Title: Look Ma! No Hands!
1Look Ma! No Hands!
- Presented by Chris Smith
- Marshall County Information Services
- e-mail csmith_at_co.marshall.ia.us
2Look Ma! No Hands!
Duration 1 hour 15 minutes
During this presentation we will look at some
free and inexpensive tools that could help you
make your computer network more powerful.
You will see samples of real situations where
these tools can be used.
3The Tools - An Introduction
UltraEdit 32
Beyond Compare
4The Tools - An Introduction
Website http//www.kixtart.org/
50.00 per organization should be given to a
selected charity
5The Tools - An Introduction
UltraEdit 32
The text editor
Disk based text editing - supports files in
excess of 4GB, minimum RAM used for
multi-megabyte files 10,000 word spell checker
Syntax highlighting - configurable,
pre-configured for C/C, VB, HTML, Java, and
Webpage- http//www.ultraedit.com/
Cost - Free to try and 35.00 to buy
6The Tools - An Introduction
Beyond Compare
Comparing files and directories
Beyond Compare is a utility for comparing things.
Things like text files, folders, zip archives,
and FTP sites. Use it to manage source code, keep
folders in sync, compare program output, and
validate CD copies. Beyond Compare can create a
snapshot of a live directory structure, and
compare it against the live copy at a later date.
Webpage- http//www.scootersoftware.com/
Cost - 1 - 4 30 per user 5 - 9 17 per user
7The Tools - An Introduction
Editing the registry
When Windows 95 was born the registry suddenly
became very important to us. Many times we have
to go into the registry to see what is going on
behind the scenes.
Cost - Free - Part of your operating system