Title: Planning for the next generation in Health
1Planning for the next generation in Health
- Katherine Baldock
- SA Health
- ACHSE (SA) Conference, 30 May 2008
2About me
- Education
- B Health Sciences (Hons)
- Grad Dip Public Health
- Current roles in SA Health
- Co-chair, SA Health Young Professionals Group
- Workforce Development Division, SA Health
- Epidemiologist (chronic disease)
- Population Research Outcome Studies Unit,
SA Health
3 4Why are we here?
- Beyond the horizon the next generations view
- The Health System of the Future - Generation X
Y - Recognition that there are significant health and
workforce issues emerging that will require
greater engagement of Gen X Y
5 6Increasing chronic disease
SA Health Omnibus Survey, 1991 to 2006.
7Ageing Workforce Demographic
ABS Census 1996 2001.
8What does this mean for Health?
- Pressure on health system at all levels
- Prevention programs
- Primary health care
- Hospitals
- Etc.
- Implications for
- Workforce number of people
- Work practices how we do things
- Workplace culture, how we think about things
9What does this mean for Health?
DFEEST calculations based on Labour Force,
Australia, ABS CAT NO 6202.0 Productivity
Commission participation rate projections, Monash
CoPS employment projections.
10What does this mean for Health?
- Pressure on health system at all levels
- Prevention programs
- Primary health care
- Hospitals
- Etc.
- Implications for
- Workforce number of people
- Work practices how we do things
- Workplace culture, how we think about things
11What do we need?
- Reform that will not only meet demand but will
improve health outcomes for SA - This requires
- Innovation
- Flexibility
- Respect for diversity
- Focus on health rather than just health system
12 13Whats so special about Gen X Y?
- Generational characteristics
- Thirsty for skills and intellectual challenge
- Seek employers who will further their development
as professionals - Determined to maintain work-life balance
- Embrace change
- Want to make a difference
- Opportunity
14 15One solution
- The SA Health
- Young Professionals Group
- Promotes the interests of SA Health Employees
aged 35 years and under - Established in response to the need for something
different - Supported by Minister for Health and SA Health
16SA Health YPG Membership
- Range of employees across SA Health
- All regions represented
- Wide range of professions
- Scientific
- Administrative
- Allied health
- Nursing
- IT
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Project based
17SA Health YPG History
- Originally established in 2006
- 25 members
- Recognised need to expand to whole-of-Health
- Expanded membership 2007
- Workshop February 2008
- Steering Committee formed
- Strategic Directions currently being developed
18SA Health YPG Structure
- 2 Co-Chairs
- Report to Etienne Scheepers, ED Workforce
Development - Steering Committee
- 18 people
- Wide representation
- Whole YPG
- 170 members
19SA Health Young Professionals Group
- Planning for the next generation in Health
- Our vision
- We as young health employees are committed to
fostering a dynamic and positive health system
for the future. - We aim to build a culture that facilitates
generations working together towards better
health outcomes for the South Australian
20SA Health YPG Objectives
- Improve health and wellbeing for South
Australians - Provide a voice for young employees
- Change workplace culture to positively impact
recruitment and retention - Empower young employees in building skills to
enable their development as leaders across SA
21 22The health system of the future
- Workforce
- Recruitment and retention are aligned with our
workplace culture. - Young employees have the capacity and opportunity
for leadership across SA Health and are committed
to continual professional development.
23The health system of the future
- Work Practices
- There is a workplace culture that values and
encompasses a variety of skills, experiences and
ways of working.
24The health system of the future
- Workplace
- SA Health has a progressive and innovative
culture, resulting in improved health and
wellbeing of South Australians.
25The health system of the future
- Reform in
- Workforce
- Work practices
- Work place
- Will lead to
- Improved health and wellbeing of South
- Minister for Health SA Health Executive
- SA Health YPG Co-Chair, Adam Monkhouse
- SA Health YPG Steering Committee
- SA Health YPG Members