Title: The Swedish National Innovation System
1The Swedish National Innovation System
- Major Strengths and Challenges
- Göran Marklund
2Sweden A Part of Europe
Population USA 297 Million EU25 456 Million
Sweden 9 Million Penn. 12.3 Million Mass.
6.4 Million
3World Leading RD Performance
4RD in relation to GSP 2003
5Business Sector RD in Sweden 2001
6World Class Science Performance
7World Class Technology Performance
8Competitive High-Tech Industry
9Technology Based
Development Blocks and Private-Public
Machinery Energy eq.
Motor vehicles
Pharma- ceuticals
Bio- technology
Göran Marklund
10Weak Small Business Performance
11Slow Long-term GDP Growth
12Major Policy Challenges
- New Deregulated World Economy
- New National Development Blocks
- Improved Entrepreneurial Dynamism
- Small Business Innovation and Growth
- Attractivity for FDI in Production and RD
- Investing in Centers-of-Excellence in RD and
13Recent Innovation Policy Initiatives
- National Innovation Strategy
- First in history! General but clear performance
focus - RD Bill
- Substantially Increased Resources From High
Levels - Start-up and SME Policy
- Strengthening and Restructuring of Seed and
Growth Financing - Center-of-Excellence Focus
- RD, Innovation and Growth Catalytic Investment