Title: DDSS2006
1 2Motivation I
- In the existing facility location theory, there
are many studies concerned with location modeling
of facilities that put more importance on
nearness. But there are also some facilities that
give undesirable feeling to residents. Location
problems for those kind of facilities require new
methodologies with corresponding solutions. - Thereupon, in this research, our purpose is to
consider the location problem of undesirable
facilities - Waste disposal facilities are appointed for
analysis. Specifically, we choose garbage
transfer stations and final disposal facilities
as research objects due to their high level of
3Motivation II
- As we review the methodologies for location
problems of undesirable facility, we found that
the most popular way of handling undesirability
for a single facility is to minimize the highest
effect on a series of fixed points applying the
principle of locating the undesirable facilities
as far as possible from all sensitive places. - Therefore, in the existing literature we can
appreciate that physical magnitudes, such as
distance or time, were mainly used as important
parameters on the study of facility location.
However, the psychology element of the facility
users was not given enough attention. - Regarding those characteristic, our objective in
this research is to analyze location problems of
undesirable facilities by using a model based on
probability theory, which considers residential
Definition of Endurance Distance Endurance Rate
For purely undesirable facilities, we can
consider that residents hope the undesirable
facility can be located farther than a certain
distance, which means the residents can endure
the location of the undesirable facility if the
facility is located farther than that distance.
Then the minimum of this desired distance can be
defined as endurance distance, which is expressed
here as w. And, when an undesirable facility is
located at a certain distance, the rate of
residents who could endure the facility location
is defined as endurance rate, which is expressed
here as P(x) in this research.
Residential location
Undesirable facility
6Distribution of Endurance Distance
Fig.1 Relationship between the endurance rate
and distance to a facility
7Assumption for Distribution of Endurance Distance
where a and m are scale and shape parameters.
8Survey Concerning Endurance Distance
- Estimation of parameters for endurance rate
Data concerning the endurance rate P(x)
Carry out a questionnaire survey toward the
residents in object area
Questionnaire Survey
At least how far should a waste facility be
located to your home?
9Questionnaire Survey in Chengdu City
Fig.2 The location of Chengdu City
10Case Study Area-object of Survey
Fig.3 Object area of the research
11The Result of Survey
Fig.4 Percentage by age
12Endurance Distance and Endurance Rate
Fig.5 Distance to garbage transfer stations and
corresponding residential endurance rate
Fig.6 Distance to final waste disposal facilities
and corresponding residential endurance rate
13Average Endurance Distance Classified by
Fig.7 Average endurance distance classified
by age for garbage transfer stations
Fig.8 Average endurance distance classified by
age for final waste disposal facilities
Fig.9 Average endurance distance classified by sex
14Estimated Parameters of Endurance Rate Function
Table 1. Result of parameters estimation for the
endurance rate model
where the numbers between parentheses represent
the value of t. R2 is determination Coefficient
Fig.10 The residential endurance rate for
garbage transfer stations
Fig.11 The residential endurance rate for final
waste disposal facilities
In matrix form, non-linear models are given by
the formula y f(X, ß) e, where y is an
n-by-1 vector of responses, f is a function of
ß and X, ß is a m-by-1 vector of coefficients, X
is the n-by-m design matrix for the model, e is
an n-by-1 vector of errors, n is the number of
data and m is the number of coefficients. The
fitting process was automated, employing the
commercial software Fitting Toolbox from Matlab.
17Distribution Fitting for Non-parametric
where, y(x) is probability distribution function
Table 2. The coefficients of equation (7) and
goodness of fit
18Cumulative Distribution Function Calculation
where erf(.) is the error function
Table 3. The coefficients of equation (8) (with
95 confidence bounds)
Fig.12 Distribution of the endurance rate h(?)
Fig.13 A plot of the original data to 12km
21Flipping the Data
Fig.14. Data flipping
22Flipping the Data
Where f(x) is the distribution in Figure 9 , g(x)
is the distribution in Figure 10.
Where h(x) is the distribution function for New
Data, j(x) is the distribution function for
original data.
Fig.15 NewData
23Distribution Analysis of NewData
Employing the estimation method of Least Squares,
a 3-Parameter Loglogistic distribution function
was found as
where, a Location parameter, b Scale
parameter, c Threshold parameter
24The Resulting Values for the Parameters the
Goodness of Fit
a1.183 b0.399 c0.296
Fig.16 Result of parameter estimation and test
of goodness of distribution (Where, C1 means
NewData shown in Figure 13)
The modified Loglogistic function is
Finally, the function of the endurance rate model
where z is a value between 0 and 12, 0.04 is the
integral of the resulting function from -8 to 0.
Fig.17 Distribution of the endurance rate sr(z)
- Regarding undesirable facilities, we defined
residential endurance distance and endurance
rate, modeled the relationship between facilitys
location and the endurance rate. - From the questionnaire survey carried out in
Chengdu City, we could dissect the distribution
of residential endurance distance for garbage
transfer stations and final waste disposal
facility. Using the endurance rate model, we
indicated its possible to propose waste
facilities location from the viewpoint of
residents. - Based on different probability distribution
functions, we proposed three models for
estimating the residential endurance rate and
make a comparison study. Based on those models,
we found theres no big difference between the
results when residential endurance rate according
to facility location is 80, the calculation
results of suitable distance for garbage transfer
stations are all around 10km. - From the comparison study, we found that the
advantage of the model employing Weibull
distribution is its simplicity it has only 2
parameters and can be used for the both kinds of
facilities though the accuracy was not good
enough. The Non-parametric one described a better
modelling even though a lot of parameters were
needed for describing the detail of the data. As
computer technology is developed today, we
consider that this method can be used for any
kind of situation as a numerical analysis model.
Based on a parametric distribution function, we
also found a model by analysing and flipping the
data as explained above. For this case, the model
using Loglogistic distribution function is a new
experiment with good modelling characteristics.
28Thank you for your attention!
29? ? ? ?
30Slide 3
- Whats the meaning of the highest effect?
- What are the meaning of fixed points?
- What means a series of fixed points?
31Slide 3
- Why need consider residential awareness in this
32Why how could find Weibull
- During the proceeding, we found Weibull
distribution has some interesting characters as
following 1. It is a distribution with good
elasticity. The shape changes following shape
parameters changing. 2. The distribution
function is completely integrabel, which make it
possiblefor next step of parameter estimation.
33Contents of the survey
- For getting the data, a survey on
residential awareness about undesirable
facilities was carried out in Feb. 2004. The area
object of survey is shown in Figure 3. The
question was At least how far should a waste
facility be located to your home? According to
the endurance distance, a few alternatives were
given in advance. Then respondents choose their
desired endurance distance from the alternatives
or a certain number they considered adequate. The
choices, for garbage transfer stations, were from
1km to 10km, for final waste disposal facilities,
were from 5km to 30km. For both facilities there
was the option If theres no endurance distance
you considered, please write down a distance you
can endure. Data analysis was based on the
endurance distance which residents chose or
wrote. A simple explanation concerning present
condition of waste disposal in Chengdu was given
before the questions.
34What means
- In matrix form, non-linear models are given by
the formula - y f(X, ß) e,
- where y is an n-by-1 vector of responses,
- f is a function of ß and X, ß is a m-by-1 vector
of coefficients, - X is the n-by-m design matrix for the model,
- e is an n-by-1 vector of errors,
- n is the number of data and
- m is the number of coefficients.
- The fitting process was automated, employing the
commercial - software Fitting Toolbox from Matlab.
35Table 2
- If the value of goodness of fit can be gain
at the step of distribution fitting?
36The procedure of selecting equation (11) by
employing MINITAB
37Explaining the following paragraph
- The function j(x) in equation (13) exists for
values xlt0, which is unreal for the processed
data, then an adjusting value of 0.04 is included
in equation (13) which corresponds to the
integral of j(x) from -8 to 0. For this reason,
the endurance rate never reaches 100. A
corrective coefficient can be applied to the
equation of the endurance rate sr(z). Then it
becomes equation (14). The corrected function
newsr(z) is illustrated in Figure 12.