Title: Wikis in the Classroom
1Wikis in the Classroom
- Barry Bakin
- ESL Teacher Advisor and
- ESL Intermediate Low Instructor
- Division of Adult and Career Education
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- barry.bakin_at_lausd.net
- http//www.tech4esl.blogspot.com
- http//barrytrainsu.pbwiki.com
2Goals for todays 1 hour workshop
- All participants will sign up and get a wiki
- All participants will become familiar with basic
wiki tools and tasks such as creating, editing
and reverting to a prior version. - Remember You can hear Barry but he can not hear
you! You have to type any questions you have for
him in the chat area!
3Whats a Wiki anyway?
- A simple way for an individual to publish
information on the Internet - A simple way for a selected group of
viewers/users of the wiki to change the
information that is presented. - A way to preserve the changes
- A way to keep a history of the changes
4Some Wiki characteristics
- You can organize the order and relationship of
pages - There are ways to determine who can make changes
- You can keep them simple or add other features
- Easy enough that students can learn to make
changes in one lesson. - You can add images and/or video clips
- You can undo changes easily
5Some Wikis in action!
The OTAN wiki for Web 2.0 tools (Click on the
Wiki link) http//webtwopointohinadulted.wikispace
s.com/ The wiki my students go to to listen to
mp3 files (podcast instead of a podcast page)
Ive created. http//mrbakinsesl.pbwiki.com/ The
wiki my students are creating in collaboration
with students from Burlington, Vermont.
http//coasttocoast.pbwiki.com/ Wikis created by
former participants of this workshop!
(Leila Rosemberg-to post information for the
teachers) http//eslwiki.pbwiki.com/ (Vincent
Nunez-gives his students assignments and has them
post their writing) http//cbetexchange.pbwiki.com
/ (Liz Koenig created this site for CBET teachers
to access and exchange materials and
6Get your own wiki!Remember You can hear
Barry but he can not hear you! You have to type
any questions you have for him in the chat area!
7Go to http//pbwiki.com
Click on Sign up
or this big red button
8Fill in the simple form
Type your email address here
Pick a password thats easy to remember!
Pick a name thats easy to remember!
Select For Education
UNCHECK Yes, please (The default is checked)
9Fill in the simple form
Type your email address here
Pick a password thats easy to remember!
Pick a name thats easy to remember!
Select For Education
UNCHECK Yes, please
10CLICK here!
11Check your email!
12Check your email inbox
Remember You can hear Barry but he can not hear
you! You have to type any questions you have for
him in the chat area!
13Click on the embedded link
144) Leave Point-and-Click as the default
1) Choose public
2) Pick an invite key
3) Agree to the terms of service
4) Click on the Next button
Invite Keytrainswiki
15Scroll down and and click on No thanks, just
take me to my wiki
Click on Edit page to get started!
Invite key trainswiki
17Use the various editing tools to do just that!
Click Save when youre finished!
Remember You can hear Barry but he can not hear
you! You have to type any questions you have for
him in the chat area!
18Fortunately, fixing mistakes is easy!
Use the Show All Pages link under Wiki
19For more help, contact me at barry.bakin_at_lausd.net
Also, view http//barrytrainsu.pbwiki.com/ Or
afternoons at 213-241-3705
20Homework Assignment!
- Continue to develop your own wiki!
- Visit my Training Wiki at http//barrytrainsu.pbwi
ki.com/ - and add your new wiki to the list of Participant
Wikis (Dont forget to include your URL to make
it an active link and Save before you exit) - This presentation is also available online at
http//esl.adultinstruction.org (scroll down to
Professional Development) - Invite Key trainsu
- Please remember to click on the link to fill out
the evaluations! - I hope youll join me and/or the other trainers
for other presentations in the series. - http//dev.otan.us/dev/eval
- You can also contact me by way of the wiki, my
tech4esl blog, or directly by email at