Title: Managing KBS Projects
1Managing KBS Projects
- Contents
- How people matter
- Dealing with management and users
- Safety critical systems
- Systems integration
- The importance of quality assurance
- The importance of project management
- Being a professional knowledge engineer
2Managing KBS Projects
- The Project Champion
- Will convince users that the KBS
is needed - Must have some authority
- Must get on with both
management and users - Must have a personal investment in the project
- Must believe in the need for the KBS
- Must be capable of presenting the business
benefits to management - Must be highly motivated towards the success of
the project
3Managing KBS Projects
- Convincing Management
- A project
presentation at
an early stage
allows - - An opportunity for
management to be
made aware of the
reality of the project - The knowledge engineer to gauge the real level of
support from management
The need for a Knowledge Based System
4Managing KBS Projects
- The Monitoring System
- The goal of the system was to assist the
clinician in the intensive care unit (ICU) - The system addressed the following problems -
- the need for interpretation of measurement values
with respect to historical information about
changes in a patients status and therapy - the difficulty of directly relating measurement
values to a therapeutic recommendation
5Managing KBS Projects
- The Monitoring System
- The system was designed to perform the following
tasks in the intensive care unit (ICU) - predict the initial setting of the mechanical
ventilator - suggest adjustments to treatment by continuous
reassessment of the patients condition - summarise the patients physiological status
- maintain a set of patients specific expectations
and goals for future evaluation - aid in the stabilization of the patients
6Managing KBS Projects
- The Monitoring System Development
The knowledge elicitation sessions resulted in a
set of rules
A prototype was developed and shown to the
Feedback from the prototype was used to refine
the system and rule set
The loop was repeated a number of times until the
final system was obtained
The system was tested on over 50 patients
The majority of the tests
showed a close agreement between the KBS and the
7Managing KBS Projects
Whose fault is it if the system fails?
Has the system been developed to Quality
Do we really know if it is correct?
8Managing KBS Projects
- Safety Critical Systems
- A recent BCS conference on Intelligent Systems
Engineering contained articles on KBS being
developed for - - railway signaling
- alarm systems
- gas leaks
- nuclear power station
process monitoring
and control
9Managing KBS Projects
- The Integrated System - A Case Study
- A KBS was integrated with a conventional software
system - a Human Resource Management system - A HRM is a software system designed to make the
best use of the people in an organisation - Aims -
- to have a corporate pool of staff
- all projects across a department would employ
staff from the pool - all human resource data would be held and
controlled centrally
10Managing KBS Projects
- The Integrated System - A Case Study
Database systems e.g. Information systems
application in HRM
Expert systems e.g. Artificial intelligence
application in HRM
Hybrid systems e.g. An integrated human
resources KBS
11Managing KBS Projects
- The Integrated System - A Case Study
12Managing KBS Projects
- Evaluation of KB Systems
- Evaluation falls into 2 stages -
- Validation
- Verification
You do it this way
No you dont, you do it this way
13Managing KBS Projects
Real world domain
Human expert
Knowledge engineer
Knowledge base
14Managing KBS Projects
Gaps in knowledge
Internal quality checking based on logical
False knowledge
Expert and collection of proof cases needed
Potential for support by tools
15Managing KBS Projects
- Verification
- Syntactic coherence
- to see that all objects in the KB are correctly
defined with respect to the inference engine - Logical coherence
- to apply logical properties to detect
contradictions - Contextual coherence
- to see that the KB is consistent with the model
of the problem
16Managing KBS Projects
- Subsumed Rules
- Occurs when 2 rules have the same conclusion but
1 rule has additional conditions - - Rule 1 A gt C
- Rule 2 A and B gt C
17Managing KBS Projects
- Unnecessary Conditions
- Occurs when the conclusions of 2 rules are the
same and, except for one, the conditions of the
rules are the same and this condition is reversed
- - Rule 1 A and B gt C
- Rule 2 A and not(B) gt C
18Managing KBS Projects
- Validation
- We need to -
- define the work domain
- define which proof cases
- define how many proof cases
Work Domain
Knowledge Base
19Managing KBS Projects
- Factors which have contributed to the adoption of
standards for the software development process
- (The UK National Computing Centre, 1972) - The organisation producing the software needs to
provide users with quality software that operates
satisfactorily - The need to develop software within the
constraints of time, money and available staff - The finished product must be at an acceptable
level - The product must be easy to maintain, and so
documentation is an important area which must be
addressed by any standards
20Managing KBS Projects
- Results of a survey carried out In 1991
Level of experience in KBS development
in the UK (Ng, 1991)
21Managing KBS Projects
- Results of a survey carried out In 1991
Use of KBS methods in the UK (Ng, 1991)
22Managing KBS Projects
- Results of a survey carried out In 1991
- Only 13 of organisation claimed to use any
formal or semi-formal method to validate their
KBS. Methods quoted were - - Qualitative modeling
- Induction
- Customer satisfaction
- Regression testing
- Conventional testing
- In-house methods
23Managing KBS Projects
Quality system framework 1 Management
responsibility 2 Quality system
3 Internal quality audits
4 Corrective action
Quality system life cycle 5 Contract reviews
6 Purchaser requirements
7 Development planning
8 Quality planning 9 Design
implementation 10 Testing
validation 11 Acceptance
12 Replication, delivery
installation 13
Quality system support 14 Configuration
management 15 Document control
16 Quality records
17 Measurement 18 Rules, practices
conventions 19 Tools techniques
20 Purchasing 21
Included software product 22
24Managing KBS Projects
- Operation and Maintenance
- When a system is delivered to a customer it is
vital that it is accompanied by sufficient and
appropriate documentation - in particular - - A user guide which explains how to use the
software - A technical manual
Technical Manual
25Managing KBS Projects
- Project Management
- The Project Managers dilemma
They want a system which meets their needs
Knowledge engineers
They want to be left to do their job
They want the system to conform to their quality
Quality manager
They want the introduction of the system to go
smoothly. They also want the project on time, to
budget and working
Senior management
26Managing KBS Projects
- Professionalism
- The collective body of persons engaged in any
profession (Chambers dictionary, 1991) - Characteristics of professions -
- Established by royal charter
- Control entry to that profession
- Act as a self governing and self regulatory body
- Enforce discipline among members
- Have a code of practice
- Have a code of conduct
27Managing KBS Projects
- Professionalism
- Grounds for granting a royal charter -
- It should be in the public interest to regulate
members within that body - The members should represent a coherent group