Title: The West University Library
1The West University Library
2Types of Books
- Fiction (Regular and Paperback)
Examples of Spine Labels FIC for Fiction CHR
for 1st Three Letters of Authors Last Name
PB for Paperback FIC for Fiction JOH for 1st
Three Letters of Authors Last Name
3Examples of Spine Labels FIC for Fiction DIT
for 1st Three Letters of Authors Last Name Green
tape over the label means it is a series
Series Section
4How to Shelve Fiction
- Fiction is Shelved, Alphabetically by Authors
Last Name - If more than one book by the same Author, then
Alphabetically by Title of the Book - Skip, if the first word in the Title is The,
A/An, On - Keep all of the same Author together Marc
Browns books before Margaret Wise Brown
5- Everyone or Easier Picture Books (Fiction)
E for Everyone DEP 1st Three Letters of Authors
Last Name
A section of Everyone Books
6How to Shelve Everyone Books
- Fiction is Shelved, Alphabetically by Authors
Last Name - If more than one book is by the same Author, then
Alphabetically by Title of the Book - Ignore, if first word in the Title is The, A/An,
On - Keep all the same Author together Marc Browns
books before Margaret Wise Brown
7595.6 is the Dewey Decimal Number HAR is the 1st
three Letters of the Authors Last Name
Non-Fiction Books from 599s to 940s
8How to Shelve Non-Fiction
- Non-Fiction is shelved first by the number and
second by the Authors Last name, and finally by
the Title of the book. - Dewey Decimal goes from 001 to 999, example of
correct number sequence 636.7 KAL, 636.71
ACC, 636.713 KAL, 636.74 BER, 636.8 WES, 367.10
JAC, - Some Call Numbers go 3 or 4 numbers past the
decimal point, most go to 2 numbers past
Example of incorrect shelving 595.4 LAS should
come before all the 595.7s
9Easy Non-Fiction
531 for the Dewey Decimal JEN for the 1st three
letters of Authors last name Shelved just like
regular Non-Fiction only with yellow tape over
the number
The section of Easy Non-Fiction
For more information on the Kid Friendly Dewey
Decimal system, go to www.scottpublib.org/dragon/D
10DVDs and Videos
DVDs are mostly non-fiction and shelved by the
Dewey Decimal system
Videos are either Fiction or Non-fiction. They
should be shelved accordingly.
11- Reference Books and Reserve Books
REF for Reference and the Dewey Decimal number
One copy of each current Texas Bluebonnet books
for children to read in the Library. Not to be
checked out.
12Other Areas
Birthday Book Club We do not shelve in this area.
TX Bluebonnet Name-That-Book This is for current
2009/10 books.
13Cathys Quarantine Cart For books that are
damaged or need extra attention. Please leave a
note saying what is wrong with the book.
Computers for the OPAC (Online Public Access
14- Important Information
- Books to be shelved will be on Blue Carts.
Please place books in order and take a handful of
books to shelve at a time. Do not take cart
around the Library. - If you have any questions while shelving, please
wait until the Librarian has a free minute to ask
questions. Do not interrupt her class discussion
to ask questions. - Please silence Cell Phones. If you must take a
call, go in the office or hall, outside the
15- If you are to miss your scheduled time, please
contact the PTO Library Volunteer Coordinator
(Moria Cullins at mcullins1_at_sbcglobal.net or
832-655-8715) to let her know you will not be
there. - Please do not leave your personal items in the
Library Office. This includes handbags. - If the blue cart is empty, please straighten the
shelves. Please correct any mistakes on the
shelf. - If a book is dirty or sticky, please use the baby
wipes near the office to clean the book.
16- We Thank You for your time and effort at the West
University Elementary School Library. You are a
tremendous asset to the Library.