Title: Mr' Donald Wilson
1Quarterly Meeting January 30, 2003
Image World 2nd New Dimensions Contract
Mr. Donald Wilson Sr. Contracting Officer
- Status on IW 2nd Contract
- Master Contract Modification
- Review Contract Requirements
- Review Contract Deliverables
3CONTRACT STATUS Number of Task Orders Awarded
30 Business (28) Med (2) GIS (0)
Total Dollars Authorized Including Options for
Task Orders ESTIMATED 23 Million
5CONTRACT STATUS Number of Delivery Orders
Awarded 171 Hardware (63) Software (78) ISSS
(25) Services (5)
Total Dollars Authorized for Delivery
Orders ESTIMATED 21 Million
Total Number of Orders Awarded 201 Total Dollars
Estimated 44 Million
8Master Contract Modification Subcontracting
Plan Revision Modification Purpose To remove
Pilot Commercial Subcontracting Plan language and
replace with the Standard Small Business
Subcontracting Plan (Public Law 95-507 )
- Section C Article 6 WEB LINK
- The contractor shall maintain a link to NITAAC
web site - Keep websites and Points of contact information
current - Section G Article 3.3 NO BID
- If a prime contractor is unable to perform a
requirement a - NO BID shall be made to the task order
10- Contract Deliverables
- Section F
- Monthly Check Report
- Monthly Program Status Report
- Monthly Sales Report
- All Reports are due no later than the 10th of
each month
11- Contract Deliverables
- Section H
- Subcontracting Reports SF 294s and SF 295s
(Large Businesses only) - SF 294s are due April 30th and October 30th
- SF 295s are due October 30th
12- Contract Reminder
- Past Performance is required for all Task
13All responses, questions, and comments are to be
e-mailed to the following address
14NITAACs Points of Contact
15CP Leasing, Inc. 8(a) Small Disadvantage Minority
Owned Alaskan Native Corporation, headquartered
in Juneau, Alaska with a local Federal Office in
Washington, DC http//www.cpleasing.com/html/nit
16- CP Leasing Contract
- Single Multiply Agency IDIQ Delivery Order
Fixed Price Contract - Contract Award Date May 22, 2001
- Period of Performance One (1) year with Four
(4) Option years - Total Contract Estimated Ceiling 1.25 Billion
17Contract Scope Information Technology
Equipment Biomedical Equipment
18- Leasing Terms
- 24, 36, 48, and 60 Months
- Lease Types
- Straight Lease (SL)
- Lease with Options to Purchase (LTOP)
- Lease to Ownership Plan (LTOP)
- Fair Market Value Lease (FMV)
19CP Leasing Contract
Total Dollars Awarded 3.6 Million
20CP Leasing Points of Contact
21We hope to continue our successful partnership