Title: Golf Queensland
1Golf Queensland
- AGM / Delegates Meeting
- Friday 29 May, 2009
22. Presidents Report
- Presented by Tom Crothers
33. CEO Report
- Presented by Lindsay Ellis
4 Strategic Directions
- Participation and Membership
- Industry Leadership
- Club and District Health
- Talented Player Development
- Governance
- Marketing and Communication
- Regional Service Delivery
- Facilities and Environment
- Revenue Streams
5More People Playing More Golf
- The strategic plans key driver Participation
and Membership will be tackled in four ways - Attracting and introducing people to the game
(either directly or promoting opportunities to
participate through other organisations) - Encouraging social players to take up membership
at a club or play more regularly - Generally promote the game through generic
promotion in order to increase awareness and
highlight the benefits. - Provide information and models to clubs that
might assist in attracting new members and retain
existing members
6Other major challenges
- Working with GA to improve the technical
infrastructure of the game The implementation of
the USGA course rating and handicap systems - Delivering quality tournaments and
- Ensuring opportunities for talented Queensland
players Achieving a sustainable and successful
high performance program.
7INCOMEAdjusted 2009 Budget 1,895,548
8Adjusted Expenditure
94. Game Club Development
- Delegates Meeting
- Friday 29 May, 2009
10Membership Statistics
- Men 60,131
- Women 14,861
- Total 74,992
- Change 2007 - 2008 -0.43
- Refer to page 6 7 of your booklet
11Membership Attrition Research Project
- In support of the 2009 Club Forum program, Golf
Queensland have commissioned the most
comprehensive study of Queensland club membership
trends even undertaken. - Full details of the research project, and a
detailed study of strategies clubs can adopt to
reduce membership attrition rates will be
presented at the Forum. - Survey details released to clubs next week
122009 Club Forum
- 30 - 31 July, Indooroopilly Golf Club
- 137.50 (inc GST)
- Online registration now available
- Presenters include Golf Australia, Jeff Blunden
Advisory Services, Red Tape Busters, PGA, PGAIGI,
Clubs QLD, AGCSA, SCSBDGA, Golf Queensland - Visit www.golfqueensland.org.au/2009-club-forum
13Regional Workshops
- To be undertaken following completion of Club
Forum (30-31 July) - Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Roma
- Dates / Venues TBC with relevant Districts
14Game Club Development
15Game Club Development
16Game Club Development
- Womens Golf Network
- Club Development Program (Rural Remote) - 10K
grant funding closing 31 July - Golf in Four Weeks - delivered to around 2850
students with more work to be done on forging
closer club links - Additional Development Officer jointly funded by
GQ / GNGF - District Development Program - 10K grant funding
closing 31 July - District websites - complete
17Golf Queensland Website
- 52,000 visits in May
- Online registration open
- GQ Quarterly Issue 2
- 100 press releases
- 2,942 email database
185.2 Match Committee
- Presented by Chair Tony Rollins
195.2 Match Committee
- Calendar of Events
- Paysmart Handicap Four-Ball
- State Events not managed by GQ
- Website / Online Entries
- 2010 Australian Interstate Teams Matches
- Womens Events possible review of handicaps
205.2 Match Committee
- Australian Junior Series Alice Springs
- Tournament Support Group
215.3 High Performance Committee
- Presented by Chair - Tricia Harding
225.3 High Performance Committee
- Queensland Academy of Sport
- State Team Series
- Athlete Development
- High performance Support Group
- Stroke Average Events
- Managers Panel
235.4 Technical Committee
- Presented by Barry Shepherd
245.4 Technical Committee
- Rules of Golf
- Rules of Amateur Status
- Course Rating Update
- Handicapping Update
256 Course Rating and Handicap System update
- What has been decided by Golf Australia
- USGA Course Rating System
- USGA Handicap System
- Implementation in Queensland
26What has been decided by Golf Australia
- Adoption of the USGA Course Rating System to
replace the current Australian systems. - Adoption of the USGA Handicap System to replace
the Australian Handicap Systems - Background to the decisions
27USGA Course Rating System
- EFFECTIVE PLAYING LENGTHThe measured length is
to be corrected to the effective playing length
taking into consideration - Roll
- Elevation
- Dogleg / forced layups
- Prevailing Wind
- Altitude
28USGA Course Rating System
- Topography
- Fairway
- Green Target
- Recoverability rough
- Bunkers
- OOB / Extreme Rough
- Water Hazards
- Trees
- Green Surface
- Psychological
29USGA Handicap System
30(No Transcript)
31Implementation in Queensland
- State Trainers
- Course Raters
- Timelines
327. Golf Australia CEO Report
338. Insurance Update
- Presented by Alex McGillivray
349. Amalgamations (CQ NQ)
- Presented by Ron Murphy, Bob Platt
35Item 10 Privately Owned and Corporate Golf
Courses - How should they be positioned?
- Under the GQ Affiliation By-Law, there are three
categories of privately owned courses - Those running competitions for a club made up
of player-clients based at the course - the
owners do not wish to have a formally constituted
and independently run club. - Those who having a formally constituted and
independently run golf club with an appropriate
heads of lease agreement between the owner and
the golf club. - Those courses with no course based club but
wanting to be able to deliver competitions and
handle visiting players handicaps.
36Category 1 and 3 privately owned courses Issues
and Benefits regarding Affiliation
- The players associated with the Category 1 club
do not have any status or process to elect a
delegate or representative. - The owner may choose to act as the delegate or
representative but has no necessity to represent
the client-players. - Their main interest may be commercial advancement
of the course rather then development of the
game. - The main purpose of affiliation for a private
owner in Category 1 may be the same as Category 3
i.e. access to Golf Link and Course Rating. - Some Category 1 clubs do contribute to pennants
competition and many have positive input re
District activities. - Are often professionally managed and are
sustainable businesses. - They pay affiliation fees.
37Questions for consideration
- Should privately owned courses be provided the
same services and rights as a typical Member Club
of a District? - Should a privately owned courses have the right
to vote at District meetings or should they be
placed in a limited or special category of
membership w/o a vote? - Due to their differing interests and
requirements, should privately owned courses be
affiliated directly with Golf Queensland? - Should privately owned courses be affiliated at
all? In this case, the arrangement and fees
might be commercially based rather than the
current rates that are based on affiliation to
not-for-profit organisations.
3811. Affiliation Fees
- Presented by Lindsay Ellis
392009 State Affiliation Fee Comparison (exc GST)
40Qld State Sport Associations -Comparison of
Affiliation Fees (excl GST)
41Affiliation Fees Issues
- The increase in the GA Fee
- Inadequate budgeting by clubs
- Uncertainty regarding the fee estimate process
- The period of notice required
- No GQ by-law
- Should U14s to pay fees?
- Concerns the numbers remitted by clubs are not
accurate and there is no way of auditing the data
42Golf Link Data for Audit
43Affiliation Fees Issues
- The increase in the GA Fee
- Inadequate budgeting by clubs
- Uncertainty regarding the fee estimate process
- The period of notice required
- No GQ by-law
- Need for U14s to pay
- Concerns the numbers remitted by clubs are not
accurate and no way of auditing the data
4412. State Perpetual Trophies
- Submitted by BDLGA
- Presented by Pam Langford
4513. Events for Club Golfers
- Submitted by BDLGA
- Presented by Pam Langford