Title: ATLAS discovery Potential
1ATLAS discovery Potential
2Higgs to 4 leptons
3 H ? 4m with Rome WS Samples
Process Evt. Recon sXBR(fb)(Generator) EffFILT() Events for 30 fb-1
H ? 4m (m130 GeV) 2.4K () (9.4K/4) 0.865 (3.46/4) () (gg .VBF) No filter 21
ZZ ? 4m 8K (32K/4) 39.7(158.8/4)1.3 (for miss. gg-gtZZ) 21 1200
Zbb with Z?2m 33K (65K/2) 24.6 103(49 103/2) (AcerMC PYTHIA) 1.1 738000 -gt after filter 8100
tt ? WbWb with W?m? 12K (48K/4) 177 103(708 103/4) (MC_at_NLO) 0.83 5310000 -gt after filer 44000
() Statistics and cross section for 4m obtained
by (4lepton values)/4 -Cross sections for signal
taken from ATL-COM-PHYS-2004-062
At least a factor 10 in MC statistics w.r.t. data
is needed (after filter) Zbb -gt 100k tt -gt
500k Full 4 lepton samples need another factor 4
4H -gt ZZ() -gt 4 leptons review
- First step the 4 lepton Pre-Selection
- Select 4 high-Pt leptons with hlt2.5 and 2 with
Ptgt20 GeV (trigger) and 2 with Ptgt7 GeV and with
QTOT0 - Build 2 invariant masses (2 combinations) with
opposite sign leptons - One pair best match Z mass within resolution
M12MZ15GeV - Add a cut on the other pair (dependent on MH)
M34gt20GeV for MH130 GeV - After pre-selection for 30 fb-1 and MH130 GeV
and ZZ-gt4m
Signal (4m only) tt -gt WWbb-gt 4mx Zbb -gt
4mx ZZ-gt 4m
ZZ irreducible Zbb and tt reducible 2
non-isolated leptons coming from heavy flavor
5H -gt ZZ() -gt 4 leptons reducible background
- Second step reduce the reducible
- Identify leptons coming from heavy flavor decays
- Leptons in b-jet ISOLATION -gt additional energy
clusters and/or tracks close to them look in a
cone with aperture DR v(Df2Dh2) 0.2 - Leptons are expected to have large impact
parameter d0ctB0.5mm - For 4m rejections 100 for Zbb and 1000 for tt
achieved with e80
Signal H-gt4m tt -gt WWbb-gt 4lx Zbb -gt 4lx
6H -gt ZZ() -gt 4 leptons sideband technique
- Third step look for a peak in the invariant mass
distribution - Count events in 2s(MH) and compare with BKG
determined from side-bands - Significances 5s achieved combining 4m4e2m2e
masses 130-200 GeV and L30fb-1 With exception
around 170-180 GeV - Error coming from Side-bands technique may be
relevant - statistics and mass shape !
- Not taken into account up to now to be studied
Signal 130 GeV ZZ-gt 2e2m
4m only L30fb-1 MH130 GeV
Signal 4m only ZZ-gt 4m
7H -gt ZZ() -gt 4 leptons sidebands technique
Signal 4m only ZZ-gt 4m
- Few comments on significance and side-bands
technique - Difficult region 170-190 GeV
- lower BR (WW threshold)
- increase in ZZ background (ZZ on shell
production) - May not be straightforward to distinguish the
signal from ZZ there
4m only L30fb-1 MH130 GeV
8Signal ZZ -gt 4l
- reduce the irreducible
- Add to M12 and M34 more discriminating variables
- Higgs has spin0 ZZ longitudinally polarized
while ZZ bkg mainly transverse polarized angular
correlations induced in final state fZZ and q - Higgs expected to be produced with larger PT than
ZZ bkg - To fully exploit correlations combine
discriminating variables with NN Technique - Additional ZZ rejection 2 with efficiency 90
achieved - Significance improved 20
CAVEAT PT for signal and background very
sensitive the higher order QCD correction may be
subject to large uncertainty !
9H -gt ZZ() -gt 4 leptons
- reduce the irreducible
- Mass shape for the background distorted
- Better rejection of the ZZ on-shell background !
- Improvement on expected significance 20
MH130 GeV L30 fb-1 4m only
MH180 GeV L30 fb-1 4m only
10DC1 performance vs TDR
11H -gt ZZ() -gt 4 m
H-gt4m L30fb-1
- Expected discovery potential
- TDR discovery potential wrong 180-200 GeV
- Deterioration in detector performance with
respect TDR NOT understood - Can be recovered thank to additional
discriminating variables and multivariate
12 Single Muon reconstruction performance DC3
Signal Sample (mH130GeV)
13H -gt ZZ() -gt 4 m Recovering efficiency
- Recovering muon efficiency
- In the final ATLAS layout reduced coverage at h0
due to services and at h1.1-1.3 due to staging
of part of the muon stations (EE) - Typical Pm in this mass range 10-50 GeV
resolution dominated by the Inner Detector - Lepton reconstruction efficiency is the most
important element for this channel - Significance S/vB vs(M)vLem2
- Idea recover efficiency accepting muon measured
in the ID but only tagged by m-spectrometer
or/and TILECAL - Work in progress
14H -gt ZZ() -gt 4 leptons Other comments on
sidebands technique
- Comments on side-band technique
- It is assumed that B in the signal region from
side-band fit with negligible error - First exercise perform a fit of S and B assuming
both shapes are known 30 error on background
normalization ! - Another effect not taken into account in
significance estimate the Higgs mass is a free
parameter in the SM we dont know it we need to
open many mass windows (one every 2 GeV) and the
background can fluctuate in any of them
look-where-else effect
H-gt 4 leptons 30fb-1 MH130 GeV
- Detector
- Momentum Resolution detector performance worse
then in TDR for both ID (20) and Muon
Spectrometer (30-40) but origin not completely
understood - Efficiency large differences between two
packages situation in the EC still very MESSY - Possibility to recover efficiency with algorithm
that uses ID Calorimeters/Muon Spectrometer to
tag muons - Situation is even worse with electrons
- Physics
- Quite large samples needed to study Muon/electron
isolation - Still missing complete studies with Pileup
Cavern Background - Use of spin 0 information and large Pt to be
clarified / completed - Important to understand lepton isolation from the
beginning control sample tt-gt l n b jj b