Title: Light The Fire Within
1Light The Fire Within
- Presenter
- Barbara K. Beadle, Program Specialist
- Business, Marketing, IT and Co-Op Education
- November 10, 2007
- Dawn Small, Elwood High School
- IBEA Outstanding Classroom Business Teacher
- Anna Stumpf, Hamilton Southeastern High School
- IBEA Emerging Professional
- Tina McCloud, Mt. Vernon High School
- IACTE Outstanding CTE Business Teacher
3Thanks To Sponsors
- Cengage LearningSouth-Western and CT
- Glencoe/Mc-Graw Hill
- Indiana State University, College of Business
- Indiana State University Networks
- Vincennes University
- Aidex Corporation
4Thanks To
- Tina McCloud, Mt. Vernon High School
- Jacquelyn Farrimond, IDOE
- Donna Kimmerling, Indiana Business College
- Exhibitors
- Presenters
- Hosts and Coordinators
- Tonya Skinner, Oran High School, Missouri
- Kim Larsh, Smith Junior HS, Mesa, AZ
- Yvonne Perry
- Phyllis Rokicki
- IBEA Board
5Apple Award
- Dena Irwin, Shakamak High School
- Served on committee to develop standards for
Professional Career Internship course - Served on committee to develop Internship Manual
- Summer trainer for Internship Workshop
- Co-developed insurance test for BPA competitive
events - BPA Advisor and District Coordinator
- Serves on BPA and IBEA Executive Boards
- Workshop Presenter on several occasions
6Apple Award
- Mary Poole, Tipton High School
- Served on committees to develop standards for
Business Technology Lab on three different
occasions - Assisted with development of Teacher Manual,
Student Manual, and other materials for Business
Technology Lab on three different occasions - Served on first PBL team at McCormicks Creek
- BPA Advisor
- Assists with conference presentations
- Discover Your Purpose
- Renew Your Passion
- Unlock Your Potential
8Discover Your PurposeWhy I Teach
- Make a difference in the students lives
- May be the only person they meet who is honest
with them or makes them realize that they can do
whatever they set their minds to - It is my job to teach all kids, not just the ones
who want to learn - When you get that kid that thinks he is useless
and he does just one thing right, I get excited
because it sparks something
9Discover Your PurposeWhy I Teach
- Teaching prepares students for the futureBMIT
gives them life skills and job skills - Make my class relevant to the real world
- Not only to teach my students but to learn from
them as well - Nothing more rewarding than to have former
students tell me how things they learned in my
class are helping them in college or on a job.
10Discover Your PurposeWhy I Teach
- Enjoy teaching Personal Finance where I get to
teach and equip students with some of the skills
necessary to survive in the real world - Show all students that there is a whole big world
out there they need to explore - Pat them on the back when no one else will
- Push them to succeed and not settle for an
ordinary life - Care for my students
11Discover Your PurposeWhy I Teach
- To motivate others to do
- That somewhere on their journey in life they will
come across a situation and have the Aha moment - Grabbing on to new opportunities and challenges
such as leaving comfort of high school job to
move to the middle schoolthe unknown - Use resources to be effective and passionate
about what I teach
12Discover Your PurposeTeacher Comments About
Motivating Students
- Motivate them to use strong ethics while making
decisions - Have them identify their values and interests
- Provide them with the resources to be successful
- Innovation and imaginationa little of both goes
a long way - Involvementlead by example
- Individualize student learning to their potential
career goal
13Discover Your PurposeTeacher Comments About
Motivating Students
- By making learning relevant to them
- Encourage students to think positively about
themselves - Help students realize their potential and
capabilities - Encourage students to set realistic goals
- Give them choices on how to complete an
assignment depending on their learning style
14Discover Your PurposeTeacher Comments About
Motivating Students
- Students first look on surface but then they
start to dig and see what they really and truly
believe and how it matches up to the worlds
standards - Spend one on one time with my students outside of
class - By having students complete PBL activities to
realize the relevance of what is being taught in
the classroom
15Renew Your Passion
- Understanding Your Students
- Millennials
- SAT Data
- Preparing Your Students
- Career Pathways/Clusters
- Career and Technical Student Organizations
16Who is this generation?
- Millennials
- Born 1981-1999
- First class of this generation graduated in 2000
- Have grown up multi-tasking
- Work isnt everything flexibility to balance
activities is - Want feedback at the push of a buttonwhenever I
want it - Source Howe, N., Strauss, W. (2000).
Millennials Rising The Next Great Generation.
New York Vintage Books.
17Who is this generation?
- Big
- The first 100 million generation
- Bigger than Boomers
- Most wanted by marketers
- Protected/Sheltered
- Most watched over generationparents, coaches,
chaperones - TONS of state and federal legislation protecting
childrensex offender programs, AMBER alerts - Source Howe, N., Strauss, W. (2000).
Millennials Rising The Next Great Generation.
New York Vintage Books.
18Some words to describe them
- They are
- Sociable
- Optimistic
- Talented
- Well educated
- Collaborative
- Open-minded
- Influential
- Achievement-oriented
- Web-savvy
- Bloggers
- Chatters
- IMers
- Cell-phone talkers
- Source Raines, C. (2002). Managing Millennials.
Retrieved Feb. 09, 2006, from Generations at Work
Web site http//www.generationsatwork.com/article
s/millenials.htm Who They Are
19Care about future
- Financially savvy
- Care about 401(k)
- Health Insurance
- Opportunity for advancement
- Want to feel like they make a difference/impact
20Why employers want them
- Boomers are retiring
- By 2010 Gen Y will make up 32 of population
- Team-oriented
- Hard workers
- Want to make an immediate impact
- Believe in collective good
- Very tech savvy
21And the rest of the story
- Dont expect to stay in same job due to recent
corporate scandals - Dont respond to command and control
- Speak their minds
- Question authority
- Oftentimes dont respect experience
- Source for Millennials SlidesCourtney Schulz,
Cengage Learning
22And the rest of the story
- Want tomorrows position today
- Information gathers not synthesizers
- Dress Code
- Work is a job not a career
- Have a hard time seeing big picture
- Work is portablenot tied to a desk
- Poor communication skills
- Poor time management
23Intended College Majors of SAT Test Takers 07
24Intended College Majors of SAT Indiana 07
Source The College Board
25Intended College Majors of SAT Test Takers 07
26Intended College Majors of SAT All 07 Source
The College Board
272007 College Bound Seniors Course Taking Patterns
28Career Pathway
- A recommended sequence of general/liberal and
career/technical courses related to a career
focus area that students use as a resource when
developing their high school course plans - May access over 80 career pathways from IDOE at
http//www.doe.state.in.us/octe or
29Career Clusters/Program of Study
- 16 Federal Career Pathways and 84 clusters
- Pathways related to business/marketing
- Business, Management, and Administration
- Finance
- Marketing, Sales, and Service
- Information Technology
- Other Related Pathways
- Government Public Administration
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
30Business, Management, Administration Career
- Administrative and Information Support
- Business Analysis
- Business, Financial Management, Accounting
- Human Resources
- Management
- Marketing
- Use Professional Career Internship course as
capstone pathway.
31Finance Career Clusters
- Banking and Related Services
- Business Financial Management
- Financial and Investment Planning
- Insurance Services
- Personal Finance
- Require as a course for all business students
- Teach more insurance content
32Information Technology Career Clusters
- Information Support and Services
- Interactive Media
- Network Systems
- Programming and Software Development
- Students may also take college credit through
IUPUI--CITIDOE - Receive additional state funding for CTE
33Marketing, Sales, and Service Career Clusters
- Buying and Merchandising
- Distribution and Logistics
- E-Marketing
- Management and Entrepreneurship
- Marketing Communications and Promotion
- Marketing Information Management and Research
- Professional Sales and Marketing
34Career and Technical Student Organizations
- Promote leadership skills
- Opportunities for scholarships
- Competitive events that foster business,
marketing, and information technology knowledge
and skills - Enhance communication skills and other academic
35Unlock Your Potential
- Redesigning Schools or Departments
- Business Middle Level
- Personal Financial Literacy
- Entrepreneurship
- Project Based/Problem Based Learning
- Curriki
36Redesigning Schools
- Rigor fewer course choices and more focus in
core curriculum that establishes the foundation
for further learning. - Relevance more innovations and options in school
models to connect and accelerate students to the
opportunities and requirements of college and the
21st century workplace. (Internships, PBL,
hands-on) - Relationships building partnerships with
business and industry in community
37Business Middle Level
- Keyboarding
- Speech Recognition
- Computer Applications
- Personal Finance
- Career Exploration
- Business Ownership/Entrepreneurship
- State standards being considered for NCLB
technology literacy and personal financial
literacy - Business teachers must be prepared to take on the
responsibility of both areas
38Personal Financial Literacy
- Credit Card Debt
- Housing Foreclosures
- Retirees victimized by financial scams
- Dont spend more than you earn
- No get rich quick schemes
- State standards being considered for NCLB
personal financial literacy at 8th grade - Still need to push for a requirement for senior
level high school course
- Key component of our economy
- All Career Pathways need some knowledge of
entrepreneurship - Technology-Based
- Includes Writing Business Plan
- School-Based Enterprise
- Entrepreneurship Academies
40Teaching Success New Directions in
Entrepreneurial Education
- Discovering interests and idea generating
- Developing entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial
skills - Understanding marketing, financing and business
operations - Business plan development and presentations
- Operating business/service
- Source Cheryl Peters, The Generation E Institute
(GENEI), Battle Creek, MI
41Student Comments on PBL
- Not boring like book work or busy work
- Prefer hands-on projects
- Allows me opportunity to be more creative
- Can use my technology tools and business
knowledge to solve real world situations - Enjoy collaborative work
- No one can cheat
- Makes the individual sections tie together
- Dont sit and do the same thing as in every other
class - Better than listening to the teacher
42Why Use PBL?
- Apply academic standards in a career pathway
sequence - Communication (written and oral)
- Reading
- Applied Math
- Technology
- Business
- Encourages critical thinking/problem solving
- No answer key/rubric
- Provides individualized instruction
- Specific trouble/weak areas
- Career pathways/interest
43Why Use PBL cont.
- Enhances instruction
- Makes learning more meaningful
- Students stay on-task
- Apply what they know
- Contextual learning
- Covering multiple learning styles
- Teamwork
- Generate discussion among teams
- Dual high school and college credit
- Requires high school business/vocational (BMIT)
teacher as facilitator - Courses taught online by IUPUI CIT faculty
- Approximately a 50 tuition break
- Access to all university resources including
Microsoft Office Suite - Three IUPUI curriculum plans
- Fulfills Technical Honors college credits
45Who is Curriki?
- Open Source Curricula Wiki Curriki
- The first Internet destination for Open Source
Curricula (OSC) - Single repository for validated curricula
- Review comments by subject matter experts
- Incubated inside Sun Microsystems in 2004
- Completely independent 501(c)(3) in 2006
- http//www.curriki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome
46Currikis Mission Promise
- Our Mission
- To Eliminate the Education Divide
- Our Promise
- Every student and educator will have access to
quality curricula aligned to frameworks to
support learning
47Free, Online Curricula Created/Validated by the
- Defined learning objectives
- Scope sequence for instruction
- Lesson plans
- Textbooks other instructional materials
- Teacher Training
- Student assessment
- Correlated to standards and frameworks
- Source Peter Levy, Consortium for
Entrepreneurship Education Presentation, November
2, 2007
48A Framework for 21st Century Learning
21st Century Content Business Economic
Literacy (Entrepreneurial Education) Civic
Literacy Global Literacy
Learning Skills Self Direction Thinking
Problem Solving Communications Information
Context Relevant, Real World, Meaningful
- Without involvement there is no commitment.
Source Covey - I hope that you can say with pride, Im a
teacher because you are making a difference. We
are preparing kids for the future. - Source Judy Moore, Columbia City HS
50For Information Contact
- Barbara K. Beadle, Program SpecialistBusiness,
Marketing, Information Technology
andCooperative EducationCareer Technical
Education151 West Ohio StreetIndianapolis IN
46204(317) 232-9179-Office (317)