban
Site Modeling From LiDAR," Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Series, Springer-Verlag, Vol.
2669, ISSN 0302-9743, G. Goos, J. Hartmanis, and
J.Van Leeuwen (Eds.) Proceedings of Second
International Workshop on Computer Graphics and
Geometric Modeling, Vol. 2668, pp. 579 - 588,
Montreal, CANADA, May 2003. - U. Neumann, S. You, J. Hu, B. Jiang, and J. W.
Lee, "Augmented Virtual Environments (AVE)
Dynamic Fusion of Imagery and 3D Models," IEEE
Virtual Reality 2003, pp. 61-67, Los Angeles
California, March 2003.
36Publications (4)
- Enciso, John P. Lewis, U. Neumann, and J. Mah,
"3D Tooth Shape from Radiographs using Thin-Plate
Splines," "MMVR11 - NextMed Health Horizon", The
11th Annual Medicine Meets Virtual Reality
Conference, pp. 22-25, Newport Beach, California,
January 2003. - J. W. Lee, S. You, and U. Neumann, "Tracking with
Omni-Directional Vision for Outdoor AR Systems,"
IEEE ACM International Symposium on Mixed and
Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2002), pp. 47-56,
Darmstadt, Germany, October 2002. - D. Fidaleo and U. Neumann, "CoArt
Co-Articulation Region Analysis for Control of 2D
Characters," IEEE Computer Animation, pp. 17-22,
Geneva, Switzerland, July 2002. - R. Enciso, A. Shaw, U. Neumann, J. Mah. "3D Head
Anthropometric Analysis," SPIE Medical Imaging,
(to appear) San Diego, CA, February 2003. - R. Enciso, A. Memon, D. A. Fidaleo, U. Neumann,
and J. Mah, "The Virtual Craniofacial Patient
3D Jaw Modeling and Animation," "MMVR11 -
NextMed Health Horizon", The 11th Annual
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference, pp.
65-71, Newport Beach, California, January 2003.
37Publications (5)
- David Krum, Olugbenga Omoteso, William Ribarsky,
Thad Starner, and Larry Hodges. Evaluation of a
Multimodal Interface for 3D Terrain
Visualization. pp. 411-418 IEEE Visualization
2002. - Zachary Wartell, Eunjung Kang, Tony Wasilewski,
William Ribarsky, and Nickolas Faust. Rendering
Vector Data over Global, Multiresolution 3D
Terrain. Eurographics-IEEE Visualization
Symposium 2003, pp. 213-222. - Zachary Wartell, William Ribarsky, and Nickolas
Faust. Precision Markup Modeling and Display in a
Global Geospatial Environment. To be published,
SPIE 17th International Conference on
Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and
Controls (2003). - William Ribarsky. Virtual Geographic Information
Systems. To be published. The Visualization
Handbook, Charles Hansen and Christopher Johnson,
editors (Academic Press, New York, 2003). - Peter Wonka, Michael Wimmer, Francois Sillion,
and William Ribarsky. Instant Architecture.
Siggraph 2003, pp. 669-678 (2003).
38Publications (6)
- Justin Jang, William Ribarsky, Christopher Shaw,
and Peter Wonka. Appearance-Preserving
View-Dependent Visualization. To be published,
IEEE Visualization 2003. - Nickolas Faust and William Ribarsky. Integration
of GIS, Remote Sensing, and Visualization.
Invited paper, to be published, Proc. Remote
Sensing 2003 (Barcelona, 2003). - William Ribarsky, editor (with Holly Rushmeier).
3D Reconstruction and Visualization of Large
Scale Environments. Special Issue of IEEE
Computer Graphics Applications (2003). - Zachary Wartell, William Ribarsky, and Nickolas
Faust. Precision Markup Modeling and Display in a
Global Geospatial Environment. To be published,
SPIE 17th International Conference on
Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and
Controls (2003). - William Ribarsky. Virtual Geographic Information
Systems. To be published. The Visualization
Handbook, Charles Hansen and Christopher Johnson,
editors (Academic Press, New York, 2003). - Peter Wonka, Michael Wimmer, Francois Sillion,
and William Ribarsky. Instant Architecture.
Siggraph 2003, pp. 669-678 (2003).
39Publications (7)
- Justin Jang, William Ribarsky, Christopher Shaw,
and Peter Wonka. Appearance-Preserving
View-Dependent Visualization. To be published,
IEEE Visualization 2003. - Suresh K. Lodha, Nikolai M. Faaland, Grant Wong,
Amin Charaniya,Srikumar Ramalingam, and Arthur
Keller, "Consistent Visualization and Querying of
Geospatial Databases by a Location-Aware Mobile
Agent", Proceedings of the Computer Graphics
International Conference 2003, Tokyo, Japan, July
2003. - Srikumar Ramalingam and Suresh K. Lodha,
Adaptive Enhancement of 3D Scenes using
Hierarchical Registration of Texture-Mapped
Models, To appear in Proceedings of 3DIM 2003,
October 2003. - Suresh K. Lodha, Krishna M. Roskin, and Jose C.
Renteria, Hierarchical Topology Preserving
Compression of Terrains", To appear in Visual
Computer, 2003.
40Publications (8)
- Amin Charaniya, Srikumar Ramalingam, Suresh
Lodha, William Ribarsky, Nicholas Faust, Zach
Wartell, and Tony Wasilewski, Real-Time
Uncertainty Visualization of Mobile Objects
within VGIS (Virtual Geographic Information
System'', poster paper and interactive
demonstration at the IEEE Visualization
Conference, Boston , MA, October 2002. - Srikumar Ramalingam, Nikolai Faaland, Amin
Charaniya and Suresh Lodha, Visualization of
Heterogeneous Geo-Spatial Intelligence in a
Mobile Environment'', interactive demonstration
at the IEEE Visualization Conference, Boston, MA,
October 2002. - Suresh K. Lodha, Nikolai M. Faaland, Amin P.
Charaniya, Pramod Varshney,KKishan Mehrotra, and
Chilukuri Mohan, K"Uncertainty Visualization of
Probabilistic Particle Movement", Proceedings of
The IASTED Conference on Computer Graphics and
Imaging", August 2002, pages 226-232. - Lilly Spirkovska and Suresh Lodha, Audio-Visual
Situational Awareness for General Aviation
Pilots'', to appear in the Proceedings of the
SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data
Analysis, January 2003, Vol. 5009.
41Publications (9)
- R. Niu, P. Varshney, K. Mehrotra and C. Mohan,
Sensor Staggering in Multi-Sensor Target
Tracking Systems,'' Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE
Radar Conference, Huntsville AL, May 2003. - R. Niu, P. Varshney, K. Mehrotra and C. Mohan,
On Temporally Staggered Sensors in Multi-Sensor
Target Tracking Systems,'' accepted to appear in
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic
Systems, August 2002. - J. Yang, C. Mohan, K. Mehrotra and P. Varshney,
A Tool for Belief Updating over Time in
Bayesian Networks,'' Proc. International Conf. On
Tools for Artificial Intelligence, Nov. 2002,
pp.284-289. - L. Snidaro, R. Niu, P. Varshney, and G.L.
Foresti, Automatic Camera Selection and Fusion
for Outdoor Surveillance under Changing Weather
Conditions,'' Proc. of the 2003 IEEE
International Conference on Advanced Video and
Signal Based Surveillance, Miami FL, July 2003.
42Publications (11)
- R. Niu, P. Varshney, K. Mehrotra and C. Mohan,
"Temporal Fusion in Multi-Sensor Target Tracking
Systems", Proceedings of the Fifth International
Conference on Information Fusion, July 2002,
Annapolis, Maryland. -
- Q. Cheng, P. Varshney, K. Mehrotra and C. Mohan,
"Optimal Bandwidth Assignment for Distributed
Sequential Detection", Proceedings of the Fifth
International Conference on Information Fusion,
July 2002, Annapolis, Maryland. - Suresh K. Lodha, Nikolai M. Faaland, Amin P.
Charaniya, Pramod Varshney, Kishan Mehrotra, and
Chilukuri Mohan, "Uncertainty Visualization of
Probabilistic Particle Movement", Proceedings of
The IASTED Conference on Computer Graphics and
Imaging", August 2002. -
- C. Regazzoni and P.K.Varshney, "Multisensor
Surveillance Systems Based on Image and Video
Data", Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Image Proc.,
Rochester, NY, Sept. 2002.
43Publications (12)
- P.K. Varshney, "An Introduction to Distributed
Detection Theory", book chapter in Multisensor
Fusion, pp.163-182, Kluwer Academic Press, 2002. - L. Osadciw, P.K.Varshney, and K. Veeramacheneni,
"Optimum Fusion Rules for Multimodal Biometric
Systems", book chapter in Multisensor
Surveillance Systems The Fusion Perspective,
Kluwer Academic Press, 2003. - G. Foresti, C. Regazzoni and P.K.Varshney,
Editors, Multisensor Surveillance Systems The
Fusion Perspective, Kluwer Academic Press, 2003. -
- P.K.Varshney, Information Fusion, 4-hour Tutorial
to be given at the IEEE Int. Conf. on Integration
of Knowledge Intensive Multi-agent Systems, Sept
44Cross Collaboration
Model const. fusion X x x x
Registration/texture x x x
Visuali-zation, rendering x x X
Uncertain. processing X x
Uncertain. Visualization. x x X
45Outline of Talks
- Avideh Zakhor,
- "Overview
- Avideh Zakhor, U.C. Berkeley,
- "Fused 3D model construction of urban
environments - Ulrich Neuman, U.S.C.
- "Augmented Virtual Environments (AVE) for Dynamic
Event Visualization - Bill Ribarsky, Georgia Tech
- "Testbed for Mobile Augmented Battlefield
Visualization" - Suresh Lodha, U.C. Santa Cruz
- "Uncertainty Quantification and Visualization
Registration of 3D Scenes and Expert Mobile
Tracking - Pramod Varshney, Syracuse,
- Distributed decision-making and reasoning with
uncertain image and sensor data