Title: New TeacherAdvisory Committee Orientation
1New Teacher/Advisory Committee Orientation
- Presentation by
- Robin Harris, CTE Consultant, KSDE
- August, 2007
2What is CTE?
- Career Education and Technical Education
- Dual preparation for postsecondary education and
employment - Not just job preparation but academic and
technical preparation - Increased emphasis on attainment of a technical
skill proficiency, degree, certificate or
3The New CTE
4Kansas CTE Programs
- Agricultural Education
- Business and Computer Technology and Marketing
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Health Science Education
- Technology Education
- Trade and Industrial Education
- ____________________________________
- Pre-collegiate Teacher Preparation
- Project Lead The Way
5Programs are a sequence of classes from 9 - 12.
A program must have an introductory class and
two funded classes at minimum. Classes are
funded onlywithin a program.
6Spirit of the New Perkins Law(Perkins is where
we get Federal funding for our programs)
- Leading CTE into the 21st century
- Program improvement
- Global competition
- Ensuring modern, durable and rigorous CTE programs
7Career Cluster Initiative
- 16 Career Clusters at www.careerclusters.org
- State reports to Federal Level by Career Clusters
- Included in Perkins Act 2006
8This is how students will go through our programs
and into their careersfrom the bottom towards
the top on this chart.
9Program deadlines for KSDE
- Assurances are due by September 20.
- District electronically submits assurances.
- Keep documentation on file at
- local district.
- - Onsite visits occur October- December for 20
of the - approved programs.
10Program deadlines for KSDE
- Add-Delete Forms are due November 15th to
add/delete/change a course in the program. - New Program Applications are due February 15th
for a new program. - Course title changes are due by May 15th.
11CaTE Data Collection
- The Career and Technical Education (CaTE) data
collection system is an on-line system used to
collect and supply accountability data for
federal and state reporting requirements. All
program completers are reported via the CaTE
12Websites that need to be your favorites ?
- www.ksde.org
- www.kcterc.org
- www.k-acte.org
- www.sreb.org
- www.careerclusters.org
13(No Transcript)