Title: Serial endosymbiotic theory SET
1Serial endosymbiotic theory (SET)
- Formalized by F.J.R.Taylor (1974)
- Modified by L. Margulis (1990)
2Hint of whats to come-
- Schimper in 1883
- - Proposed that chloroplasts are cyanobacteria
living inside plant cells
3Evidence that these organelles have prokaryotic
- Mitochondria and chloroplasts
- Circular DNA
- Synthesize proteins
- Divide by fission
- Mutate
4The Origin of Eukaryotic Cells
- Autogenous theory (Archezoa Hypothesis-
Cavalier-Smith 1983) - organelles evolved within the cell by progressive
5- endomembrane system evolved from inward folds of
the plasma membrane of a prokaryotic cell
Plasma membrane
Ancestral prokaryote
Endoplasmic reticulum
Nuclear envelope
Cell with nucleus and endomembrane system
6Archezoa Hypothesis
- Several eukaryotic lineages evolved BEFORE
mitochondrial endosymbiosis - EVIDENCE AGAINST THE HYPOTHESIS
- Roger (1999)- all extant eukaryotes have
mitochondrial genes in their nuclear DNA
7The Origin of Eukaryotic Cells
- Autogenous theory (Archezoa Hypothesis-
Cavalier-Smith 1983) - organelles evolved within the cell by progressive
compartmentalization - Serial endosymbiotic theory (SET (1974-1990))
organelles are the result of successive
8- endosymbiosis generated mitochondria and
Anaerobic-lacking oxygen referring to an
organism, environment or cellular process that
lacks oxygen and may be poisoned by it
Aerobic heterotrophic prokaryote
Aerobic cells use oxygen to release energy from
organic molecules by cellular respiration
Photosynthetic eukaryotic cell
9a larger prokaryote (or perhaps early eukaryote)
engulfed or surrounded a smaller prokaryote
(permanent resident) some 1.5 billion to 700
million years ago
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11- The ancestors of mitochondria and chloroplasts
were once free-living prokaryotes, but they
became incorporated into a host cell, thus
producing what we call today eukaryotes
12Insights from recent results
- Reduce the number of secondary losses of
mitochondrial - Group together many amitochondriate lineages
- Find evidence of very reduced mitochondria
- Mitochondrial monophyly?
- (discoid, flattened, and tubular cristae)
- Reduce the number of secondary endosymbioses
(photosynthetic eukaryote being engulfed by
another eukaryote) - Group together branches with chloroplast
surrounded by four membranes
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14Giardia lamblia trophozoite
A modification of Woese from Brock et al. (1994)
15 Revised
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