Title: Unit Dues Project Team Report to K
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2Unit Dues Project TeamReport to KC Board of
DirectorsOctober 11, 2005
3Unit Dues Project Team - Members
- Team Sponsor Richard T. Jacobsen
- Team Advisors Wade Troxell, Burt Dicht
- It is recommended that
- KC implement a new program, to provide
merit-based funding for all units of ASME. - Funding / financial support to be awarded to
Units that are providing programs, activities,
and other initiatives in support of their
members. - These financial awards are to be based on Unit
performance criteria to be established. - Funds required for this new program are to be
obtained from current dues. - Separate Unit Dues not be adopted for ASME.
5Unit Dues Project Team Team Charge
- Review the current policies, constitution and
by-laws of ASME that define the current dues
process and identify what would be required to
change it. - Determine the distribution and use of current
Society dues as a point of departure. - Investigate current practices of other
Professional Societies with respect to dues for
specific functions within the society, and
develop a recommendation for the ASME Knowlege
and Community Sector Board of Directors with
respect to implementation of such a practice.
6Unit Dues Project Team Team Charge
- If additional dues (either voluntary or
mandatory) are recommended for Section or
Division (or other) activities, the committee
should provide - a general plan for collecting the dues,
- recommend the appropriate amount of additional
dues, - and explain the consequences of
payment/non-payment of such dues.(What do you get
if you pay the added dues, and what don't you get
if you don't pay them?)
7Financial support for Units is needed
- It is imperative that a source of funds be made
available / provided to units of ASME, especially
those that are high performing. - Units with substantial programs and activities
provide added value to members, resulting in
membership retention and a willingness by members
to pay dues.
8Options considered by the team
- Dozens of options were considered and discussed
by the team. These options and multiple
variations may be categorized as follows - Option 1 Institute Optional Unit Dues
- Option 2 Institute Mandatory Unit Dues
- Option 3 Member-directed use of dues to support
Units - Option 4 Provide funds from dues for an
objective, merit-based Unit funding program.
- Benchmarking sample 9 of 15 other Technical
and/or Professional Societies do have some form
of optional local Section or Technical
Division dues - All 15 have means of providing financial support
for Units.
- Surveys by team members of Section and District
Leadership find little to no support for local
Unit Dues options - We did find a need for KC BoD to improve
communications between ASME leadership and local
ASME Unit leadership - Misunderstanding, miscommunications, rumors,
distrust, and hostility are present
- Option 4 is strongly preferred by team members
and by local Unit leadership contacted by the
team. - Option 1 mixed results some weak support for
this option, combined with some strong feelings
against this option. - Today, Section and Division membership are
included with payment of Dues - Implementation of local Unit Dues would erode the
real and perceived benefits of ASME membership
12Option 4 New merit-based Unit funding program
- This is the option recommended for implementation
by the Unit Dues Project Team - Implement a new program to provide funds from
dues for an objective, merit-based Unit funding
program (for Sections, Technical Divisions, and
Affinity Communities). - Units would be provided funds based on programs
and activities conducted by the Unit, as
suggested by Michael Molnar.
CMA Section Appropriations Improvement Task
Force, 17 June 2003
13Backup Slides
14Backup Slides
15Proposed Process
- Link Appropriation to a Performance Measure
- We already track many performance metrics on the
unit reports - The team agreed the single most important
performance metric is the general (section)
meeting - Other things important, but the local member is
principally served by actual activities held - KISS principle is important to follow...
CMA Section Appropriations Improvement Task
Force, 17 June 2003
16Definitions on Activity Level Metric, and
proposed funding for Sections
- Defined by General meetings not held/reported
- Irrespective of whether other activities (e.g.
planning meetings) were held or the annual report
was filed - Proposed Section Funding Formula
- NO appropriation.
- Inactive and special situation units can petition
the appropriate KC VP for revitalizing
resources. - Rationale
- No service to our members does not merit funding.
Separate revitalization/special situation cases
from the funding policy, as these are unique
cases and the responsibility of the KC BoD
17Activity Metric (contd)
- Defined by At least TWO general meetings were
held, with at least one event meeting the
definition of a technical meeting (ref ML-15) - number to be selected by KC BoD indicating the
minimal level expected of a funded Section - Technical content quoted as the top member need
in customer surveys, so must deliver at least one
local event (technical dinner meeting, seminar,
symposia, PD course) - Other meetings would include events such as a
plant tour, an awards banquet, a social event
(ref ML-15 meeting types) - Proposed Section Funding Formula
- At this minimal level, the section receives HALF
of the allotment they receive today. - Rationale Support the section, but encourage
greater performance
18Activity Metric (contd)
- Defined by Four or more general meetings were
held, with at least two of the events meeting the
classification of a technical meeting, and at
least one of the events meeting the
classification of an outreach meeting. - Qualifying outreach events include a Professional
Development course, co-sponsorship with a
technical division or group on a symposia, or
co-sponsorship with a student section on a
significant event. - Proposed Section Funding Formula
- The section receives the FULL allotment they
receive today. - Rationale Supports section operations delivering
real value to our members, funding directed to
those units performing well giving us a true
performance based allocation.
19Unit Dues Project Team Community of Practice
- lthttp//cop.asme.org/COP/ASMEDUESPROJECTTEAMgt
20Team member input / feedback
- Many members, including those that serve as local
Section officers, are very surprised to learn how
little of their current dues are returned to
local Sections as supporting funds. - For many members, local Sections / Technical
Divisions and the ASME Magazine are the face of
ASME. Cutting support for these activities could
ultimately result in increased loss of
21Team member input / feedback
- The local Sections and Technical Divisions are
the support structure of the organization. If
you lose the roots, eventually the whole plant
dies. - It is disappointing to many members that the
sections now only get 3 to 4 of the 121 annual
dues payment. - The sections have lost the help of the Regional
Offices. - The sections are struggling with fewer volunteers
to keep the sections going.
22Team member input / feedback
- The sections need more money / resources than
ever. - The technical divisions are in the same boat.
- Many regional and national level volunteers have
lost committee assignments and travel funding. - My proposal is more money for the units - more
unit support is needed now at this critical time.
23Option 1 Instituting optional ASME Unit Dues
- Unit dues are being billed optionally by some
other technical and professional societies,
including 9 of 15 reviewed by this team. - ASME could do the same thing. This option may or
may not require a constitutional amendment and
does require revisions to the ASME By-Laws and
24Option 1 Instituting optional ASME Unit Dues
- How it might work
- Request, say, 10 per year Section dues. If
paid, the member is a Section member. If not
paid, the member is not a Section member. - Request, say, 10 per year Technical Division
dues. If paid, the member is a Division
member. If not paid, the member is not a
Division member. - Members should be allowed to join as many
Sections and Divisions and other units of ASME as
they wish, for an annual unit dues of 10 per
25Option 1 Instituting optional ASME Unit Dues
- Units of ASME would be challenged to provide
programs and activities so that members would
want to pay the optional local unit dues. - Units of ASME would own the funds.
- Other possibilities
- Units set their own dues amount
- Units send their own dues statements and collect
their own Unit dues
26Option 2 Instituting mandatory ASME Unit Dues
- 1. Increase annual dues by 10 for all corporate
members (not students) - 2. Put the dues increase to a membership vote.
Make it clear for the vote that this 10 will
always go to the units - no handling fee. - 3. ASME would guarantee 100 of the 10 dues
increase would always go to your local Section or
one designated Technical Institute, Division or
Chapter (as designated by the corporate member on
their dues paperwork). - Put this change into ASME's Bylaws or
27Option 2 Instituting mandatory ASME Unit Dues
- 4. Low performing units would continue to get the
standard annual allotment per member. - 5. Medium to high performing units would vie for
the remaining funds as managed by the KC. - 6. All monies (10 per corporate member - this is
approximately 1,000,000) would be distributed to
the units by September 30th of each year.
28Option 3 Member-Directed use of Dues to Support
ASME Units
- Members would be provided the ability to direct
that 10 of their annual dues be provided to the
Technical Division, Section, or other unit of
ASME of their choice. - This would be a dues check off similar to
marking an IRS Form 1040, indicating whether you
wanted 3 of your tax money to go into a
Presidential Election fund.
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