Title: CPSC333 SENG311: Foundations Principles of SE
1CPSC333 / SENG311 Foundations / Principles of SE
- Software Process Improvement
- (Capability Maturity Model)
- Organization of software development
- Capability Maturity Model
3Organizational software engineering reference
project organization n
project organization l
project goals and characteristics
project management
software system/ product
require- ments
quality assurance
4Experience management
5Capability maturity model
- Organization of software development
- Capability Maturity Model
6Continuous learning
- Record weaknesses based on measurable experiences
- Organizational feedback loop Translate gained
experiences into improved plans for future
7Capability Maturity Model
- Watts S. Humphrey Managing the Software Process,
Addison-Wesley, 1989 (based on his SEI work) - Goals
- Predictable processes
- Higher product quality
- Improved organization
- Stepwise addition of SE-Technology
8CMM Overview
- If you dont know where you are going, any road
will do - If you dont know where you are, a map wont
help - You cant improve what you do not understand
9CMM Preface
- Individuals, Teams, and Armies
- Super Programmers and the Software Process
- Process and Technology A fool with a tool is
still a fool
10Software process improvement
- (1) Understand the current state of the
development process - (2) Develop a vision of the desired process
- (3) Establish a list of required process
improvement actions - (4) Produce a plan to accomplish the required
actions - (5) Commit the resources to execute the plan
- (6) GOTO Step 1
11CMM - Process Maturity Level
Process Control
Process Measurement
Process Definition
Basic Management Control
12Initial Process (Level 1)
- No formalized procedures, cost estimates, project
plans - Tools not uniformly applied
- Change control is lax
- Improvements
- Basic project management controls
- planning, responsibilities, commitments
- Quality assurance
- Change control
13Repeatable Process (Level 2)
- Provides control over the establishment of plans
and commitments - Meet their estimations
- Problem Based on prior experience in doing
similar work - Risks
- new tools and methods
- new kinds of products
- new people
14Repeatable Process Key Actions
- Establish a process group
- Focus improving the process
- full time assignments (size 1-3, more than 4
people) - Establish a software development process
architecture - describes technical and management activities for
proper process execution - task decomposition
- Introduce software engineering methods
15Defined Process (Level 3)
- Foundation for continuing progress
- In a crisis Teams still follow process
- Question How effective is the process?
- No quantitative measures yet
- Key activities
- Basic set of measurements
- Establish a process database and provide
resources to maintain it
16Managed Process (Level 4)
- Problem Costs of gathering data
- enormous number of potentially valuable measures
- precise definitions needed(LOC can vary by a
factor of 100) - Key activities
- support automatic gathering
- analyze data and modify process
17Roles of software measurement
- Estimation
- determine likely resource requirements
- Prediction
- determine likely values of measures
- Assessment
- compare measures to predetermined values
- Comparison
- make decision on tradeoffs
- Investigation
- support or refute hypothesis
18Software metrics
- Project
- used to predict project needs (e.g. staffing,
total effort) - Design
- static state of project at a particular point of
19Lines of Code (LOC)
- Counts the number of lines of code
- Problems
- what is counted?
- Comments?
- Empty lines?
- depends on language, application, developer
- code complexity not reflected
- encourages larger code volume
- does not predict quality nor progress
20OO Application size metrics
- Lorenz, Kidd Object-oriented software metrics,
Prentice Hall, 1994 - Number of use cases
- Number of classes
- Number of key classes
- would a customer consider this class as
important? - discovered early in project
- not UI, communication, exception
- Number of support classes
- indicator for volume of work
- Average number of support classes per key class
- GUI intensive 2-3 x key classes
21Staffing size
- Average person-days per class
- all classes
- Lorenz/Kidd
- C 25-35 days/class
- Smalltalk 2-10 days/class
22Optimizing Process (Level 5)
- Again analyze data to determine possible
improvements - e.g. now data is available to justify the
application of technology to various critical
23Principles of software process change
- Major changes to the software process must start
at the top - Ultimately, everyone must be involved
- Effective change requires a goal and knowledge of
the current process - Periodic reinforcement needed
- Improvement requires investment
24Were Available!
- Questions?
- if you have any questions about contents of this
lecture or other course-related issues, please
come by during our office hours, or send us email - Dr. Joshua MWF, 12-1pm, ICT 548
- joshuar_at_cpsc.ucalgary.ca
- Dr. Walker WF, 1-2pm, ICT 546
- rwalker_at_cpsc.ucalgary.ca