Title: CS451 Lecture 7: Multiple Threads in Java
1CS451Lecture 7 Multiple Threads in Java
- Yugi Lee
- STB 555
- (816) 235-5932
- yugi_at_cstp.umkc.edu
- www.cstp.umkc.edu/yugi
- Acknowledgement This lecture is based on
material courtesy of Monash University
- Threads
- Extending the Thread class
- Implementing the Runnable interface
- Threading a network server
- Problems with a threaded server.
- Tasks may be multitasked by a machine to appear
to be running simultaneously or may actually be
running on different processors at the same time.
- In C or C making a system call to the
operating system which creates a new process,
allocate processor time to each process running
on the machine switching between them. - In Java creating multiple threads.
- Threads are like the processes, but are
light-weight, not much overhead and operating
system resources, largely managed by the virtual
machine. - As everything belongs to a class, threading is
integrated into objects. New threads are created
when objects are started in their own thread.
4Extending the Thread class
- must provide a run() method.
- The objects can be constructed, but a new thread
of execution is not created until the object has
its inherited method start() called. This in turn
starts a new thread and calls the object's run
method run(). - Thread.sleep() is a static method which puts the
program to sleep for a period.
5Extending the Thread class
- Thread is not associated with any particular
object, though owned by the particular object
which started it, - moving on from there to execute methods in other
objects - Methods of other objects can be called within run
and then these can call methods in other objects
and so on.
6Extending the Thread class
- class ThreadTest extends Thread
- private int id 0
- public ThreadTest(int id)
- this.id id
- public void run()
- System.out.println("Thread " id "
started") - try
- Thread.sleep((long)(Math.random() 1000))
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- System.out.println("Thread " id "
finishing") -
7Extending the Thread class
- public class ThreadDemo
- public static void main(String args)
- ThreadTest tt new ThreadTest1
- System.out.println("Main creating Thread 1")
- tt0 new ThreadTest(1)
- System.out.println("Main creating Thread 2")
- tt1 new ThreadTest(2)
- System.out.println("Main finished creating
threads") - System.out.println("Main starting Thread 1")
- tt0.start()
- System.out.println("Main starting Thread 2")
- tt1.start()
- System.out.println("Main finished starting
threads") -
8Implementing the Runnable interface
- Since implementing an interface does not add any
functionality, to add threading abilities to a
Runnable class, it must be encapsulated within an
object of type Thread. - passing the Runnable object as an argument to a
Thread class constructor which then returns a
Thread object containing the Runnable object. - Invoking the Thread object's start() method
creates the new thread and in turn, invokes the
run() method of the contained Runnable object.
9Implementing the Runnable interface
- class ThreadTest2 implements Runnable
- private int id 0
- public ThreadTest2(int id)
- this.id id
- public void run()
- System.out.println("Thread " id "
started") - try
- Thread.sleep((long)(Math.random() 1000))
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- System.out.println("Thread " id "
finishing") -
10Implementing the Runnable interface
- public class RunnableDemo
- public static void main(String args)
- ThreadTest2 tt new ThreadTest22
- System.out.println("Main creating Thread
1") - tt0 new ThreadTest2(1)
- System.out.println("Main creating Thread
2") - tt1 new ThreadTest2(2)
- System.out.println("Main finished creating
threads") - System.out.println("Main starting Thread
1") - new Thread(tt0).start()
- System.out.println("Main starting Thread
2") - new Thread(tt1).start()
- System.out.println("Main finished starting
threads") -
11Threading a Server
- Without threads The ClassServer application
allows on one client connection at a time. Other
clients must wait until the current client has
completed. - Using threads the server can serve multiple
clients at once. - The server accepts a connection from a client
- then creates a new thread to deal with that
connection allowing it to return almost
immediately to accept other connections.
12ClassSever Multiple Connection
- public ClassServerMulti(String dataFile)
- fillVectors(dataFile)
- try
- ServerSocket classSocket new
ServerSocket(11000) - while (true)
- Socket clientSocket classSocket.accept()
- new ClassRequestBroker(clientSocket, guys,
girls,unsure).start() -
- catch (Exception e)
13ClassSever Multiple Connection
- public ClassRequestBroker(Socket clientSocket,
Vector guyList, Vector girlList, Vector
unknownList) - guys guyList
- girls girlList
- unsure unknownList
- requestor clientSocket
- public void run()
- try
- BufferedReader br
- new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
- requestor.getInputStream()))
- PrintWriter ps
- new PrintWriter(requestor.getOutputStream())
14ClassSever Multiple Connection
- ps.println("Welcome to the Java class info
server.") - ps.println("Type \"all\" for a list of all
students,") - ps.println("type \"guys\" for a list of all male
students,") - ps.println("type \"girls\" for a list of all
female students.") - String request ""
- boolean connected true
- while (connected)
- request br.readLine()
- if (request.toUpperCase().equals("QUIT"))
- connected false
15ClassSever Multiple Connection
- else
- if (request.toUpperCase().equals("GUYS"))
- listMaleStudents(ps)
- else if (request.toUpperCase().equals("GIRLS"))
- listFemaleStudents(ps)
- else if (request.toUpperCase().equals("ALL"))
- listMaleStudents(ps)
- listFemaleStudents(ps)
- else
- ps.println("\"" request "\" not
understood") -
- br.close()
- ps.close()
- requestor.close()
- catch (IOException e)
16ClassServer application
- The constructor for ClassServerMulti now contains
an infinite loop which is acceptable as it blocks
while waiting for client connections, therefore
it is not a busy loop . - All the methods containing the code for
communicating with the client are now
encapsulated in a ClassRequestBroker object,
which extends the Thread class - As with all threads, the body of the controlling
code for ClassRequestBroker is contained within
its run method - After the accept method in ClassServerMulti has
completed (i.e., a new client has connected to
the server), a new instance of the
ClassRequestBroker class is created and its run
method invoked - thereby beginning the
communication process with the new client
17Problems with Threading a Server
- the number of threads may prove to much of a
burden to the server machine (if clients stay
connected for a lengthy period of time.) - Protocols such as the HTTP protocol
- help minimize this by only connecting for a
short period then closing the connection. - may reduce the number of threads running on the
server at any one time - uses more resources and bandwidth in
connecting/disconnecting from the server each
time. - difficult for web-developers to keep track of
the data exchanged with individual clients across
disconnections and reconnections.