Title: ISO TC 184SC4 40th Meeting OPENING PLENARY Stuttgart, Germany
1ISO TC 184/SC440th MeetingOPENING
PLENARYStuttgart, Germany
- Howard Mason, Chair
- Jerry Smith, Secretary
- Ron Kolakowski, Deputy Secretary
- Opening Remarks from the Host
- Opening Report from the Chair
- SC 4 Secretariat Report
- Convenor Plans for the Week
- National Body Reports P-members
- National Body Reports O-members
- Liaison Reports
- Opening Remarks from the Host
- Opening Report from the Chair
- SC 4 Secretariat Report
- Convenor Plans for the Week
- National Body Reports P-members
- National Body Reports O-members
- Liaison Reports
- Opening Remarks from the Host
- Opening Report from the Chair
- SC 4 Secretariat Report
- Convenor Plans for the week
- National Body reports P-members
- National Body reports O-members
- Liaison reports
- Opening Remarks from the Host
- Opening Report from the Chair
- SC 4 Secretariat Report
- Convenor Plans for the week
- National Body reports P-members
- National Body reports O-members
- Liaison reports
6Convenor Plans for the Week
WG2 Part Library
Wolfgang Wilkes WG3 Product Modeling
Len Slovensky JWG8 Manufacturing Process
and Management Information Jean-J.
Michel JWG9 Electrical/Electronic
Implementation Methods Martin Hardwick WG12 SC4
Common Resources Keith Hunten
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
7Convenor Plans for the Week
WG2 Part Library - Wolfgang
Wilkes WG3 Product Modeling Len
Slovensky JWG8 Manufacturing Process
and Management Information Jean-J.
Michel JWG9 Electrical/Electronic
Implementation Methods Martin Hardwick WG12 SC4
Common Resources Keith Hunten
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
8Convenor Plans for the Week
WG2 Part Library Wolfgang
Wilkes WG3 Product Modeling - Len
Slovensky JWG8 Manufacturing Process
and Management Information Jean-J.
Michel JWG9 Electrical/Electronic
Implementation Methods Martin Hardwick WG12 SC4
Common Resources Keith Hunten
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
9Convenor Plans for the Week
WG2 Part Library Wolfgang
Wilkes WG3 Product Modeling Len
Slovensky JWG8 Manufacturing Process
and Management Information - Jean-J.
Michel JWG9 Electrical/Electronic
Implementation Methods Martin Hardwick WG12 SC4
Common Resources Keith Hunten
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
10Convenor Plans for the Week
WG2 Part Library Wolfgang
Wilkes WG3 Product Modeling Len
Slovensky JWG8 Manufacturing Process
and Management Information Jean-J.
Michel JWG9 Electrical/Electronic Applications -
NO MEETING WG11 EXPRESS, Implementation
Methods Martin Hardwick WG12 SC4 Common Resources
Keith Hunten
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
11Convenor Plans for the Week
WG2 Part Library Wolfgang
Wilkes WG3 Product Modeling Len
Slovensky JWG8 Manufacturing Process
and Management Information Jean-J.
Michel JWG9 Electrical/Electronic
Implementation Methods - Martin
Hardwick WG12 SC4 Common Resources Keith
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
12Convenor Plans for the Week
WG2 Part Library Wolfgang
Wilkes WG3 Product Modeling Len
Slovensky JWG8 Manufacturing Process
and Management Information Jean-J.
Michel JWG9 Electrical/Electronic
Implementation Methods Martin Hardwick WG12 SC4
Common Resources - Keith Hunten
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
13Committee Plans for the Week
- PPC Meinolf Gröpper
- Education Outreach Ricardo Goncalves
- STEP Implementors Forum Martin Hardwick
- Change Management Committee Howard Mason
- Quality Committee Howard Mason
- Harvesting ad hoc-ATA King Yee
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
14Committee Plans for the Week
- PPC Meinolf Gröpper
- Education Outreach Ricardo Goncalves
- STEP Implementors Forum Martin Hardwick
- Change Management Committee Howard Mason
- Quality Committee Howard Mason
- Harvesting ad hoc-ATA King Yee
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
15Committee Plans for the Week
- PPC Meinolf Gröpper
- Education Outreach Ricardo Goncalves
- STEP Implementors Forum Martin Hardwick
- Change Management Committee Howard Mason
- Quality Committee Howard Mason
- Harvesting ad hoc-ATA King Yee
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
16Committee Plans for the Week
- PPC Meinolf Gröpper
- Education Outreach Ricardo Goncalves
- STEP Implementors Forum Martin Hardwick
- Change Management Committee Howard Mason
- Quality Committee Howard Mason
- Harvesting ad hoc-ATA King Yee
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
17Committee Plans for the Week
- PPC Meinolf Gröpper
- Education Outreach Ricardo Goncalves
- STEP Implementors Forum Martin Hardwick
- Change Management Committee Howard
Mason - Quality Committee Howard Mason
- Harvesting ad hoc-ATA King Yee
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
18Committee Plans for the Week
- PPC Meonolf Gröpper
- Education Outreach Ricardo Goncalves
- STEP Implementors Forum Martin Hardwick
- Change Management Committee Howard Mason
- Quality Committee Howard Mason
- Harvesting ad hoc-ATA King Yee
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
19Committee Plans for the Week
- PPC Meinolf Gröpper
- Education Outreach Ricardo Goncalves
- STEP Implementors Forum Martin Hardwick
- Change Management Committee Howard
Mason - Quality Committee Howard Mason
- Harvesting ad hoc-ATA King Yee
NOTE Copies will be available from the
conference computer.
- Opening Remarks from the Host
- Opening Report from the Chair
- SC 4 Secretariat Report
- Convenor Plans for the week
- National Body reports P-members
- National Body reports O-members
- Liaison reports
21P-Member Reports
Netherlands Norway Portugal Korea
Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland United
Kingdom United States
Australia Brazil Bulgaria Canada Czech
Republic China France Germany Italy Japan
- Opening Remarks from the Host
- Opening Report from the Chair
- SC 4 Secretariat Report
- Convenor Plans for the week
- National Body reports P-members
- National Body reports O-members
- Liaison reports
23O-Member Reports
Belgium Denmark Finland Hong Kong
Hungary Lithuania
Malaysia Mexico Mongolia Romania Singapore Yugos
- Opening Remarks from the Host
- Opening Report from the Chair
- SC 4 Secretariat Report
- Convenor Plans for the week
- National Body reports P-members
- National Body reports O-members
- Liaison reports
25Liaisons - Brief Reports
- OMG Eurostep
- PLCS Margaret Christison
- ASAM Gerald Sammer
- PROSTEP Max Ungerer
- TC29 / WG34 Norman Swindells
- SASIG Jürgen Mohrmann
- FSIG Ricardo Gonçlaves
26LIAISONSWednesday Plenary
- Detailed presentation and discussions on
relationships - of liaison activities with SC4 work
- IAI Thomas Liebich
- PDES, Inc - CHAPS Tony Ranger
- VAMAS/TC207 Anna Moreno
- PIEBASE - Data Readiness Paul van Exel
- MoU/MG Howard Mason
27Open Technical Forum
- Topic Industrial requirements and developments
for dictionaries and reference libraries - Time Monday 17.30-19.30
- Presentations
- Properties and product classification activities
within DIN (Dr Richter) - www.dinfml.net - German DIN online dictionary for
standardised product properties, according to ISO
13584/IEC 61360 (Nikolaus Ondracek) - Presentation on industry requirements for
dictionaries and the definition of
characteristics (Bruno Schilli) - Overview and application of VDI3805 (Prof
Hirschberg) - RDL development projects by POSC Caesar (Magne
Valen-Sendstad) - Brief technical presentation on 15926-7 (Hans
Teijgeler) - Reference dictionaries and knowledge capture in
ISO 13399 (Norman Swindells) - The Standard Upper Ontology group in IEEE
(Matthew West) - Information integration using ontology-based
information model (Guy Pierra) - From Data Models to an Ontological Language
(Andries van Renssen) - Lessons for SC4
29Have a good Week!
- Bus Departs for Hotels in xx minutes
30POITIERS FRANCE 26-31 Oct 2003
31POITIERS, FRANCE 26-31 Oct 2003